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Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 5:26am by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD}

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Loewen returned to the Bridge, his brow shiny with a bit of sweat and breathing a bit heavy due to exerting himself on the climb up. "Okay...whew." He bent a moment at the waist, placing hands on knees to catch a few good breaths, then stood up tall.

Sheyla and the others on the Bridge all looked his way, except for T'Pri, keeping her eyes locked on her monitors, both solid ones and holographic. She had a dozen screens up and her eyes danced around to all of them. Sheyla, however, gave a grin and walked over to her CO. "Hell of a climb isn't it?"

"You can say that again." Sean's breathing was settling down now and his brow was not perspiring further.

Sheyla did as he said. "Hell of a..."


"Yes, Captain?" She sounded so innocent.

"Not now, please." Loewen instructed, a bit of playing along, but more to say he was not in the mood.

Number One adjusted her internal stance immediately. "Of course, Captain. Apologies."

Loewen waved it off. "Where are we?"

"Not much further than when you left, Sir." Sheyla explained. Resch and his teams are installing portable generators to the primary battery compartments. With that done they can stay charged and, in turn, recharge the secondaries at the same time."

"Good thinking."

"Thank you," she said, then continued. "T'Pri is running passive scans since active sensors would..."

"...deplete power much quicker." Sean finished that portion of her thought. He gave her a wry expression. "I may have been helm but I am also a trained OPS officer. I know how things work for the most part."

"Got it, Sir." Sheyla said. "I'll try and remember that for future reports." There was a bite to her words; clipped, even, as if she was miffed by his interruption.

"Is there a problem, Number One?" Sean was genuinely concerned. Had he overstepped by being too pushy; too over-the-top?

"Yes, there is, Captain." Sheyla kept her tone low and just between them. "You asked for an update, a report. When I gave it to you, you simply came back at me with how much you understand. This is my job aboard this ship, Captain. If how I conduct my reports bothers you then perhaps you should find another officer to take over." Her antennae were tall and straight, bent slightly towards one another and pointing forward, as well. The Andorian sign for being pissed off even when they can control it.

Realizing he had overstepped in his sarcasm, Loewen let a breath out through his nose before responding calmly. "You're right, Commander. My apologies. In the future I will adjust my way of speaking. This is new to me, so I just ask for patience." He decided to throw a playful jab out to see if he could wrangle in her bad mood. "I know it's tough for Andorians to be patient but I have faith in you."

"If I thought I wouldn't get thrown in the brig I'd punch your smarmy face right now," Sheyla said with a grin. "Okay, you got me. Now, shall I continue?"

"Please," he answered.

"As I was saying," Sheyla continued her report. "T'Pri is using passive scans to try and glean any information from outside the ship. So far, she has been quiet and focused. During our chat she did freeze up in thought and had to pull herself out of it to continue talking. Whatever her idea was she has been hard at it since."

"Thanks, Sheyla, I mean it." Sean reached up and squeezed her upper left arm like a good friend should. "I chose you for a reason. No matter how I may act just know that I trust you implicitly. I'll be in the Ready Room should anything come up. I'm going to try and establish communications with M-69, or anyone else who can hear us."

"Good thinking, Sir." Said Sheyla. "If nothing else we can let folks know where we are."

"My thoughts exactly. You have the Bridge, Commander." Loewen turned and left the command deck.



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