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Post# 16 " The Lighting Strikes Twice"

Posted on Fri Feb 18th, 2022 @ 3:11pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Edited on on Wed Feb 23rd, 2022 @ 2:08am

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


< USS Bohr >

Captain Rivers never missed a launch and quickly took the seat for this one.

" Clear all moorings , helm standard full impulse on my mark.," Rivers ordered.

Ensign Covenant nodded and then awaited for the order.

" Rock and. Roll," Captain Rivers then ordered.

Shauna smiled as she watched her new CO acting like a kid in a candy store, he was positively buzzing with excitement from what she could see.

The stars shimmered at the impulse speed and passing the giant station the Bohr almost roared as it left its nest it seemed. Lt Covenant and Nic his son both manned the ops and navigational consoles driving the giant Pacifica class cruiser once again into the void.

" Long range sensors functioning properly and we already have the Draailian's first shipment underway. We will rendezvous with them in three hours present speed." Nic Covenant reported.

" Excellent helm. Lt Covenant you have the con, Commander Callaghan let's mozie to the ready room. I have some intel to share with you." Captain Rivers replied.

" Aye sir," Bob Covenant replied

“Aye Captain” Shauna smiled and nodded as she stood and followed Rivers to the ready room.

< Ready Room >

Deke entered the room and took his seat behind the desk but then stood up.
" I hate this chair. It's for an old man. Note to self get a new chair. Shauna will you join me at the Captains table tonight?" Deke asked.

Shauna looked at Deke in surprise. “I’d be honoured to” She smiled warmly.

< Main Engineering >

Nora was mesmerised by the humming of the engines. She has became more familiar with the Start ships system. The Bohr is becoming her second home by every minute by being on board this vessel. All systems check are green. She didn’t want any critical systems to fail while being on a six month mission. She start some emergency drills, in case of an attack, to be ready and alert.

From the bridge Lt Bob Covenant manned the chair and watched the viewer as the stars trickled by.

" Sir Sagittarius A has just expelled a large solar wave. Its effect will give us some technical issues before we reach the freighter." Nic warned Bob.

" Bridge to Engineering...we are going to be needing more shields soon. A solar storms heading our way " Bob said to the Chief engineer via inter ship coms.

=^="Understood, Sir. Boosting our shields."=^= Then she walked over the console and attempted to boost the shield emitters. "Finally" she thought. =^=Shields now by 130% capacity, Sir. I can't get you any higher than this other wise then conduits and the emitter will bow up in my face. Nora replied.

" We may need to if the Draailian's ship's shields are weaker. Good job Lieutenant.' Bob replied.

=^=„ Thank you Sir. I’ll be working on a way to expand our shield bubble and boost our shield emitters without blowing them up. I keep you posted on our progress,Sir“ Nora out

Bob nodded and then tapped his communicator.
" Captain Rivers to the bridge. Were heading into a stellar storm."

Deke heard the call and replied, " Roger that. Shauna I guess I will need to take a rain check."

Shauna offered a smile. “I’ll look forward to when we do get chance Sir.” She stood ready to follow Deke out onto the bridge.

The ring of fire expanding out from the sun was visible onscreen as Deke reentered.
" How wide is that damn thing?"

" Two parsecs now Captain. It will reach us in 8 minutes."

" Rivers to Engineering can we out run this thing?"

“With the shield at 130% we are stretching the capacity if the storm last long then a couple of hours we might suffer some damage to our hull integrity, Sir. I am working on improving the stability of the boost“ Nora replied.

Shauna didn’t like the look of what was coming. “Can we withstand being hit by that storm if we’re shielding the other ship?”

“Not at our current status, Commander. My team and I are Woking on a solution that enables us to give the aid and Support need.“ Nora Said.

" 7 minutes to contact," Bob Covenant informed.

" Sensor are detecting a heavy cronoton wave embedded in this phenomenon Captain." Bob added.

" Of course there is. I have been struck by that lightening before. Helm we can't out run it so come to full stop. We will ride the wave . Engineering divert all warp power to shields and hull." Deke then ordered. Banking on the effects a boat might have on the ocean Deke hoped the USS Bohr could ride the wave.

6 became 5 and then 4..3..2..and 1 and then the massive energy wave slammed against the Bohr absorbing it into itself. The bridge suddenly flashed and all that they could see was whitness and then darkness.

< 30 minutes later >

< Main Engineering >

Some of the engineering team got knocked down and some flew across the room. Nora got knocked on her head and suffered cut on the side of her fore head she also was unconscious for few moments. She she als had a few bruises on her right arm. As she regained consciousness and saw what had happened she notified sickbay and asked for help. A few moment some nurses came for assistance. The nurse examined Nora and told her that she had a light concussion and to take slowly. She received a plaster for her cut. And went back to work. Other crewmen weren’t so lucky and were taken to sickbay.

< Bridge >

The bridge crew had been knocked down and became unconscious reviving chronologically thirty minutes later when Bob Covenant revived and checked his readings.

Shauna slowly stirred, the last thing she remembered was being thrown hard against a bulkhead by the force of the impact. There were no broken bones that she could tell, but she did have a head injury that had been bleeding whilst she was unconscious, though fortunately not too seriously. She slowly got to her feet, ignoring the headache she now had. “What’s... our status?” She looked towards Covenant.

Nursing a concussion Bob Covenant looked at his console and reconfigured.
" Sir this is not possible under normal systems. We have been thrown three parsecs from our last known position." Bob replied.

" Three parsecs? That would take us to the other side of the Sagittarius. We are months away from the Mercury at maximum warp." Deke answered.

“Months!” Shauna reined in her emotions and kept her head as she took her seat. “Lieutenant...” She looked to Covenant “Get yourself down to Sickbay and get your head wound sorted.”

" Yes ma'am." Bob nodded but as he arose the proximity sensors detected the approach of two ships of unknown origin.

Shauna looked towards the officer taking Covenant’s place. “Report...” She looked towards Deke knowing she could do with medical treatment herself, though at present they didn’t have time for her to leave the bridge.

" Only probes have ventured into this region due to chronoton radiation. The planets and sun in this system age quickly . This system is known as the Phoenix system due to its rebirth. The star explodes and recoils every 500 years." Bob relayed. " Those ships seem to have found us and are heading our way."

" Evasive manuvers Yellow Alert." Rivers then commanded.

Shauna was doing her best to ignore her thumping headache but couldn’t ignore it any longer as her head spun, moments later she was out cold on the deck.

" Sickbay to the Bridge. Dr Ito medical emergency."

[ Sir ito has been injured. The new ai drone is on line but we are out of range with Starbase Mercury. I will send a med team to the bridge] the chief nurse replied

Deke jumped down to Shauna's side

" Wake up Commander I need you."

< Main Engineering >

Nora ran a Full check on all system to see the full extent of the damage received. While checking she noticed the yellow alert. She decided to head to the bridge and send all the damage result to the bridge and head on her way.

< Bridge >

A few moments later she arrived on the bridge. She was shocked of what she saw. „Sir, I noticed the yellow alert and made my way to the bridge. How can I be of assistance.“ she said. Before going to her console.

" Were you not affected down there. That wave shot us four parsecs off course."

„Yes we were, Sir. The nurse cleared me I have a light concussion and my right arm is pretty bruised and my team suffered injuries and some of them had been taken to sickbay,Sir“ Nora replied.

" When possible get down to sickbay. " Deke replied.

“Understood, Sir“ and went to her station. She tapped a button and the console came to life. The damage report had finalised. „No hull breaches. Shields at 15%. Deck 8 lost power and engineering crew has been deployed. Power should be restored within an hour. A few relays poped and the repair team is on its way.“ Nora reported. “All other systems are checking out fine, Sir”

" Maintain shields 2 alien ships are heading this way." Dallas warned Nora.

„Maintaining shields“ Nora responded. Her finger were flying over the panel diverting power to shields to maintain the current shield status and kept on tapping on her console.

Moments later a medical team stepped onto the bridge, a young nurse moved across to Shauna. Running a quick scan she looked at Deke. “She has a bad concussion Captain, she should be in Sickbay but under the circumstances I can give the Commander a stimulant. Just be warned, once it wears off she’ll be unconscious again.”

" Take her to sickbay. Covenant are they armed?' Deke replied.

" Scanning a shields system only sir."

" Hail the ships. Let's try diplomacy." Deke added.

The hailing frequency sounded and all awaited for the response. A reaponse occured seconds later when both ships arrived off the Bohr's port bow.

" Why have you entered our home?" a voice from one of the ships asked.

Meanwhile Shauna had stirred just long enough to hear what the nurse had said. “Hypo” She motioned to the stimulant. “I’m... needed here.”

The young woman nodded. Pressing the hypo to Shauna’s neck she waited for it to work as she cleaned up the headwound Shauna had . “Commander, you must come to Sickbay before that wears off. It’ll give you a couple of hours at most, the sooner you get treated the better off you’ll be.”

Shauna nodded and got to her feet. “I understand.” She walked across to Deke as he prepared to answer the question from those onscreen.

Deke then entered Captain mode and explained to the visitors how they arrived. The visitors were called the Hobu and were themselves looking for life but was unprepared to find it so quickly. Their ships were ion propelled and offered to help in any way possible.

" Executor thank you for your hospitality." Deke told the being.

[ We believe you are genuine as you have not raised any weapons.] Executor replied.

“We appreciate your help nonetheless” Shauna smiled warmly.

[ We are curious that your species is so vast. Our sensors detect 100 crew. Why so many of both male and female. Are you a colonizing vessel?] Executor asked.

Shauna smiled. “Our ship is made up of crew from a lot of world’s that our part of the Federation of Planets. We have male, female, and non gender species aboard. It’s a normal part of how our ships are manned.”

[ We have never heard of placing both genders aboard the same ship. Having a crew of such diversity is intriguing. Are all of your species from the same planet?] Executor then asked.

Shauna looked towards Deke then back at Executor. “Not all of us, some are from other worlds.”

" Executor we would love to host you aboard once we determine that our ships systems are in tact and safe. Then we could explain us and all about the United Federation of Planets. Is that acceptable to you?"

[ Very much so.] the being replied.

Shauna smiled at Deke. “I’ll head to Sickbay and get myself checked out, then I’ll make preparations for our guests.”

" You're the best Shauna..." Deke smiled.

Turning to Lt Covenant Deke snapped for him to follow her as relief took over Ops. Dallas stood at Tactical and kept watchful eye on the Hobu ship's.

They still had the issue of getting back home which Deke hoped Lt Ejo , his Chief Engineer, would be able to accomplish.



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