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Post# 18 " Stormy Times "

Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 11:45am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo)

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Starbase Mercury/M-69>

Captains log Stardate: 77107.3

This station is now established and both native Savai peoples have agreed to the installation of a Federation colony. An engineer from the Star Fleet corp of engineers has arrived and is preparing for the grand building of the outpost as supplies have become arriving for its structure.

Log concluded.

Sureth then tapped his coms badge and paged out for members of the senior staff to meet him in the ready room.

Having received the call Isabelle dropped off Hope and Lucky at the nursery & school before making her way to the ready room. As she arrived and entered she offered her father a cheery smile. “Hello father” she took a seat.

" Isabella I am glad you arrived first. I am aware of the arrival of Cal. You should know I dispatched him several weeks ago. Such things do take time ." Sureth told her.

Isabelle nodded. “You had him come here when you knew I was falling in love with John?” She gave her father a surprised look, before the door opened and Taavis entered.

Taavis entered the briefing room, saying as she went to her XO's chair. "Greetings to you both. And, Jolan Tru." Since the CO was not yet seated Taavis remained standing just behind her own chair. "Captain, I have several things to discuss. Perhaps this briefing will be the opportune time to do so, after you have given us your own directives."

" Excellent Commander. I look forward to your report. Major Haden Mattox is with the Starfleet Corp of Engineers and will be overseeing the initial construction of the base that is being built on Savai. I hope you take time to meet him." Sureth replied.

"A ground facility has promise, Captain." Taavis reigned in her discipline. "It is agreeable to aid however I can."

" I will hold you to that Commander. It will need your security touch." Sureth replied..

" I am still waiting on engineering to arrive and then I will begin." Sureth then added.

Isabelle was lost in thought, she was still mulling over the fact that Cal was aboard the station. When it came to her heart she was well and truly torn between him and Dallas.

" Isabella do you have a status report of the station and morale?" asked her father

Isabelle snapped out of her daydream. “Morale... is at a high at the moment. We’ve had an influx of visitors lately which seems to be helping. The station itself is mostly operational, there are still a few levels to be finished.

" And with the addition of the new facility planetside all of our itineraries no doubt will be stretched. Speaking of the visitors the Draailian's will restart shipment escortsd by the USS Bohr. There are other independent intities as well bidding to supply this station. Commander Taavis that is where you come in. Please scrutinize any unsavories that may be trying to plant themselves on Savai. The natives barely trust the Federation." Sureth added.

The first day arriving at the station and finding her way to the ready room. When she finally arrived where she needed to be she then entered the room. She saw that besides the Captain, whom she greeted with a nod “Captain“, two more officer where. One which was standing next to the Captain. “Hmmm….“ she thought “this must be Commander Taavis the XO of the station.“ now she was able to put a face to the commanders name which she seen on roster that she had read on the travel to the station. The other person in the was a female lieutenant. After greeting the Captain she greeted Commander and then the lieutenant. “Sorry for my delayed arrival. I’m still trying to find my way around the station. I just arrived a few hours ago on a transit ship. I am Lt. Cmd. Jessica O‘Neil I’m the new Chief of Engineering on the station.“ she said introducing her to everyone present. “May I sit next to you“ pointing to the chair next to the Lieutenant.

Isabelle offered a polite smile. “Of course Commander, please sit. “I’m Isabelle Veran, Chief Counsellor.”

Jessica took the seat and sat down.

" Welcome Commander. You arrived at the right time. Sensors have detected a solar storm. We will need to boost power to the stations shields." Sureth replied

“The station has a quite power shielding on her own, do we have any data on the storm that is approaching the station so that I can calculate the possible outcome on how strong the storm will when it reaches us.” Jessica said

Sureth added," Awaiting more data."

“Hmm… according to the data. We need to boost our shields by 80%. I will get acquainted with my team in engineering and work on a solution to boost the stations shields. 80%” Jessica answered.

„Captain, with your permission may and head to engineering, to get the station prepared and ready before the storm hits us. ”

" Permission given" Sureth replied.

Jessica then got up and headed for the door and went to Engineering.

“Will the Bohr have encountered this storm?” Isabelle looked worriedly towards her father.

" More so than us I am afraid." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Can we contact the Bohr?”

" We have lost the Bohr's signal." Sureth replied.

< Main Engineering >
Moments later Jessica step into engineering. „Team the Captain has asked us to prep the station for an incoming storm. We need to raise our shield capacity by minimum of 80%. I need you to work fast.“she said. After a few hours calculating, rewording and reconfiguring couplings, replays and emitters. They were able to boost the shields by about 92%. Jessica taped her comm. Badge „Engineering to Captian, we were able to boost our Shield another 95%. “

=/\= Excellent Commander. The storm will reach us in 8 minutes.=/\= Sureth replied.

The 8 minute wait was a life time to this crew as the storm made its looming presence.

The station shimmered and buffeted as the wave enveloped Mercury. The shields held but the inertial dampeners failed causing the station to spin like a top.

Warning lights were blinking, displaying a fail message on the main console “initial dampener’s failure”. Jessica send out engineering crews out plus some worker bees to fix the initial dampeners.
Those repairs would take a while. In the mean time the remaining team and her ran multiple lvl. 1 system and diagnostic checks to get a bigger picture of extend of the damage and to find out whether there have been only of those failures or if there was mir that needed attention.



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