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STATION: Invitation To A Festival

Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 3:37pm by Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF}

Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: Current


Having taken some leave for himself, after receiving a message from Patriarch Marz, Gavin Lasso checked out a runabout for himself for private use and stepped aboard. The message that got him to take some leave was that the Kor'Kang colony was gearing up for the Kot'baval festival. It was the celebration across the Empire for the day that Kahless defeated the tyrant Molor in single combat, thus ending his life and his tyrannical rulership. Kahless ushered in the new era of honor, duty, and commitment to the Klingon people. One may hate their neighbor but when threatened by outsiders those two neighbors would stand side by side in battle to overcome Hurq' (outsiders). It was the most celebrated festival in all of Klingondom. So, with that in mind, and wearing his own Klingon armor he had received while serving with Mahrz, Gavin took flight and headed for his second home.

Roughly 18 hours later, Gavin dropped from warp and headed for the Kor'Kang star system. It was no surprise when a Klingon BoP decloaked ahead of him and demanded he halt his ship. He did not hesitate to do so. A back and forth was committed to, with Gavin explaining who he was and why he was here, and then sending over his KDF identity codes. Seeing as how he was Marz's brother by rite of Ruustai, they bid him farewell and let him proceed. Coming through the atmosphere of the planetary seat of House Kehlani, Gavin made sure to do a wide arcing turn over High City, taking in the sights of some of the most beautiful architecture he had ever seen. Sure, it was standard Klingon architecture, but Matriarch Kehlani demanded the best, and in so doing, told all her artisans, artists, and architects to add a unique flare to the structures. Something that marked them as KEHLANI. The combinations were outstanding, the colors vibrant yet subdued all at once, and he could see some Chinese and Japanese hints within the artistry. Bloody beautiful, he thought. Descending to the landing pad he was directed to, Gavin looked out the window as he came in to land, seeing Marz, Kehlani, and a small boy approximately two years of age in appearance. The boy was pointing excitedly at the runabout, obviously stoked at seeing a ship in action at such a young age as he stood with his back against Kehlani's legs, her hands on his shoulders.

Once landed, Gavin did a quick post-flight, then shut down the power. Standing, he took up his leather duffle that had been provided by his House the last time he had departed and stepped off onto the flight deck. As he came forth Marz broke ranks with his mate and began to approach, arms coming up for an embrace. Gavin dropped his bag and did the same, the two coming together and clasping each other in a brotherly hug, hands slapping backs with gusto before they stepped apart.

"Good to see you, Gavin!" Marz was all smiles, his joy seen in his eyes.

Kehlani and the young boy came forth, with Kehlani nudging the boy over to Marz so she could hug Gavin next. She was no longer showing her pregnancy, and was back in her standard combat garb, even though that too was made to look oustanding. They hugged warmly and when they broke Gavin smiled. "You are a sight for sore eyes, Kehlani! Always a pleasure, Matriarch."

Gavin finally looked to the boy, who stood proudly and without fear near to his father's right leg. "And, who is this? Do I have a nephew?"

Kehlani reached for her son's hand, which he immediately sidestepped to clasp, knowing better than to disobey his mother's hand gestures. She had him stand with back against her legs again, hands on his shoulders as she smiled. "This is our son, Higan (Hee-gun)."

"He's so big," said Gavin, surprised at the boy's size considering it had not been that long since the last time he had visited. "Did I venture through a time warp?"

"Klingons age differently than Humans, Gavin." Marz explained as he got them moving. He waved in a bekk to take up Gavin's bag and ordered him to deliver it to his guest chambers. "A Klingon child is fully adult by age fifteen according to Human age. So, Higan is a product of his genetics. They grow fast so they can survive," he gave a crooked grin and a pseudo-serious look to his son. "If they mind themselves."

Kehlani said not a word. Klingon child rearing was not for the queasy. They were expected to behave like everyone else, whether playing or not. And, mother and father were their keepers, and to commit a heinous act usually resulted in a painful reminder of why such actions should not be performed. If they were Human, child protective services would be called immediately. But, with Klingon children, if you were soft on them they just misbehaved more as they saw punishment as a joke and not a threat. Gavin could only imagine what was in store for Higan as he really began to grow into a man if he pissed off his father.

"Well, he looks to be around two years old. Why I was surprised." Gavin entered the Great Hall with them through an auxiliary passageway. He touched the boy's shoulder and went to a knee to look him in the eye. "Higan, I am Gavin. Your father and I are brothers. Ruustai. That means I am your uncle. Do you accept me?"

Higan carefully scrutinized him, eyes moving all over his face, then his body, the gaze lingering on the Klingon armor, weapons, sash, and medals he wore. In his young brain this stranger was wearing KDF armor, was wearing Klingon medals and paraphernalia. His face and head were smooth, but like his mother, perhaps he was of a different sort of Klingon. Or, another race that had been accepted. "I'm not sure."

Kehlani and Marz said nothing, allowing their son to make his own decisions with first impressions. Gavin gave a grin. "That is alright. I do hope to win your favor in time. Perhaps a few gifts from my starbase would help?"

Higan's eyes got a bit wider at the mention of gifts. He wondered what kind of baubles this man could bring. "I like gifts."

"So do I," Gavin answered, then stood up. The group entered the main hall proper, Gavin noting that Higan tugged his mother's sleeve, and after he did so she gave him an off-handed wave-off that sent him running for another hallway. "Good kid. You two produce strong young."

"Thank you," answered Kehlani. "I'm just glad his father's genetics allowed for him to have ridges. It's rare for that to happen with Klingons that have my disorder."

Gavin saw Kehzza, the Klingon woman who had shown interest in him before Taavis had shown up and squashed that. Not by confrontation, but by simply clinging to Gavin. His eyes met Khezza's, which caused her to slightly shake her head and roll her eyes as she turned away from him. She did not show her back to him, but did let him look at her sideways. That was at least a good sign. Had she turned her back immediately it would have meant he did not exist in her mind. Harsh, but the Klingon way. He asked Kehlani quietly. "Do I stink?"

Without missing a beat Kehlani responded. "You might." She gave him a snarky smile to show she was teasing while at the same time letting him know there was more to what she said.

"I might?" Gavin needed to know. Marz saw a group of friends over at a barrel, so he walked over to chat with them as his mate was now entertaining her brother. "How might I stink?"

Kehlani got them to stop, some distance away from Kehzza so it would be hard for her to hear. She did not whisper, however, just spoke in a normal tone. "When will you learn, brother? If you have a question for someone, go ask. I'm not her nursemaid." Saying that, Kehlani walked away to join her Par'Mach'kai.

Nothing for it, Gavin went over to the area Marz was, got a goblet and dipped it into the barrel, then walked back over to Kehzza's location. A few of her female warrior friends saw him approach and got to their feet from the couches. Kehzza raised a hand to show them it was fine, then asked them to give them some space. The women all nodded and left the area, joining the group with the House Lord and Lady. "nuq'neH (What do you want)?"

"To speak to you," Gavin responded. "I..." Kehzza put her left hand over his mouth as she said "sshh", the hand coming away to put one of her fingers up to his lips as she repeated "sshh". After that she leaned in close, beginning to sniff at him. She sniffed down his chest, up to each shoulder, and around his collar. For his part Gavin had craned his neck back to watch her strange behavior.

Kehzza finished her sniff test, took a swallow of her bloodwine, then spoke. "Are you done wallowing in filth?"

"Excuse me?" Gavin had not been expecting that. "Filth? What filth?"

"The Romulan harlot," Khezza said simply.

"First off," Gavin said. "She is no harlot." As he spoke his voice rose enough for others to hear. "That person you call a harlot is actually a decorated Starfleet officer! She has done far more for the Federation than you ever have for your own people! Judge not lest ye be judged, Khezza! If you choose petty jealousy over reason then you are no better than the harlot you speak of! Think on that, petaQ. When you find your common sense once again, come talk to me!" Without another word he walked away, joining Marz and his group. He dipped his goblet into the wine and stood near to both Khelani and Marz.

Khezza was now in the spotlight, with the group consisting of the Matriarch and Patriarch all looking at her for a few moments before they all went back to their own conversations. She saw Khelani and Marz share a look and grins, seeing that their brother had comported himself well, in Klingon fashion as he had put her in her place in public. Downing what was left of her wine, Khezza slammed the goblet down on a table and walked out of the hall.

"Well done," Khelani said to Gavin. Her eyes showed a new level of respect for him as he had behaved as any intelligent Klingon would have. A Klingon of stature, a land lord, and a man of conviction.

Gavin's ire was still up so it took effort for him not to speak to Khelani in a snappy tone. "She is beautiful and a prize worthy of any Klingon. Taavis and I are done, have been for a while now. She is committed to her duties elsewhere and that has left a gap in our relations."

Marz looked to his brother. "Focus on your future, Gavin. Do not live in the past. It will bring about fortune on many levels."

Thinking on that a few moments, Gavin spoke once the thoughts were done. "Taavis will always be special. She is who she is, and if nothing else, a great friend. A loyal friend and confidante. I would trust her with my life. But, we have gone down separate paths in life."

Khelani stood quiet, sipping her wine as the men talked, her own eyes showing that she had thoughts running through her mind even as she looked to the group as they kept chatting. Finally, after a few minutes, she reached out and touched Gavin's arm to get his attention, speaking when he looked over at her. "We have an area in the woods, at the base of High City plateau, we will be using for the city's Kot'baval festival. All are invited to join this celebration aside from all the others around the planet. If you wish it, I will invite Khezza to join us. To see if there is anything to salvage between you."

Giving it some thought, already knowing what his answer would be, Gavin gave her a grin. "Yes. Let her know I am looking forward to seeing her there and would be honored if she would join me for the festival."

"You are fast becoming a true Klingon, Gavin. One day I hope to see you and Marz, side by side, as Dahar Masters." Kehlani gave him a light hammer fist to the chest. "I will make sure she attends. Drink a lot of bloodwine between now and then. It will be everywhere, along with warnog and black ale. Build up that resistance, brother." She gave a chuckle.

Giving a nod of understanding, Gavin and Khelani returned their attention to the rest of the group.



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