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Post # 17 TeleMedicine

Posted on Wed Feb 23rd, 2022 @ 2:17am by Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: USS Bohr/Starbase Mercury M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Despite some of the staff being on a deployed mission Dr Hiri called a special meeting of the current medical staff on the station and the USS Bohr. Using the most recent advanced of technology all members would be available for the meeting using the hologram telemed emitters. Anyone looking in on sickbay would see them as live beings.

" Welcome Doctors. This is weird for my little Caitian mind to get used to. The point of this is to be where we need to be without having to wait to get there. Dr Calian McGregor is more pronounced on this stuff so the floor is yours Doctor McGregor." Hiri opened with.

Cal took the floor.

" I won't bore you with the details but I can be both here and there at the same time using upgraded holo emitters drawn from the USS Voyager EMH program. Using this technology I have done surgeries on a battle field and delivered a baby on a starship. We are on the verge of a new field of medicine." Cal addressed.

Isabelle was sitting watching Cal do his part with interest. She hadn’t really seen her fiancé at work before so it was fascinating to watch.

" The military are also using this system limitedly as a resource. " Cal added.

Isabelle looked towards Cal. “I doubt it’ll be limited for long, once they’ve had chance to scope out what the system can do.”

Cal smiled as Isabelle interjected.

" Is their a servo or drone component to this system?" Dr Ito asked.

" There is with the mobile emitter attached. Our ai attachment is virtual using these special contact lenses or a head phone system. Some species cant wear contact lenses. The ai will be you for all intense and purposes of medicine." Cal answered.

“Does it allow for an empath like myself to sense a patient?” Isabelle looked at Cal curiously. “As a Counsellor I rely on my senses to help my patients.”

" Isabella I wanted to try that with you later. The Bohr has a couple of the emitter drones aboard. Since they do not have a counselor aboard perhaps you could interact with someone aboard there?" Cal suggested.

Hiri looked to Isabella as perhaps that was not such a good idea.

Isabelle smiled thinking about Dallas. “Maybe I could.”

" This is the next step into our evolution." Cal added.

“Perhaps so for medical science” Isabelle nodded. “I’m not yet convinced where counselling comes into it.”

Hiri looked to the screen of Ito and proceeded to tell him how to activate the emitter drone on the Bohr. Instructing him to also activate the second drone for Isabella. Cal then walked over to his fiancee and had her put on the ear and eye phone device consisting of eyewear and ear phones.

" Now with your eyes connect to the ai emitter ." Cal instructed. Suddenly Isabella could feel her mind warping over to the USS Bohr sickbay. As the drone absorbed her arrival she could see herself in third person as if she was really there.

Ito smiled as she appeared.
" Hello Counselor."

" It will adapt your senses and touch to the environment." Cal told her.

Isabelle paused. It was an odd sensation. “Whoa... sorry this is an odd sensation.” She offered a smile.

" The emotions work I see her beautiful smile." Ito added.

Isabelle couldn’t help but blush. “Thank you Doctor you’re very kind.”

The emitter ai of Isabella was so life like to Ito he almost forgot she wasn't really there. But back on the station Cal removed her shutting off the emitter.

" So you see it will really work." Cal told her.

“Okay so let’s say you’ve peaked my interest” Isabelle smiled warmly.

" Good because I plan to use this research for my thesis as I am furthering my civilian education." Cal replied.

“So does that mean you’ll be staying aboard for the foreseeable future?” Isabelle looked at Cal curiously.

" Yes of course Isabella. We have to find our son and then get married."

Isabelle’s smile faded just a little. “We’ve tried to find him Cal, you know that.” She sighed knowing Now was not the time to go into this discussion.

" Don't fret my beloved. I have thought of everything and I have enlisted the help of someone who can accomplish this goal for us." Cal whispered back. " Thus concludes this portion of our meeting. I see we have lost the signal to Dr Ito I hope all is well there."

" The station is on Yellow alert. All hands back to our stations." Dr Hiri added.

Isabelle nodded. All she could do was hope all was well aboard the Bohr.



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