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Peel Post " Conundrum "

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 8:09pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Commander Croesus Rivers & Lieutenant Salem & Lieutenant Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Starbase M-69 and USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


The USS Peel detects a signal which turns out to be a missing message from the year 2155 at the height of the Earth / Romulan war. Per Starfleet protocol no intervention of the time line is permitted but now the crew of the station and USS Peel have to make a decision that could effect history.


Sureth quickly ended his meeting with engineering and operations and joined Captain Shauna Callaghan on the command deck.

" Lieutenant Sayvek has updated me on his findings. Captain Callaghan are you still in contact with Admiral Elliott's signal?" Sureth asked.

“We are Sir” Shauna nodded. “The Admiral is requesting help.”

Lieutenant Commander Croesus looked over to Kah’lyn in a professional capacity.
" First day on the job and it has to be something big."

“That’s always the way it goes” Kah’lyn smiled. “It’s nothing we can’t cope with.”

< Peel >

O'Connell sat in his ready room finishing up some things, one of which was having Lieutenant J.G. Sayvek permanently transferred to the Ship, when his comm went off "Captain, I just received a call from the Base, Commodore Sureth is requesting your presence in Ops" the Communication officer informed him.

"Let the Commodore know I'm on my way, O'Connell out" rising from his seat Jamie figured it must be important; not to mention maybe he have a chance to see Shauna again. Walking onto the Bridge he walked over to Angel "Commander I'm wanted at Ops on the Base so the Peel is yours until I return" Jamie ordered.

Standing, and in a low voice "Hope it's nothing too serious. Captain, you go do what needs to be done and I'll mind the store in your absence" Angel commented with a grin. Jamie smiled....gave her a nod then was on his way.

< M-69 >

Walking into Ops Captain O'Connell walked up to Command "Commodore, Captain, what can I do for you" he inquired curious as to why he'd been called to Ops.

" Captain O'Connell...we have a delicate situation upon us. A mystery even. Your new science officer detected a very old signal . Only to find out it is an active signal apparently available to us from a temporal rift inside the ION Storm that passed through here a while ago. I want the Peel to investigate the rift and determine what's going on. If it is real we may have opportunity to study a great mystery that occurred before we were a Federation. " Sureth stated.

O'Connell was both surprised and intrigued by Sureth's order knowing this was not only important but could have a great historical impact for the Federation "As you wish Commodore; the Peel will leave within the hour" Jamie replied then walked a little ways away as he tapped his Comm "Commander Devroe, we have an urgent mission. Please make sure everyone is back aboard and get the Ship ready for departure within the hour. I'll be back aboard soon."

"Understood Captain, awaiting your return, Devroe out."

“Looks like you’re leaving earlier than planned” Shauna offered a smile. “Be careful Captain.”

"Looks like it...and I'm always careful" then Jamie lowered his voice "Sorry Captain looks like we'll have to raincheck that tour; my apologies" hoping she'd be ok knowing this could happen on occasion.

“I understand” Shauna offered a warmer smile. “When you’re back you can show me around.”

With a grin "You can count on it" just before walking a little ways away tapping his comm "Peel, this is the Captain, I'm ready to return" as he disappeared in a stream of light.

" Shauna perhaps you should go with them? Admiral Elliott seemed at ease with your voice." Sureth then added.

“Are you sure Sir?” Shauna offered Sureth a smile. “Never mind, of course you are.” She looked around. “Inform Captain O’Connell I’ll be beaming aboard shortly.” With that she nodded and headed for the transporter room.

< Peel >

As soon as the Captain beamed back aboard he hustled to the Bridge, knowing that his Number One had everything well in hand, to get ready for departure from M-69. Walking back onto the Bridge "Report Commander" he stated with a smile making his way to the captain's chair.

Angel stood facing her Captain "All Crew are present and accounted for Sir.....the Peel is ready to depart on your command Captain" she replied before sitting in the XO's seat.

But before O'Connell could give an order, the Communications Officer spoke up "Captain we just received word from the Base, Captain Callaghan will be beaming aboard Sir" she informed command.

Jamie looked at Angel "Ok....I certainly wasn't expecting that" he stated "I guess I better go and greet our guest then."

Angel just grinned "I thought you might. I'll get us underway while you're busy with the Captain" she replied happy to see Jamie having an outside interest away from the Ship.

The Captain gave his Number One a look knowing what she meant by her comment; thinking he may as well get used to the fact that eventually his Crew would figure it out as well "Yes, please get us underway and I won't be long."

Jamie walked into the Transporter Room just as Shauna materialized on the pad "Captain Callaghan welcome aboard the USS Peel" he stated with a smile both surprised and happy to see her all at the same time.

Shauna smiled. “Looks like I might get the tour after all Captain. Commodore Sureth wants me to go on this mission with you.”

Jamie smiled "Yes it would appear that way and it's nice having you aboard Shauna" Jamie commented in a low voice "All right then let's get to the Bridge" as they approached a lift he gestured for her to go first "Deck 1, Bridge."

Moments later the doors swooshed open as the Captains exited the lift then O'Connell stated "Crew for those of you who haven't served on the Base, this is Captain Shauna Callaghan, First Officer of M-69.Then looking at Shauna "Let me make some introductions. This is Commander Angel Devroe my First Officer, Lieutenant Maria SanChez. Tactical/Security Chief, Lieutenant Johan Albo, Operations, and I believe you already know Lieutenant Sayvek our new Science Chief.

“It’s nice to meet you all” Shauna nodded to each in turn as she was introduced.

Ltjg Sayvek perked upon seeing his old Captain as well.

" Captain's plural another message has been intercepted from the storm. Apparently the Admiral ship is under attack."

Shauna offered a nod of her head, and a smile. “Thank you Sayvek.”

Taking his seat, and gesturing for Captain Callaghan to take the seat to his left, O'Connell got back to the business at hand "Helm get us closer to that storm but keep us a safe distance away, warp two. When we're in position....full stop."

"Aye Captain" Ensign Hanes replied.

"Lieutenant SanChez keep an eye out for any Romulan Warbirds.....Lieutenant Sayvek keep me apprised of communications coming from the storm" came the order.

"As you wish Captain" Maria replied watching her screens very carefully.

Static filled Sayvek's ear piece as he observed and adjusted the translators to detect even the slightest of sounds or signals.

" Captain I have a lock on the signal and temporal anomalies. Scanning no vessels in the area." Sayvek added.

Shauna was keeping a watchful eye from where she sat. “I just wish I knew what we’re supposed to do, we can’t just leap in and change the timeline. Everything has to happen as it did back then.”

Commander Devroe spoke up "I agree Captain Callaghan, we shouldn't tamper with the timeline; there could be unforeseen repercussions to our own" then Angel paused "Wouldn't the Prime Directive come into play here" she inquired.

Thinking for a few moments "I agree with you far as the Prime Directive in this could argue this is a grey area since it primarily referred to pre-warp civilizations" O'Connell stated then continued "At the very least we need to record everything that happens and is said for history's sake."

" If this is legitimate the Prime Directive would only apply here . In 2155 the Prime Directive did not exist. Not until 2220." Sayvek reported.

“In that case let’s be extra cautious, even the smallest thing could change who knows what” Shauna offered.

Jamie thought for a moment "I agree, we can't take the risk of changing our futures. The best thing we can do is record everything that happens for histories sake. Whatever happened to the Admiral and his ship will be recorded but we can not interfere Prime Directive or not.

< The other side >

The Bonaventure managed to disable the pursuing vessel and turned itself around to head back to Messier 69. Along this return Admiral James Elliott observed the large energy vortex that seemed to follow the Bonaventure.

" Boost speed and head away from what ever the hell that is helm." ordered Elliott

" Its some sort of energy storm Sir and its gaining on us" Helm replied.

" I hope this damn ablative armor holds. Turn us into the storm. We need to conserve power."

" Aye aye sir."

< Peel >

Captain O'Connell stood "Computer record all messages coming from within the Ion storm and any accompanying information therein" then addressing his Crew "Whether any of you agree with us or not.....understand this....we cannot and will not interfere with whatever's about to transpire....the consequences could be catastrophic " he concluded before turning to Angel "Commander you have the Con" he ordered then left the Bridge for a few minutes to clear his head.

Shauna paused before following on behind Jamie, she wanted to make sure he was alright. “Mind if I join you?” She offered an understanding smile as she looked at him.

Hearing a familiar voice brought Jamie back from being deep in thought "Please by all means" he replied with a smile "I'm so glad you're here" then he sighed happy to have another Captain aboard "This situation goes against everything that Star Fleet has taught me over the years; every fiber of my being tells me to assist the Admiral" then Jamie paused a moment "I know that can not happen; it may very well contaminate our own timeline." Looking into Shauna's beautiful eyes " Please tell me I'm making the right decision."

"Of course you are" Shauna added with an understanding smile. "As Starfleet Officers we've been trained to help those in need, but there comes a time when we can't do that. To be honest I wish we could help, but we can't.

< Bridge >

Lt Sayvek scanned the anomaly and made a resounding discovery.

" Commander Devroe recent scans make it clear that any ship from that era would suffer numerous hull damage if it enters the anomaly. Ablative armour alone is not sufficient to with stand the Temporal strains. The Peels shields could enter but the Bonaventure would fold up."

"Thank you Lieutenant" Angel replied then stood contemplating the information "Helm plot a course for the anomali then wait for my order."

"Aye Commander, course plotted in awaiting your order" Ensign Hanes responded.

Moments later Captain O'Connell returned to the Bridge feeling much more grounded after his conversation with Shauna "Number One report" he ordered while taking his seat.

"Captain, Mr. Sayvek has discovered a way into the anomaly and our shields would protect us from the temporal stresses" Angel concluded then continued "Perhaps we could have a better understanding of what happened all those years ago. Helm has the course plotted in and awaiting my order."

Looking at Angel "Thank you Commander. Mr.Sayvek scan inside the anomaly, is there a place where we had hide the Ship; behind a close planet or moon" Jamie inquired.

Sayvek looked intrigued " Using the ships shields and given the old sensors from that era we could essentially slip past them and not even have a cloaking device. Are we going in to document the event or are we planning on interaction with Admiral Elliott?"

Captain O'Connell thought for a brief moment "We'll document the situation for now. Captain Callaghan was sent on this mission with us since the Admiral seemed to be more at ease talking to her; so we'll see how it goes.....but we still not interfere with his timeline" he explained "Helm take us half impulse. Once we get within one thousand kilometers of the Bonaventure, come to a full stop."

"As you wish Captain.....entering half impulse" then a few minutes later "Full stop Captain" Ensign Hanes stated.

"Tactical, Science keep us apprised of the situation" O'Connell ordered then returned to his chair and sat while watching the view screen intently as history was about to unfold.

The anomaly opened like an unfolding book page followed by the spectral effects of a worm hole that changed into a funnelling drain.

The USS Peel was no longer home and emerged larger than life over the small 22nd century Bonaventure .

" Captain we have cleared the anomaly. The Bonaventure is still 12,000 kilometers out. We are not being scanned." Sayvek said as he looked to Tactical for confirmation.

"Mr Sayvek is correct Captain " Maria confirmed with some assurance.

"No sense of pressing our luck. Helm full stop. Let's see how this unfolds" O'Connell ordered not really liking being in this situation but of course orders are orders.

Shauna nodded as she looked at Jamie, there was little else they could do but watch the outcome.

< Bonaventure >

James looked around his bridge as he appeared to be prepared to be sucked in but the anomaly seemed to have other plans as the Bonaventure lost a forward momentum.

" Maximum thrust to port and kick it helm" James yelled as he took advantage of the calm.

" Admiral the storm seems to have lost its force for a moment. We are no longer being pulled into its path." helm replied.

" Contact the station and see if our friends are back." Elliott ordered.

" Yes sir."

John watched the main viewer and the stars driving by. At Maximum Impulse they would be back at the station in a few hours.

< Athena >

Ltjg Sayvek looked to Lt Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers for an observation.
" Lieutenant Rivers I have been scanning the anomaly the Peel just entered? Sensors show the aperture is closing and is now to small for them to go back through. Do you concer?"

Kah'lyn looked at her readouts. "I concur Sayvek."



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