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Post # 21 " Reception"

Posted on Sat Mar 26th, 2022 @ 1:11am by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr
Edited on on Sat Mar 26th, 2022 @ 1:11am

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: 4 parsecs into the Sagittarius system
Timeline: Concurrent


The USS Bohr and the Hobu ships resembled a giant Y as they remained of the starboard and stern bow. Deke allowed the one called Executor to dock via a shuttle as he did not wish to reveal the use of a transporter.

" Shauna are you still in sickbay?" Deke asked into the comm pin as he entered the shuttle bay.

Shauna tapped her comm badge. “I’m just about finished Captain, I’m just about to head for Sickbay.”

Bob Covenant ran to engineering and eye balled Nora Ejo as she hadn't gone to sickbay as yet.

" All right Chief you need to attend to your injuries. I can watch engineering while you do," Bob said to Nora.

“Thank you, Sir”. Nora said. “I will then attend to my injuries and meet with the Doctor.”

< Elsewhere >

The Hobu shuttle launched and headed over to the USS Bohr and resembled a small caterpillar to those viewing its propulsion

Clearly the ion drive was interesting but had not been used on the shuttle as it used a more conventional drive system less that of the Federation.

Deke saw his first officer and walked Shauna down to sickbay and then prepared to head to greet the Executor as Bohr locked onto the little shuttle with its tractor beam to guide it into the bay.

" Get patched up I need you for these negotiations Commander," Deke winked at Shauna.

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded and headed into Sickbay.

Entering the lift Deke rode it down to the hanger deck and watched as the caterpillar floated into the bay by the big red beam.

" Security at ease." Deke ordered

Executor and three other small gray being emerged from.the caterpillar and distinctly bowed to Rivers. They spoke but nothing intelligible could be heard.

Deke handed his comm badge to Executor and tapped it 3 times which activated the universal translator.

" Are you hearing me?" Executor asked.

" Yes. This is our universal translator device. I am Captain Deke Rivers." he replied extending his hand.

Not wanting to interrupt Shauna paused in the background, it hadn’t taken long to get treated in Sickbay. She still needed a rest but she’d get one later, for now this was more important.

One of the new Hobu beings spied her and pointed Shauna out to Executor. Another studied their ship and seeing no damage from the tractor beam joined the group.

" I wish to speak to your ships caregiver?"

" Caregiver? Oh you mean my Chief Engineer Lt Nora Ejo. I will take you to her in engineering." Deke replied.

" You allow femates to hold such important ship roles. This is not done on Hobus." the engineer replied. “Our femates are far too precious to our society. Do your femates not give birth to off springs?"

Shauna smiled politely as she joined Deke. “If I may answer that ... females in our societies do both. We hold important roles as well as bear children.

The Hobu engineer scowled. " Not very efficient if children are to be fed."

“We manage to do both” Shauna smiled. “Not that I have any children of my own, as yet. My career has always come first.”

The engineer crossed his arms and tapped a foot while Executor and the other one followed Captain Rivers over to the turbo lift.

" Where is Nora Ejo?" asked the engineer

" I believe last I heard she was going to Sickbay" Shauna offered a smile. "Try there."

< Sickbay>

Nora arrived at sickbay to attend to her injuries. The acting Doctor fixed her arm and healed her light concussion. Then she made her way to main engineering.

< Elsewhere >

The engineer scowled as he felt slighted by not getting to confer with his equal on the ship

" Shauna over here please. This wonderful officer is my First Officer Lt Commander Shauna Callaghan." Deke introduced.

" You are as delicate to look upon as he speaks." Executor bowed. " On my world you would be reveared as a high official or ruling class."

Shauna couldn’t help but blush at the comment. “Thank you Executor, I’m honoured.” She smiled at Deke as she looked in his direction.

" Shauna is my first officer and highly reveared by our crew. The advantages of both genders avail us more options to solve problems." Deke added.

The engineer still looked about for the one called Nora and found himself in turbo lift.
" Where is Nora Ejo?"

" Nora Ejo is in main engineering." said the computer voice.

" Take me to main engineering" the engineer then replied .

Nora entered main engineering look over the maintance of the ship.

The Hobu engineer entered and was astonished by the ships large reactor.

" I was hoping to meet you." Engineer said aloud.

“ Hello and welcome to engineering” Nora said while smiling. “My name is Nora Ejo.” Nora continued “Do you like me to show you around?” Nora asked

" Yes I am told to look at your engines to determine if our drive system is compatible." Engineer replied.

“Sure, please join me.” Nora said

“Here we go, this is our warp core. Right next to are consoles for it. ” Nora said and with the same breath “sorry what’s your name, I didn’t get your name. “

" It translates to Engineer in your tongue. You use a matter anti matter mixture...intriguing." said Engineer.

Nora observed and watched what the engineer did. It was a great opportunity to learn. Once he was done Nora asked the question “Do you think it would work? Are our systems compatible?”

" Our system is ion driven. I do not think this system is compatible. I'm sorry I don't think so." Engineer replied.

“Hmmm….” Nora thought. She thought of something but shook her head and disregarded it. “We are thank full for the willingness of sharing technology with us to helps. It would have been a great help if it had worked” Nora smiled warmly “Would you like me to escort your back to your crew?” Nora asked him

" Yes...that is wise. The best we could do is tow you to the edge of our system. " Engineer added.

< An Hour Later >

On the bridge and then reception room Deke, Shauna and Executor discussed how they came to be here. How they planned to return and hopefully a new friend in this sector.

" We have not heard of the Federation before but if you will permit us a small vial of your blood Captain I will give you a vile of mine and we can have a blood oath between our two peoples. " Executor asked.

Deke looked at Shauna and then to the AI of Dr Ito, as he had been injured.
" A Blood oath?"

“I think something akin to the oath that Klingons take Captain, to seal a deal or pact. It’s also used in private ceremonies as well I believe.” Shauna smiled.

" I would caution this Captain as we know very little of these people. There are DNA issues to consider," the AI Doctor Ito added.

Shauna looked at Deke. "Are you sure you want to do this Sir?"

" What is the old saying, to boldly do what none has done before? Agreed Executor." Deke replied.

" Excellent. " Executor replied as he took out a sudued blade and slit his hand. He then took Deke's right hand after wiping the blade on his own tunic and slit his. Exchanging a hand shake both now had blood on their hands.

" My engineer will look at your ships engine and we will help you get home to Federation." Executor replied.

Shauna moved across to where an emergency medkit was stored, fetching it out she grabbed a dermal regenerator and walked back to Deke. "Captain, let me treat your hand?"

Deke complied and then asked Shauna to do the same for Executor.

" Our blood is now one Deke Rivers. Let us feast, I brought a canister of preciples...a delicasy to my crew." Preciples resembled dried raisins.

Shauna offered a curious gaze at the preciples that the Executor has brought along.

" I had our replicators make a meal that was a staple for me and my twin brother. Bologna and cheese and potato chips minus the mayonnaise. The ships replicator screwed the pooch on that one." Deke offered as he presented the covered plate. Taking a hand full of the preciples both dined .

Executor then walked over to Shauna with his little smile and a kerchief of sorts.
" Your dermal generator is very effective. We have similar toys. However here is a kerchief to clean up that wound." Executor offered.

Shauna smiled warmly, “Thank you”

Executor took the kerchief back and secured it in his pocket.

" I think it is time for us to return to our ship for evening ceremony. Until tomorrow Captain Deke Rivers " Executor then said.

" Ensign Ovaq will see you out."

The Hobu exited the room and Deke looked to Shauna and the hovering Dr Ito AI drone.

" That was a weird conversation. What do you all think?" Deke asked.

Ito raised an eye brow.
" Sir I know we all are supposed to be open to new ways and cultures but these guys seem peculiar to me."

Shauna shook her head. “Weird maybe, but they seem open to relations with us. That’s what we need right now.”



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