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Station Post # 4 " Love at First Aquistion"

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2024 @ 6:48pm by Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Securing a place on a shuttle bound for Starbase M-69 the Ferengi trader Shep once again planned to rebuild his business adventures.

Upon arrival Shep noticed the changes and the added security features. Given the recent battle with the Assul it was understandable but tucked for a honest business man.ďgy88

Looking about the station for any suckers Shep immediately spotted one that caught his eye. A rather large humanoid like tree creature.

" I say young man do you have the time?" Shep asked of Leaf Brol.

" Yes sir. 1300 hours . Are you lost?" Leaf asked.
" I am . I am.supposed to meet a business associate but he hasn't arrived. Do you know anyone who would want to order items from the Realm? I acquired some magic pixie dust. Makes a great night light."

" No sir. Well I have to get to work. Have a nice day sir." Leaf replied.

" You too cadet." Shep replied but his attention was distracted by another humanoid who had entered his view named Cara Dobbins. Cara had made her wealth by freelancing and initiating contact with alien worlds on behalf of the Ferengi. Why was she so far out here?"

" Cara Dobbins? Welcome to Starbase M-69. I am Shep the Ferengi liaison to this sector." Shep lied.

" Just the person I need to see. I was dispatched here to check on Ferengi interests. Are you in with Commodore Sureth?"

" Very much so..." Shep lied again.
" Then please set me up with a meeting.Snep" Cara replied.

" It's Shep...."



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