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#20 Seeing to the people

Posted on Thu Mar 24th, 2022 @ 7:13pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: promenade
Timeline: Current


While the Captain and OPS dealt with the storm from the Starfleet side, Taavis Had been on the promenade aiding all the civilians currently aboard the station. Security teams herded folks to safer locations if they weren't in their quarters already. Every half hour Taavis made sure to report in to OPS to keep the Captain and command staff apprised of her situation and location.

The Security personnel moved with quick professionalism as they continued to move people to safety. She felt pride as she watched them do their jobs to the best of their ability. So far no deaths had been recorded and only minor injuries had sprung up. The station got repositioned for a bit, and when that ended then the storm began to pass as it reached its peak. It wasn't over yet but it was heading away from them from the other side now. Unfortunately that meant that Mercury was currently in the middle of it.


OOC: A small post to get me back into the swing of things over here :)


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