Station Post " Big Steps "
Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 7:25pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Ensign Sovan
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent
John Dallas was mad and confused as he was not allowed back to duty. Instead he now had a Vulcan baby sitter.
For several days now his routine was exercise breakfast, therapy,lunch, therapy, and then home. Stifling for a career officer.
Sovan on the other hand looked at itineraries and seeing John Dallas on schedule planned his day accordingly given the stations heightened alerts.
Tapping Johns door Sovan waited and waited but never heard a response.
" Computer where is Second Lieutenant John Dallas?"
" John this is Sovan. We can conduct this session through the door. If you wish to return to duty soon you will meet me in the shuttle day."
< Shuttle Bay >
A very large shuttle had arrived per Sovan’s order in anticipation to transport Tempest the horse to its new home on the class L planetoid not to far from the station. Lt Myar had just returned having helped build the bio dome and terra farming protocols for the little planet.
Sovan almost smiled as John joined them .
" We are in need of a pilot ." Sovan pointed to the large shuttle.
Pissed but happy to see Tempest John boarded the shuttle. It was more of a bus but splitting hairs was not John's call.
" How did you get permission to let me fly?" John asked.
" I know people" Sovan replied. In the back Tempest neighed as the shuttle lifted off.
< Planetoid M-382457 >
Three engineers stayed on the planetoid to run the systems and would return back when the shuttlebus arrived. It was a wonderful thing they were doing for the horse and for others who would be coming.
" The temperature last night got cold. I hope they have a isolinear preprocessor on that shuttlebus." said one.
" If they don't that horse is going to get mighty cold in that stable at night. " replied the other engineer tech.
A third engineer had returned to the command center and immediately seeing the approach of the shuttlebus quickly illuminated the landing zone lights.
Above John smiled for the first time at seeing the beautiful little domed area.
" This is amazing." John stated.
" Indeed. The engineers have done a lot in a short period of time." Sovan replied.
John landed the bus and after greeting the engineers quickly unloaded Tempest.
" My friend you are home and I will come visit you every chance I can." John promised.
Sovan charted this progress mentally and planned to add it to his notes. John was far from being healed but he was coping and that was a first step.