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Station Post # 10 "Messier 69 Part 2"

Posted on Mon Dec 23rd, 2024 @ 3:12pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant Commander Croesus Rivers & Lieutenant Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers

Timeline: Concurrent

OOC: Sines system inside Romulan space a sector bordering the Sagitarrius Arm.

Sureth had occupied himself with family matters of late but duty did call. One such duty involved the Messier 69 system, the name sake of the station.

Calling in the master minds of engineering excellence Sureth waited for his engineers and operations officers to arrive for a meeting.

First to arrive was Lt Commander Croesus and Lt Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers from Operations.

" Welcome Commander and Lieutenant. I am glad to meet you both. Captain Deke Rivers was a very close friend of mine. He will be missed." Sureth greeted.

" He liked you too sir. But I know you two had your moments." Croesus joked.

" Well there was his emotional state. Lt Kah’lyn you are also welcome. Tell me about your career? " Sureth replied.

“As you know Sir, I’ve recently arrived from Starbase 400, I’ve also served aboard the Alabama, the Liberty and the Columbus.” Kah’lyn smiled.

" Your skill set is unquestionable Lieutenant. This is a big station and having you aboard is an asset. Commander Croesus I do not understand why you wanted a post here?" Sureth replied.

" I missed my father. I came to be his best man and ended up giving him a funeral. Being here makes me feel closer to him." Croesus replied.

Jessica arrived to where the Commedore wanted her to be she wasn´t the first to arrive. She greeted everyone present. "Hello" she said.

< Moments later >

After Sureth had greeted those in attendance he then began his meeting.

" Starbase M-69 has been around a very long time. It has been refitted,repaired and reconditioned since 2155. Saying that it is time for more major upgrades and that is why I have called for this meeting. Messier 69 is a very active system with a lot of metals and ores to use for this upgrade. We will be having help from automation techniques but prepare for a lot of long days." Sureth stated.

“How long has it been since the Station had an overhaul of the main systems Sir?” Kah’lyn asked Sureth curiously.

Jessica listened to question that had been asked and waited for the Commedore to answer as she herself had no answer to it.

" More than 5 years. We are overdue. This station started out in the M 69 system and has been moved numerous times. Our last move really taxed the hull and integrity and this we need an over haul." Sureth answered.

“This sounds definitively like a huge task to undertake. My Engineering teams will be ready to undertake this job.” Jessica said. “Is there a section on the station that is free or could claimed for duration of the time we need to produce the necessary parts to do the big over haul of the station?” She asked.

“That’s a good question” Kah’lyn looked towards Jessica. “We would need a large area to work in, as well as storage space.”

" We are going to build that complex. We have enough staff and engineers to make it happen. With the addition of both Lt Commander and Lt Rivers I am confident this will happen." Sureth replied.

Kah’lyn nodded. “We’ll most certainly do our best Sir, we won’t let you down.”

Jessica nodded in agreement. “You can count on us, Sir.”

" Thank you all



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