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Post # 015 Doctor Doctor

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


The USS Repulse hung tight to its tail wind and made the galactic jump to Sagittarius. Which was great news for Cal as it roared into the Triome system.

[ USS REPULSE welcome to Starbase Mercury ] ops told the bridge of Repulse .

" Welcome to your new home Doctor McGregor." the first officer said to Cal.

" I can't wait to get there. My fiance is there and my child." Cal replied.

" All docking established Commander." Ops told the XO.

" I will take my leave of you sir." Cal then said as he rushed to the lift .

< Station Sickbay >

Hiri rushed to Isabella's office winded.
" He is here, Dr McGregor is early." said Hiri.

Isabelle nodded. “Then I guess I should be at the transporter room to meet him.” Getting up she headed for the the transporter room.

< Transporter Room >

Walking into the transporter room Isabelle stood alongside the transporter Chief waiting for Cal to beam aboard, as the transporter finally engaged she offered a smile as she set eyes on her fiancé.
“Hello Cal”

Cal paused at the beautiful woman before him. No longer pregnant but still with a glow he leaped from the platform and swooped her up in the air and then gently down for a kiss.

" Que bella, mi Isabella, my beauty. " Cal greeted.

Isabelle couldn’t help but smile returning Cal’s kiss. “It’s good to see you. We have...a lot to talk about. Let me show you to my...our quarters.”

" Yes of course. " Cal said holding her hand swaying through the hall. " I can't believe I am here. I have so missed you Isabella. Yes we do have to talk about everything."

Isabelle nodded. ‘There’s a lot to tell you.”

< Quarters, a few mins later >

Walking into quarters Isabelle moved aside the things of Hope’s she had on the sofa. “I need to explain...this...” She motioned around. “It’s not our son’s...I mean it was meant for him but..” she paused. “Our son was...I was taken over, controlled and taken from here. They took our son! They just cut him out of me!!” She paced as she talked. “We tried to get him back! We couldn’t!!”

Cal hugged Isabella.
" Slow down Isabella...what happened to our child?"
It took a few minutes but Isabella was able to help Cal understand what had occured with the Corjii.

" I can not believe your father didn't storm that sphere and blast it to the Magellanic clouds." Cal yelled.

“I could go there any time I want” Isabelle sighed. “I’d just never return. The Corji consider me the mother of their god.” She shook her head. “There’s something else you have to know.” She took a seat beside him. “I’ve become the mother of two other children, a baby I’ve called Hope, her mother died here not too long ago. Doctor Hiri needed a nursing mother and I had milk to spare. Plus there’s a young boy called Lucky. He’s attached himself to me, his people reside on the station but he has no parents.”

It was overwhelming for Cal as he felt the loss of a son he had never seen. Yet still felt the love of a fiancee he had missed.

" These Corjii, how do we communicate with them?" Cal asked out of scope as he had never really shown bravery.

“You need me” Isabelle looked at Cal. “I can understand them, but they’ve already tried to keep me at the sphere with our son. They won’t let him go!”

Cal was raised ivy league, tea and crumpets and so on and so forth. But the thought of his son being held captive was far more than his upbringing meant.
" If it is money I can have credits wired here..My father has connections in the Federation."

Isabelle gave Cal an upset glance. “Don’t you get it!? It’s not about money!! To the Corji our son is their new god!, and I’m the mother of creation...or something along those lines!” She sat down her head resting in her hands. “He’s Not our son anymore! He’s theirs and there’s nothing I can do about it...”

Once again the elephant in the room appeared as Cal approached the situation with his wealth and privileges rather than as it was

" You're right. I am sorry I did not come millions of miles to fight with my fiancee. But he is my son too and that makes me a god then." Cal replied with his levity.

Isabelle sighed. “To them you wouldn’t matter, you’re not the one that carries the child.”

Cal then turned the tide as he looked about the room.
" The little girl lost her Mum you say? That sucks I bet she is a cutie? And this Lucky how old is he?"

Isabelle nodded. “You’ll get to see Hope soon. Lucky is 5. I think, he’s at school at present but he'll be back later.”

" I can't wait. I have to check in with sickbay and a Dr Hiri? Must be of Asian descent. Dinner later?"

Isabelle nodded. “I’ll be here. Enjoy your meeting with Hiri, I think you’ll find her interesting.”

Cal went to kiss Isabella but his lips landed on her left cheek. Clearly he was back yet but he would not give up trying.

Venturing to sickbay he crossed the path again of another passenger on the Repulse.

" Hello Major."
" Doctor McGregor I didn't know you made house calls? "
" I don't. But I might be in need of you to do one for me. '

" Do tell."



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