STATION: A day of Education
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 12:01am by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: SS Harbinger
Timeline: current/somewhere in between
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Green asked Taavis. For the past couple of days of traveling, Ro had told Taavis everything about the Meji Order, and then went into her travels and life lived in the Pallean galaxy. That was when she admitted to Taavis that Cosmo was a droid model from that galaxy, so she had simply used Milky Way tech to build her own. Rollo, too, had been built on the same premise, but far easier to assemble with the help of Cosmo. She kept nothing hidden from taavis, and both of them were feeling that sexual tension building with each passing day since they were now bosom buddies with no secrets between them.
Taavis, for her part, had told Green that she was Juntao, the mysterious unknown leader of The Cabal. She went on to explain that there were things she had had to do as Juntao that she was not proud of, and had to take time to get over as feelings of guilt and sorrow had invaded her solace. Green had listened without judgement, offering an empathetic ear to it all, never seeming to find any of it disturbing. That calm impressed Taavis, with Green taking all that was said in stride. When the personal portions of being who she was as Taavis had been revealed, Green then asked her about The Cabal. What was its purpose? What were the members like? Was there in-fighting when some would overstep in their evil ways when others saw no need for gratuitous violence?
All those questions were answered. Taavis explained that The Cabal were people who believed in what the Federation stood for, at the basics, but did not believe in petty regulations pushing their lives down and mucking with business. Privateers from all walks of life. Vendors, business people, hired diplomats and negotiators. All of them looked to aid the Federation from the shadows, to remain faceless and to keep their own council on whom to aid and whom not to. With one ear to the ground all of them could weed out intel, send it down the line, and then let the tactical portion of The Cabal to deal with it when needed. If a being overstepped and started to become what they all despised deep down, that individual, or organization, was beset upon by the others. They would ruin business, let interested parties know they were snitches, and last but not least, end them when all other avenues had been exhausted.
With all that having been said Green then asked her if she thought those in The Cabal would be interested in the Meji Order. Like The Cabal, the Meji Order would have those within it that could not manipulate the Force, but were highly skilled at other things. Engineers, scientists, medical experts, pilots, soldiers, all that. When Green kept mentioning something called the Force, she did not interrupt Ro to ask about it, simply listened to what she envisioned as being the Meji Order. After Green finished her dissertation, that was when Taavis had asked about the Force. What it was and why she kept mentioning it. So, to make it a quick discussion and example, Green flung things around the room and had several items circle around above her head while completely paying attention to Taavis, as if she was not doing the telekinesis herself.
Ro explained that the Force is an energy field created by all living things. And, that there are those beings fully capable of manipulating that energy field. Some used it for malevolent purposes, some for benevolent. She explained that too often people asked her if the Force controlled her actions and she would explain to them that that was only partial. The Force also obeys her commands when she needs it to. Again, hours were spent on the topic, with Taavis asking more and more questions and getting more and more information. Finally, when all information had been exhausted, Taavis asked how one became attuned to the Force, or did it just lay dormant until one day, poof, it was there. Green told her that some were born with the gift due to a microscopic organism known as a midichlorian. They were subatomic, and lived within the living cells of beings, imparting on them the ability to manipulate the Force. She did explain that recently a discovery had been made here in the Milky Way that a certain substance did the same thing for the people here, and she had no doubts that midichlorians were responsible. Hidden deep within the cell structure of certain plants and animals that others could consume. If the midichlorians found their body to their liking they would then take up residence and the Force would eventually show itself in some way. Whether that be telekinesis, telepathy, a highly attuned sixth sense, ESP; many different ways it manifested.
So, having heard all she needed to, Taavis began to feel within her hear that this was a way for her to find redemption. To get back to being a person of justice and fairness, to protect the innocent and make sure that evil and darkness did not win the day. So, she had asked Green if she could try these midichlorians on her. To see if they would take. And, that was where they were now.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Green asked Taavis.
Taavis took in a breath and let it out slowly, then nodded. Green gently grasped the wrist of her left arm, turned the arm over with the crook of the elbow facing upwards, and pressed the hypo to the flesh just below it. She emptied the hypo into the Vulcan and then let go of her arm, pulling her hand back with the hypo.
"The results may take a while, or they may begin to react sooner than you think. The other side of that is it won't work on you. But, only time will tell. You are a vibrant woman who lives life by the seat of your pants. Those types tend to attract midichlorians. The opposite of that are those with a deep intellect, which the midichlorians also seek. In an Order called the Jedi in the Pallean Galaxy, there were Jedi Guardians who were the elite warriors of the Jedi. They were all about action and being in the field. Their counterparts were called Jedi Consulars. Sages and mystics who sought a deeper understanding of the Force, its connection to all living things, and their focus was knowledge and academia." Green set the hypo on the table before turning her face back to Taavis.
Taavis had to ask. "So, these Jedi, do you model your Meji after them?"
"I do, yes." Ro admitted openly. "However, the Jedi had beliefs and issues I don't agree with. One such belief is love. They felt that attachment was wrong. Now, in a way that is true. However, it is when that attachment causes you to falter and to lose focus, to do things you wouldn't normally do as a Jedi, and to cause harm to others out of a need to seek revenge for someone wronging the one you love." Green gave a light sigh. "Love is not wrong. But, love for the wrong reasons, that is a recipe for disaster. Jealousy, anger, hate; all come from the fear of losing the one you claim to love. It will lead down a dark path that is not easy to break from once you take your first steps into darkness. The power rush is...unsettling."
"Wow," Taavis said. "That's a lot to take in. I take it you will train your Meji Force users the way you want them to be?"
"I will," said Green. "In the Pallean galaxy I was a Jedi Master, and had a Padawan learner. I was ready to be accepted to the Jedi Council when my life there ended and the Q brought me back here."
"Qeritas." Taavis said that as a statement.
Green scrunched her face. "You know her?"
"Oh yeah," said Taavis. "Snarky, full of cynicism back with sarcasm, always wanting to play with her pets. Yep, I had a couple of run-ins with her. She was impressed by The Cabal, so she 'aided' me on occasion."
Ro gave a light laugh. "That sounds like her, alright. Odd though. I haven't seen her for a while."
"Hopefully she's pissing in someone else's cereal." Taavis laughed at that, with Green following along.
When she stopped laughing Green got a thoughtful expression. "I do have to say that if not for her I wouldn't be the Meji in the Milky Way that I am. She is the one who pushed me to become one, to bring a semblance of the Jedi way here. She has alluded several times to the fact that there are beings on the other side of the Milky Way that cannot be bargained with, and they will slaughter all who oppose them. Many such empires exist, she said. See, in the Pallean galaxy they have traversed the entire thing, end to end. When you look at our star charts, we're only in, maybe, a quarter of the Milky Way. We honestly don't know what is out there, or what kinds of threats exist. I mean, seriously, the Dominion almost ended the Federation, it was that close. If not for the Romulans we would have fallen."
"Don't remind me," said Taavis, her own tone now serious. "I am from Family Tovan, on that side of my bloodline, so I hear it all the time as to how the Romulan Star Empire saved their enemy from certain destruction. A point of pride they love to gloat about."
"I'm sure." Green gave a yawn. "Anyway, I'm going to catch a nap. I think you should meditate and see if you feel any differently. Vulcans have attuned minds so it may yield results." Ro got up and stepped in, bending at the waist as she gently put a finger under Taavis's chin to lift her face. She planted a gentle kiss on her lips and then stood up as if it was a common thing to do. "I'll see you in a few hours." With that said she sauntered off to the back room for the bunk area.
Taavis watched her back as she went, surprised that she had been so forward. It left a lot for Taavis to consider when it came to her life.