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Post# 19" Damage Report Part 1"

Posted on Sat Mar 19th, 2022 @ 1:55am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Ensign 101

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent

If you are on and wish to not be just remove yourself


The station was a mess as the storm had sent them spinning out of orbit of Savai. Once stabilized Captain Sureth stood up and glanced around ops

" Damage report." Sureth yelled.

Isabelle was sitting on the deck, her head was spinning just about as fast as the station had. Giving herself a second she waited for the sensation to subside before she got to her feet. She walked around checking on the crew making sure they were alright.

Numerous calls from the station filtered through the comm boards but staff were still recovering.

“We’ve got injured crew here Captain, mostly minor injuries I’m glad to say.” She paused. “Forgive me Sir, I’ll be back soon I have to check on my children.” With that she headed off the bridge to go check with the station nursery and school.

=^=Main Engineering to the Captain. " We have a few couplings have blown and a few shield emitters. Thanks to the boosted shields we did not receive any major damage, Sir. My team has attended to the damage. All the damage will be fixed within a day."=^=

" Excellent work Chief." Sureth replied. He then moved from station to station to check on everyone.

Ensign 101 quickly stepped up and controlled tactical.

" Captain we have restored communications. USS Bohr has reported they were hit by the storm. Long range sensors no longer have a lock on the USS Bohr.."

Sureth looked to the screen as news of the Bohr being lost filled their ears.

Isabelle was waiting for the turbolift when the news of the Bohr came through. "What?" she turned to look at her father. He knew that she had feelings for Dallas and the news of his loss was hard for her. "How do we know that they're gone? they could still be out there somewhere! we need to send a search party!"

" It is too dangerous with all the radiation out there. When it subsides we can consider it." Sureth replied.

Iabelle nodded but she didn't have to like it. Who knew what had happened to the Bohr and her crew.

Dr Hiri arrived to ops and began her medical triage of patients up there.

" Who is injured among you " Hiri yowled.

Isabelle looked towards Hiri. "I'm dizzy still but I'm not injured."

" You have general nausea associated with the chronoton radiation. We have a dozen cases of this. Captain are you injured?" Hiri asked

" I am not exempt from that nausea you mentioned. We need to restabilize the base and reach a standard orbit." Sureth replied.

Isabelle gave herself a few more moments before looking to Hiri. "Will we need anti radiation treatments? or was the dose not large enough to worry about?"

" No known treatment is necessary. " Hiri replied.

" Sureth to engineering? I am on my way down." Sureth reported.



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