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Station Post # 17 The After Life

Posted on Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 2:53pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Croesus Rivers & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Salem
Edited on on Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 2:54pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



With Captain Callaghan on away mission Sureth returned to OPS COMMAND to monitor the situation.

“Let’s just hope the USS Peel’s crew don’t come up against any problems” Kah’lyn offered as she stood at her station. “Any changes to the timeline could have unforeseen repercussions.”

" I know that more than anyone. Dad came from 2295 originally. His ship was a prototype that engaged the Klingons and created a temporal vortex inside the Amenous Nebula. He tried 3 times to go home but never found a way back so he stayed and recreated himself here. He had a twin brother named Jess he always missed." Croesus replied.

" Sorry to intrude sir but we are monitoring the Peel. They have trajectory to the Anomali." Lt Salem reported.

" Good monitoring Salem. Kah’lyn take the tactical station and scan for any cloaked vessels." Croesus asked.

“Me?” Kah’lyn nodded as she swapped stations. “Scanning...Nothing so far Sir.”

Nora entered OPS and took her station. " How can I be of assistance," she asked openly. It's rare for her to be in OPS as she usually stays in her little corner in Engineering.

Commodore Sureth then entered from his ready room.

" Commander Ejo maintain power to the subspace antenna.
Report Commander Rivers."

Nora tapped away at her counsel. “All set, Sir.” She said as she kept a close a close eye maintaining the energy flow to the antenna.

" The Peel has engaged the anomali. They have not detected any unusual vessels." Croesus replied

" Have the Athena placed on alert should we need to assist them." Sureth added.

" Will do Commodore." Croesus replied. " Kah’lyn send Lt Commander Wallace the orders for alert." Croesus delegated.

“Aye Sir” Kah’lyn nodded. “Ops to Commander Wallace.”

David rolled over in his bunk slamming his hand into the commbadge on the night table, "Wallace." he groaned out hoping this wasn't some drill.

Sureth then went back to Tactical and Kah’lyn.

" Begin intermediate tachycardia scans in case any cloaked vessels exit that anomali. They shouldn't have cloak yet but one can never tell."

< David's Room>

“Apologies for disturbing you Commander” Kah’lyn offered apologetically. “The Athena has been placed on alert.”

"Alright...." David rolled over "Computer notify Athena crew of alert." he said as he rolled out of bed pulling on a uniform shirt.

"Ops this is Wallace I'm going to need to borrow someone for tactical." he said as he looked at his status board.

< Ops >

Croesus smiled as he looked at his wife.
" Want to go with the Athena?"

Kah’lyn offered a nod of her head. “I would love to!”

" If you should encounter anyone from the other side under no circumstances reveal you are Romulan. Humanoids from that era have never met a Romulan." Sureth warned.

“Of course Sir, if needs be I can have my ears altered by medical to hide that fact” Kah’lyn smiled.

" Not necessarily Lieutenant. They know Vulcan's they just didn't like them." Sureth replied.

David walked to the gangway, "We'll deal with things as they come up, can we get under way here?" he said not hiding the annoyance "This region of space isn't known for this kind of thing to happen, I'm tossing out the idea this is artificial."

“No doubt we’ll find out Sir” Kah’lyn offered as she moved to join Wallace.



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