STATION: The Apprentice
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 7:46pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: Earth, Paris
Timeline: Current
After landing on Earth, securing a landing pad at the Academy for her ship, Taavis walked from the Bridge/cockpit back into the main lounge area of her ship. There she saw Ro Green decked out in an amazing looking outfit with thigh high armored boots, elbow length armored gauntlets, and a wraparound leather tunic that was form fitting but loose enough to provide freedom of movement. The pants were form fitting, showing off the athletic musculature of the woman's thighs above the boots. If nothing else, Green was one fit woman. Setting aside her augment genetics, Taavis could tell that her body had been trained to maintain a certain level of athleticism and exercise even before she had been augmented by whatever means. It gave Taavis a thought that she should ask Ro just how that came to be but, decided now was not the time.
Picking up a dark, chocolate brown flowing cloak, Taavis watched Ro don the clothing item, which included a large hood that could be pulled up if Green chose to. What caught her eye even more than the cloak was the long, cylindrical device attached to Ro's belt on her left hip. It looked to be some kind of torch/flashlight, but Taavis could not fathom why Ro Green would need a flashlight. Green adjusted the cloak to where it sat straight and true as it draped over her shoulders and hung to ankle level. The final touch was Ro adding her rank pips to the collar of her leather top, and then attaching her combadge to the front of it.
Green, as she was putting on her final items, saw Taavis just standing and staring at her out of the corner of her eye. She paid it no mind as she got herself ready for her day, which would be a long meeting with the Federation Council. It was high time to establish the Meji Order as a legitimate religion and way of life for any who wished to join, and were accepted. With her cloak on and her saber on her left hip, combadge and pips in place, she finally turned to face her hostess. "Questions, Acolyte?"
"Acolyte?" Asked Taavis, not expecting that title to come forth in regards to herself. "Just curiosity."
"I could sense your confusion. Ask what you must. We do need to get moving, so you can ask as we trek across town to an air shuttle bound for Paris." Green looked Taavis up and down. "Do you have anything to wear that is more...appropriate?" The black leather catsuit just was not up to par for where they were going.
Taavis looked own at herself, suddenly realizing she had been on auto-pilot this morning as she got dressed. "What would you suggest?"
Ro gave a chuckle and smile, teasing at her while correcting her actions. "Anything but that. Also, one sidearm will suffice, set to stun. We'll tell them you are my personal bodyguard, if anyone asks."
Taavis went to protest, thought better of it, and turned to go back into her personal quarters. While changing from the black leather catsuit to the more conservative Vulcan catsuit, purple in color, Taavis wondered why she found it so easy to follow Green's directives; like a student to a master. ~Ahhh~ she thought ~Perhaps these midichlorians were taking to her, had accepted their home within her, and this was just a natural reaction through this Force from an apprentice to her master~ Finishing her change-out, Taavis decided to forego any sidearms, choosing instead to just be a companion to Ro for this outing. She did put on an equipment belt so she had pouches to put things in, but that was it. No weapons of any kind since they were on Earth and the possibility of threats was almost zilch. Taavis wore a combadge that denoted her as Federation Security, which was the badge she wore as an agent in Federation Bureau of Intelligence. When out in the open, that is. Undercover, different story. Stepping out of her quarters Taavis entered the main area again, finding Green holding another cloak draped over her arms.
When Taavis reappeared looking far more proper for their day, Green lifted the cloak in her arms and held it up backwards to her, inviting Taavis to step over and don the item. It was exactly the same design as her own, but this one was a milk chocolate color, and would go well with the purple felt-like design of the catsuit. Green had cheated a bit, meditating for a few minutes and gathering a vision in her mind as to what Taavis would choose to wear. "A cloak, Acolyte. It adds an air of propriety to you, and a bit of nobility in appearance. As a Vulcan you should have no issue with cloaks, correct?"
Taavis gave grin, stepping in and turning her back to slip her arms into the sleeves. Green pulled it up enough to place the cloak on her shoulders, then let go and allowed Taavis to adjust it how she liked. Another personal surprise for Taavis was that she found wearing this to her liking. It just seemed to 'fit' her true self. The one she usually buried deep down. She spun to face Green. "Thank you. I like it. I haven't dressed up in quite a while."
"I know." Green said, her expression one of joy, mirth, and understanding. "It's high time the real Taavis starts to return to who she is meant to be. Playing smuggler, pirate, or whatever else is all fine and good. However, there comes a time when Taavis needs to step away from all that and find herself again. To meditate on who SHE is, not who she pretends to be. Does that make sense?"
"Perfectly." Taavis responded, also feeling joyous even as she felt a great amount of weight lifted from her inner being.
Green was happy to hear that, even as she got them moving. They left the ship and made their way across the Academy campus to a public transit station with air shuttles. Choosing a private one for two, they climbed in and sat down.
The pilot looked back at them through his mirror. "Good day, ladies. Destination, please."
Ro returned the smile the pilot gave. "Paris, please."
"Paris?" The pilot's shocked response was felt by Green on his emotional level. Unbeknownst to her, Taavis also felt that twinge of anxiety from the man. It was exhilarating but she kept herself calm and collected, relying more heavily on her Vulcan discipline than ever before.
"Yes. Paris, France." Green stated. "Is that a problem?"
"Well, I, uhhh...was about to end my day. So that trip would take a few hours and..."
Taavis reached into one of her belt pouches, grabbing a handful of latinum strips. She reached over the man's shoulder, showing she was holding something in her closed fist for him. When he lifted his hand up under her fist to receive whatever it was, she opened her hand and the strips landed in his palm. "Will that cover your discomfort?"
"Damn! Latinum?!" The man twisted in his seat to look back at them. "We don't see latinum currency very often on Earth. Thank you. And, yes, this will more than make up for my extra time!"
Green gave Taavis an approving nod, then looked to the pilot. "There is more where that came from if you will agree to be our pilot for the entire time we are on Earth. You'll be fairly compensated, stay in the best hotels, and enjoy a vacation-style work environment all at the same time. Do we have an accord?"
"Absolutely, Miss! I'm not married, so no one to nag me for being late. Let's get to Paris, shall we?"
"That's the spirit," said Taavis, giggling quietly and smiling, looking over at Ro and sharing a look of fun and affection between one another.
The pilot, who introduced himself as Nigel Cutter, lifted off and got into a flight pattern for heading east over the United States. He set his auto-pilot and then leaned his seat back to take a nap while his passengers raised the privacy screen and began to chat.
"I felt the ripple in the Force," Green said, looking over at Taavis. "It seems the midichlorians have accepted you. Know this, Taavis, you have taken your fist steps into a larger universe. As a Meji, if I accept you as my apprentice, you must have the most serious mind. The deepest commitment. This is not a frivolous exercise. Learning to use the Force is both exhilarating and dangerous. It is a power that can heal or kill, cause mayhem or bring peace. If you cannot commit yourself to my teachings and learn how I want you to use your gifts, then this conversation ends now. If you choose to not fall under my instruction just know that I will forever keep an eye on you. Step out of line and it falls to me to end you if you become a threat to the innocent."
Taavis sat and listened, taking in what was said. Sure, her frivolous side had played and had fun, but deep down she always saw herself as a Vulcan first, a Romulan second. She had been raised on Vulcan to be a Vulcan. Had started her life as a being of logic, even if she had chosen to be a follower of Jarok and not a follower of Surak. "I understand, Ro. I do. Who I truly am, deep down to the core of my being, is someone willing to die for those who can't defend themselves. To be a protector and a guardian for the downtrodden. If you'll have me I would ask to become your apprentice."
For several long moments Ro just sat and stared at her, using Sense to judge that what was being said was true, reaching out with her feelings to assess just how committed Taavis was being. Nothing she sensed offered any form of duplicity. Taavis was being truthful, speaking her mind from the heart. "Very well. I accept you as my apprentice, Taavis. This is not some idle position, you're in for some hard work and study. Your first goals are to be able to control yourself and to be able to glean information from the world around you. Control is the ability to control one's body. Sense is being able to reach out with the Force and feel the world around you. When you have learned those well enough, then we will begin your training in Alter. The title of that umbrella is fitting in that you will be able to alter the world around you. Telekinesis, a Force push to unbalance opponents or use the Force as a shield against shock waves from explosions and so forth. There are, however, some abilities within alter that are unnatural and will corrupt the user if used too often, or for violence against others." Green stopped talking, seeing Taavis absorbing what she had said. A small ripple in the Force told her that Control was being used by Taavis to memorize all that was being said. That impressed Green, seeing as how her student was already able to access and use abilities without too much effort. It made sense, though, considering her disciplined Vulcan mind and their ability to already form mind melds.
Taavis came out of her reverie, her face lifting slightly to look at her Master. "I understand, Ro. I am fully committed to this. It will be nice to sit on M-69 and earn back my respect through honorable actions. Plus, being Meji, will aid me greatly in my Intel operations for the UFP."
Green reached out and took her by the hand, squeezing gently. "I never doubted your real intentions, no matter how hard you tried to play-up being a horndog and a vagabond. There is nothing wrong with being frivolous when it fits the moment. But, now, you need to be aware that there is a time and place for that."
Squeezing the hand in return, Taavis gave a nod. "It was getting old anyway. Manny knows the real me. He won't be shocked to see me tone it down. Bliss will still be Bliss, but not with me doing so much other than owner. It's a nice nest egg for currency."
"That it is," said Green, releasing the hand as she realized she was beginning to like it too much. Right now she needed to park personal feelings and focus on Taavis as a student, not a lover. Their bond would grow exponentially over time and that wait would make any relationship that much better when they finally gave into it. "Nothing wrong with currency. You'll need it for your Intel exploits. Bribes will always go a long way with the weak minded and less savory beings of the galaxy."
Taavis nodded agreement, internally disappointed when Green pulled her hand away. But, just as that thought entered her mind she cut it off with another; you're an apprentice now, girl. Focus on that first. "So, as you were donning your cloak I spotted what looked like some kind of handle, like a torch or a cutting tool. Care to explain what that is?"
Ro gave her a smile. "That, apprentice, is my lightsaber. The weapon of a Meji. It is both a weapon, a tool, and above all else when ignited, it helps a Meji to focus their energies. You said cutting tool, and believe me when I say, it is the ultimate cutting tool. A lightsaber can cut through just about anything. I would show you its use but we are in a confined space and I'm sure Nigel doesn't want a hole cut in his roof."
"So, it's a sword of sorts? A melee weapon?" Taavis had to ask. She had had a Ninja Katana, Tanto, and wakizashi made for herself by the best weapon smiths and metallurgists she knew of within the Romulan Republic. Made to the exacting standards of the original Japanese specifications.
Ro nodded. "It could be thought of as a long sword with a blade made from pure plasma, self contained by the technology, and difficult to wield without proper training. You will receive such training as time goes by."
"I see," said Taavis. "Perhaps a demonstration once we get to our hotel in Paris?"
"Of course." Green pulled out the hilt, rolling it over and over in her hands as she explained the device and its technology, with the aperture end being where the blade would spring forth. "Mine is cloud blue. I do have a few others I've built over the years, one of which I have earmarked for you when I feel you're ready to begin your saber training."
Taavis spoke up, a little too excitedly without realizing it. "I can't wait." She saw the disapproving look from Ro. "I mean, I do like melee so it will be something I look forward to."
Green gave a chuckle as she put her hilt away. "It's alright, Taavis. You're a full grown adult, set in your ways. In another world the Jedi would not even bother to teach you since you already have character flaws that may be hard for you to overcome as you progress. I am taking a chance here, but I feel that my efforts will be rewarded with a good Apprentice and a fellow Meji I can pal around with during exploits. Two Meji will always be better than one."
"I won't let you down, Master. You have my word." Taavis leaned back into her seat, having a lot to think about. Once they reached Paris and their hotel, she would have to dive into deep meditation to align her mind and body back into a woman of discipline and focus. If not for Master Ro and the Meji Order she may never have come back full circle to who she really was. Perhaps she could be assigned to M-69 by the government, sent to assist the starbase and work in conjunction with Starfleet. After all, everything that M-69 was did belong to the citizens of the Federation. It was not its own little kingdom.
The hours went by, with Green sinking into meditation as the flight progressed. Taavis, seeing this, decided to do some meditating of her own to pass the time. When they both awoke to Nigel telling them they had arrived, the two women got themselves back on track. Green went into the hotel with Taavis at her side, checking in to two VIP suites; one for them and one for their driver Nigel Cutter. Taavis went back out and told Nigel the news, and directed him to go around to the landing platforms since one had been assigned to his shuttle. She bade him good night, and they would see him in the morning. When that was taken care of the ladies entered the lift and went to the upper floor. Stepping out into a small hallway and finding their door, they entered the suite and looked around. Ro had seen pictures of Las Vegas suites, and this suite looked like something from the Caesar's palace Emperor's package. Plus, there was a large open veranda with a small pool and hot tub overlooking the city of Paris, with the Eiffel tower in the distance. The central common area was exquisite, the kitchen ultra-modern, and there were four bedrooms to choose from, all equal in size and luxury. Ro picked the first one to the right of the door, Taavis taking the one next to hers. Both women began to get comfortable and prepare for bathing before bed. Tomorrow would begin the long meeting with the Federation Council and Ro was not going to be dragging her feet when called.