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NAZGUL: Jump Start Aux Power

Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 8:57pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant JG Ken Kudo & Lieutenant JG T'Pri

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


On the Nazgul Bridge, Sheyla sat in the center seat, her eyes reading from a pad. They had not heard anything from the Captain or Kudo about arriving in the shuttle bay, but it had not been that long ago that Loewen had left. She was about to turn the chair to talk to T'Pri when the lights flickered and then brightened and remained constant. Every station on the Bridge lit up properly, now receiving a steady flow of auxiliary power. "Good shit, Ejo." Sheyla said out loud as she stood up. "Alright. Looks like we have some aux power. Activate all systems and shut down batteries so they can recharge."

T'Pri immediately switched her scans from the Delta back to the Nazgul, passive only. The reach was better and the data more in-depth, and she found using the USS Nazgul far more agreeable than a small craft built for scouting excursions. "Sensors back online, Captain. Main computer is also updating and rebooting all systems."

"About damned time," said Sheyla, the relief clear in her voice.


Down in the shuttle bay Loewen was preparing his workbee for flight, not at all unfamiliar with these craft. Mister Kudo came in, still in his EVA suit with helmet off. Sean had donned a suit and his own helmet sat on the seat of the workbee. "Mister Kudo, thanks for being as prompt as possible."

"No problem, Sir." Ken went over to the other workbee and began to do a physical check on the exterior of the craft, opening the small cockpit hatch and setting his helmet within. "Let me give this thing a once over then I'll be ready, Captain."

"Of course, Lieutenant." Loewen had responded even while still seeing to his own ship. As he worked, not looking at Ken, he spoke aloud. "I gotta hand it to you, Lieutenant. Quick thinking and fine ideas seem to be your forte."

Kudo, not one who ever sought praise for doing his job, shook his head slightly at hearing it. He tried to remain humble in response. "Just doing my job, Sir. I'm sure the idea would have come to someone else in time."

"Yeah, well, time was not on our side," Loewen replied. He could tell the man was not one to toot his own horn. "And, with your out-of-the-box thinking you bought us some time." The lights flickered in the shuttle bay before they remained constant with illumination. Sean pulled his head out of the hatch he was leaning into and looked up. "Seems aux power is back online."

"I'll be damned, it worked." Kudo said this more to himself but he did voice it out loud as he too was looking at the ceiling lights.

"What worked?" Asked Loewen.

"Ensign Samson and a couple of my FC guys strung conduit from the Delta to the interior of Nazgul, Captain. We hooked them up to provide fusion power to the secondary aux system. Apparently, they got tired of waiting for me to give the go ahead." Ken looked over at the Captain, the two of them sharing a look. Kudo gave a wry grin. "Just doing my job, Sir."

"That's twice you've come up with a solution, Lieutenant." Loewen said. "How soon are you looking at making Lt. Commander?"

"Would tomorrow be too soon, Sir?" Kudo gave that reply, but laughed at it, too. He knew it was unreasonable and why he said it. Again, it was not in him to seek praise for doing what he was trained to do.

Loewen caught the meaning of the derisive laughter at himself, so he did not push at the idea. "I can't do that but I can give credit where credit is due, Lieutenant. I look forward to giving you a commendation for original thinking."

"I would be honored, Sir." Kudo replied. He then brought them back to the problem at hand. "My workbee is good. We can leave when you're ready, Sir."

The two men donned their helmets after making sure their air supply was good, then climbed into their workbees and closed the bubble hatches. They began their pre-flight rundown.



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