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NAZGUL: Engineering

Posted on Mon Mar 3rd, 2025 @ 12:20am by Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Bob Covenant

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


As per his orders, Lieutenant Resch had gone below and gathered together his Security people. There would be four three-person teams, each dedicated to getting a portable power generator to the primary battery compartments. Each team would then install the generator to the battery banks, feeding them power to recharge so that the ship would not lose what little power it had. Everyone involved, Griff could tell, were fully on board with using grav carts to move the generators around the ship since neither the turbolifts or transporters could be used at this time.

Getting down to the main engineering deck, Resch rounded a bend and saw Bob Covenant. He remembered the Captain directing Covenant to come down and aid Ejo with getting the fusion reactors back up and running. "Hey, Bob." Griffon approached the man, seeing he had been heading to the same destination; Engineering. "Mind if I walk with you?"

" By all means Lieutenant. " .Bob replied.

Griffon got in beside the man and made the short jaunt around to main engineering. Stepping within the chamber they could see Nora Ejo at the 'pool table' looking at a bird's eye schematic of Nazgul, with many a section lit up in red due to lack of power. Resch decided to open the conversation. "Commander Ejo, can we have a minute?"

"Of course Lt. Resch" Nora answered while looking at the schematics of the Nazgul. She was mentally scratching her head while working on the fusion reactors. She felt like a doctor being in a difficult operation.

"Thanks," Resch added. "We've been charged with doing what we can to aid in keeping our power going." His hand went back and forth to motion at himself and Covenant. "Bob was sent to aid you, and I'm going to be setting up portable power generators in battery compartments to keep them charged. So, for my duties, do you need any generators brought to engineering from emergency storage?"

Before Ejo could respond an unfamiliar voice came through the speakers. "Kudo to Engineering."

Resch almost responded, but this was not his department so he bit down and waited.

"Engineering here." Nora Responded, waiting for the response on the other end.
While also thinking about the question of Lt. Resch that was lingering in the back of her head. In her mind she had already the answer for his question at hand.

Kudo began to explain. "I know you're busy, Commander, so I'll be brief. I have landed a Delta on the primary hull to afford Nazgul impulse drive. It's not much but it's working. Aside from that, I have a team bringing power conduits from the ship's interior to the Delta, where I will connect them and have my man connect the internals to the secondary auxiliary power grid within the ship. It won't be full aux power, but it will provide you with sufficient aux power for all systems to function. Transporters, lifts, you name it. Since I did forget to introduce myself I am Lieutenant Ken Kudo, Flight Control Chief and an OPS officer. I just want to be sure, Commander, that you are okay with this makeshift power distribution." Ken stopped speaking and waited.

Bob Covenant was impressed and a little miffed he hadn't thought of the out of the box ideas. Non the less he definitely knew how to make generators work and would run with that..

Griffon Resch simply stood there waiting for Ejo to respond to Lieutenant Kudo. The new Helm chief had come aboard during the last rotation, starting as a junior officer before Number One had elevated him to FC Chief. He was a bit miffed at himself for not getting to know the man sooner since it was obvious Kudo used unconventional methods to solve conventional problems.

" The power conduits are holding. " Bob said checking the power readings.

Griffon stepped up next to Covenant, looking at the readouts. "I'll be damned, it's working." Even as Resch said that the lights within engineering fluttered and then became standard lighting at a constant illumination. The first sign that minimum auxiliary power was now operating, even if it was a jump being given by a Delta Flyer. Looks like the batteries can recharge, now. No need for portable generators." He gave Bob a friendly slap to his back in a moment of joy, a friendly light smack meant for both of them to enjoy.

Nora was impressed with the out of box thinking of Lt. Kudo. For now she wouldn’t need the portable power supplies. „Lt. Kudo“ responding back „I am impressed by the way you think. Well done Lt.“ she said „are you sure in the right department.“ she said jokingly. „You would fit right in. Again well done.“

Kudo smiled on his end of the transmission. He was glad it worked, despite the praise it brought. "Commander Ejo, I was glad to help. Now you and your people will have steady power to get the fusion reactors back online. As for Engineering, I am a trained OPS officer, so close enough if you ever need a hand when my Supervisor duties allow it. But, I have a date with the Captain so I need to sign off. Good luck, folks. Kudo, out."

Turning to Resch „I believe we won’t need the portable power supplies for now. Thanks to Lt. Kudo.“ she said.

Resch gave a nod to Ejo. "We'll start putting the ones back we already got hooked up. Commander, if you need an extra set of hands I'm not opposed to helping. Security knows enough to keep forcefields and internal sensors working, but a little more mechanical knowledge could prove useful." He gave Nora his best gentleman's grin.

„An extra set of hands are always welcomed Lt.“ Nora said with a smile. „If you like you can help me with the reactors.“

Giving another grin, Resch nodded along with it. "No problem. My first name is Griffon, or Griff to my friends." He had never really stopped to talk to Nora Ejo in all their time together on board. Sure, the occasional salutations while passing in the corridors, but nothing in depth. It would be good to get to know all the department heads. Same with Bob Covenant. They were Bridge officers, both of them, but they never really chatted much. It was high time to remedy that all around. "Let me get my people started on returning the generators then I'll return and aid with the reactors."

Ejo gave Resch a nod of understanding before she turned back to instructing her people. "Be back soon, Bob. See you then." Griffon gave the man a shoulder bump then left



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