STATION: A Well-Earned R&R
Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 1:37am by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: SS Harbinger
Timeline: Current
Fleet Captain Ro Green, having taken a leave from duty, was now aboard the SS Harbinger. She had decided to travel to Earth with Captain Taavis. Not a Starfleet captain any longer, but a free-trader captain. So, making this trip was a change from the norm for her, too. They both sat back in the sofa lounge area, a bottle of Romulan ale opened as they both sipped from their frosted mugs. The booze affected Taavis, but not too quickly given her biology, but for Green, it was for flavor only. Alcohol did nothing for her since it was, by definition, a toxin. But, the flavor of RA had always been a favorite so when Taavis had offered she said yes. Before leaving, Green had asked Lasso to oversee the offices of the Fleet Captain, leaving him an itinerary of directives to follow. He readily accepted.
Green had been sat down, leaning way back on her end of the couch, her legs up on the coffee table and crossed at the ankles, her eyes taking in the extravagant decorations and architecture within this personal vessel. It made her think of the YT-1300 tramp freighters in the Pallean Galaxy, though much more high-end. "This is a really nice ship. Comfy, warm, your personal deco making it that much better. Quite the design."
Taavis matched her guest in stance, also leaning back with ankles crossed and feet on the table. Both of them were freshly scrubbed, having showered and scrub dried their hair before brushing it out and sitting down for a drink. The fragrances of their particular body washes wafting over the other person's olfactory senses. They both wore panties and a satin bath robe and nothing else. "Harbinger is one-of-a-kind. Took a lot of convincing to keep Family Tovan from keeping the schematics for Romulan use, but they eventually relented. After all, I have sisters in high places."
Green grinned around her mug, sipping as she did so. "Always nice to have important connections. My dad is Admiral Aaron Stone. So, yeah, I get that."
"Really? Hmm." Taavis had not known that. It was now filed away in her brain as a note of import. "Is he your father, or your 'dad'?"
"My dad," Ro admitted. "My father died an ugly death at the hands of pirates on Rigo IV, the colony where I grew up. I ended up living feral for a few years on my own. Even back then I was determined to win at everything I did. Luckily, a Starfleet vessel showed up one day to check on the independent colony and found it in ruins. Lieutenant Aaron Stone spotted me in the woods as I watched them and chased me down. After gaining my trust at the moment, and bringing me around the others, we sat around a camp fire and I told the story of how the colony was raided and everyone slaughtered, including my parents."
Taavis, being a Vulcan/Romulan, knew all too well the feral child tales. She herself had never had to undergo such a life, but the tales of Hellguard were forever burned into her brain, having heard the horror stories from both of her ancestry; Vulcans and their logical approach, and the Romulans and their gloating. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sure it marred your ability to get along with other children your age." Despite the topic of conversation, Green looking to be totally calm with it all, Taavis stole some glances her way. Satin was notorious for forming over bodies when sitting a certain way, and it was not going to disappoint this time, either. Not so much Ro's legs, which were open to view from the feet up to mid thigh as she sat, but the chest area. The material had lay over her steamy skin just right, adhering to her breasts in a most erotic image. Taavis had only ever had a few relations with the same sex, all in the service to play a role, but she was never completely opposed to a little roll in the scratcher with another woman from time to time.
Green kept speaking calmly and casually about things she had not thought of for some time now. Taavis had asked so she freely gave the information over. Not state secrets by any means, and nothing that could hurt her if it ever got out, just being honest. As they continued to talk about various things Green could sense a heightened sexual air about them. She used the Force to remain stoic and giving nothing away in her knowledge of the feelings. It had been quite a while since she had had a sexual encounter with anyone. Not since her twins had died some years ago in an unfortunate accident. Something to consider while on this trip, she thought.
Just then, Rollo and Cosmo, the two droids Green had created, came in from the other parts of the ship. Cosmo blathered away in draoid speak, and Rollo spoke through a vocabulator unit Taavis had asked for, so she could understand him without looking at an armband. After Cosmo blew himself out with whatever he was saying, Green smiled at him. Rollo had been given to Taavis as a gift and companion, to aid her in her Intel work for the UFP. But, she was looking at Cosmo just now. "You don't say. Well, little buddy, we should look into that. Did you show Rollo the plans for the T65AC4?" Cosmo made a droid sound that came out as "yep". "And, what did he think?"
"Superb design, Mistress Green. Cosmo and I could easily build a prototype if we had the proper resources. Given your permissions, of course, ladies."
The two gals looked at each other and giggled, their smiles genuine as the two droids acted like their children looking for praise and attention. "I have no issue with that, except where it would be built need to be considered. No outside peeking would be ideal."
"I agree," Taavis said. "I do know of a colony in the Fringe. I'm sure that if we help them with some things they would gladly provide us a hangar for research and development." She wagged her browse at Green. "A world that is mainly tropical, with vast oceans and archipelagos for continents. Quite beautiful."
"You mean I can finally own a beach house? A real, sand in my toes, beach house? Pfft!" Green giggle some more. "Count me in. Set that shit up, girl."
Taavis liked how Green's eyes and face lit up at the mention of the sea. It made her that much more attractive. Plus, Taavis had an affinity for the ocean, as well, and the oceans of Earth and Romulus were both beautiful and pristine. "I'll make some calls over the next few days, see what we can establish. They'll want to meet you, of course. They don't let just anyone lay claim to property on their world, and they don't want a mad rush of settlers trying to build cities and ruin what they have."
Ro could fully understand that. Humanoids were often careless when it game to ecosystems and being careless with their garbage and environmental toxins. As long as they were comfortable, to blazes with safeguarding nature. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I like small populace, ocean breezes, sunshine, and my arse getting tanned." She gave a crooked smile to Taavis, and feeling playful, gave her a saucy wink. She wanted to know if what she had sensed earlier had been real, or imagined. It wasn't like Ro herself wasn't interested in Taavis, so better to be safe and not commit some faux pas.
Taavis kept her face Vulcan/Romulan neutral, and the ale was working its magic on her inhibitions. As it was designed to do. Taking up the bottle she moved around a bit and poured more into her mug first, then more into Green's. Setting the bottle back on the table she thenleaned back into the couch, more on her right side as she curled her legs up and leaned her right side into the cushion. Ro did the same thing, to face her, using her left side to lean. "I get to buy the bikinis. If I do, you wear what I buy you. Make that deal, right here righ now, and I will get you a prime plot of beach front with plenty of natural fruits and vegetables you can pick yourself. Deal?"
Green gave a big smile, imbuing it with a bit of lasciviousness. "I can handle that. I mean, if it's simply too tiny, I'll just go naked."
"Done!" Taavis said, smiling and laughing as she announced that. "Nice, I can save some latinum, then." More giggles even as her eyes remained locked onto Ro's over the rim of her glass. There was interest there, more from the ale now than herself, but she too was interested more than ever. It seemed that Captain Green was quite the flirt outside of duty. ~I'll take that~ Taavis thought to herself.
It was now a surety that Taavis was interested, and Ro had to admit to herself, she was too. However, last she knew Taavis and Lasso had something going on and she would not be a 'homewrecker', per se. She could feel her body getting warm and tingly at the idea of lying next to that sexy, healthy Vulcanoid body. Calling on the Force and a bit of control she was able to rein that in and get herself under control. "Not the first beach I've been to in the buff. It's how I met the father of my twins. They were on a tropical island on a world, being scientists, and doing their research. Dwight was a biologist, and was really into marine bilogy in the crystal clear ocean waters. And, as luck would have it, all the scientists turned their camp into a nudist colony." She luaghed at the memory. "It was quite the sight. Normally egghead types all streaking around the beach and jungle to collect samples. There was no sexual tension since they were letting it all hang out, anyway, and it made for a better working environment." Another giggle as a few memories ran through her head as she told the story. "I am seeking a planet just like that for the Meji Order. To establish a Meji temple and Academy."
"Tell me more about the Order. I really want to hear about it." Taavis asking for that got them started on a whole new conversation, and any frivolous feelings and sensations were quickly forgotten as Green laid out what it was all about, with Taavis riveted on every word. The trip to Earth could afford her plenty of time to learn from the source about this Meji Order.