NAZGUL: CO Maintenance
Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 4:18am by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current
COmmander Sean Loewen, Captain of the USS Nazgul, arrived with his party of wounded officers at Sickbay. They all entered, allowing the CO to go in first. Sickbay was rushed but not busy, seeing as how most of the injuries were bumps and bruises from people being tossed around, or simply passing out and bouncing off things while collapsing, or even bouncing off the floor as they landed. It was a small mob of customers within, but not too crowded. A man in blue, an ensign, came over to let them know they would be seen in good time and to please have a seat next to others on the biobeds around the infirmary. Of course, Sean was told he could go on through, even as he was looking around for Len. They were both aware that the crew knew there was something between them but no one said anything and neither of them really spoke about their relations to others. Basically, it was no one's business but their own. Either he was worse than he felt as his eyes could not find his lover or, she was squirreled away somewhere helping a patient and was blocked from sight. So, deciding to stand against a stanchion in the middle of the medical bay, his back to it, Loewen waited patiently as his eyes took in the professionalism of his Medical department.
Len stepped into the main Sickbay area from a side room. She had just finished with a patient and was about to call another when she noticed Sean. She walked up to him, noticed the blood on his head. "What happened to you?" She said with her southern accent coming out more when she is concerned.
Loewen grinned, not only at her concern, but also the southern drawl. "I got tossed across the Bridge, Doctor. Would have been worse had I not avoided the helm console. But, brought down those wounded on the Bridge so I could receive some care. Number One insisted." He arched his eyebrows humorously, waiting for her response.
Len nodded, "As she should have." She motioned for him to follow her to a free biobed.
Sean gave a nodding grin, following her to the corner biobed currently unoccupied. He pushed himself up with his arms to sit atop it. "Bashed my head on the rail, and in so doing, jarred my neck, Len. While moving around I felt what may have been signs of a concussion. I hope it's mild because I need to get back." His playfulness was receding and being replaced with his new 'captain' armor.
Len grabbed the tricorder off of the tray near the biobed and scanned him. Reading the scans, she nodded to him. "You have a mild concussion, a laceration on head and a pulled muscle in your neck." She grabbed a vial of medication and inserted it into a hypospray, then pressed in into his neck. "That should take care of your neck for the time being." She puts the hypospray down and grabbed a dermal regenerationator for the laceration on his head. She gently moved his head with her fingers before applying the regenerationator.
Loewen let her do her thing, enjoying the tactile sensation of her touch. It was not for any form of sexual gratification, but simply enjoying her medically trained hands doing what they were best at; ministering to patients. His chest filled with pride as he considered that out of all the fellas she could have been with she had chose to be with him. She just made him feel both wanted and needed, and that was a rare thing. His neck was already feeling perfectly fine while these thoughts swam through his head for a minute. "Got anything for concussion symptoms, Lucky? I don't want to hurl up lunch or get vertigo while on the Bridge." He grinned and chuckled. "Sheyla would have a conniption fit." That mental image made him chuckle again.
Len finished with the laceration and let go of his face, "Yes Flyboy, I have something that can take care of the symptoms of a concussion." She said with a smile, before grabbing a different medication vial and inserted it into the hypospray. She applied the hypospray to his neck again and said, "That should take care of the nausea and lower the change of getting vertigo."
"Thanks, babe." Loewen looked passed her, over her shoulders, to see if anyone was close enough to hear low tone words. No one seemed close enough, and those that were fairly close were involved in their own conversations with fellow crew. His eyes went back to Holbrook's. "Len, I'm not going to sugarcoat. Just between you and I, we're in a bad spot right now. It's going to take some serious thinking to get us back to where we need to be. But," he took hold of one of her hands, using her own body to block the clasping from the view of others. "I will get us home. If the crew asks me then I will tell them the truth. I just ask that you play it down, as if I never said anything to you. Can you help me out here?" His expression denoted pleading in his eyes.
Len looked into his eyes and nodded, her thumb rubbing his fingers. "I can do that. Most of the crew only talk to me about medical things in general or hide from me because I'm the Doctor."
A portion of Sean's tension immediately evaporated when Len made the comment about crew hiding from her because she was the Doctor. He chuckled and smiled shaking his head cynically as he stood up. "Have I ever told you you're the best?" He did a tongue in cheek to show she had easily assuaged some of his tension simply by being herself.
Len smiled and said softly, "Sean, you will get us home. Trust yourself and your crew." She tighten her fingers around his before letting go.
For his part, Loewen put an arm around her shoulder in a slight half hug, kissing the side of her head above her ear. Some would see it as a show of affection to a loved one, others a show of affection to a dear friend. To those in the know, they knew exactly what it was and said nothing, or even made eyes or faces to denote the relationship. "Appreciate the healing, Doctor." He patted her shoulder before unwrapping his arm from her and stepping away. "Let's get back to work as soon as possible, people. The Nazgul needs us." Once the Sickbay mob began to move about Sean stole a moment to look over at Len, give her a wink, and then depart. Once in the corridor he made his way back to the ladder well. The climb down would be cake walk compared to climbing back up. Glancing around and seeing no one, Loewen spoke softly to himself. "Time to hit the gym more often, Captain." He began to ascend one deck at a time.
Len smiled at the wink before heading to take back the next patient.
Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul
Commander Sean Loewen
Commanding Officer
USS Nazgul