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#22 Blackstone

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2022 @ 4:37pm by Sean Silk

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: ISS Redeemer
Timeline: current


Blackstone. An asteroid complex seething with greed, drugs, sex, alcohol and all the vices. A haven for the criminal types. A Las Vegas out on the fringes of known space, hidden deep within a cluster of asteroids and planetary debris froma star system that never quite made it. Parked in the unknown regions. Two light years distant was a quantum singularity which wreaked havoc with probes and sensors, keeping Blackstone the hidden gem that she was. Of course, when such places arise there are always those vying for power. Here it was a constant turf war for sections of casinos, nightclubs and various other enterprises. The Migrant Merchants Guild, Red Sun, The Black hand; just to name a few.

The ISS Redeemer dropped from warp and began to approach the asteroid cluster, following the instructions for approach to the letter. If one deviated then cloaked disruptor turrets would activate and obliterate the offender in a matter of minutes, and continue firing until there were only fist-sized pieces to float away. ISS Redeemer, or "Red" to her owner Sean Silk, was a tough ship, but not that tough.

A sultry, slightly raspy female voice came over the ships intercom speakers. "Approaching Blackstone, Boss, Any special orders?"

Silk was back in his Captain's quarters, finishing getting dressed for his first excursion into the worlds of Blackstone. "No, Red. Get us there, internal docking bay, please."

"You got it, boss."

Redeemer was a one-of-a-kind vessel. A prototype of Silk's own design. With his schematics for computer systems and security systems Sean had traded that skill for the ship being built. Once the vessel was completed to his exacting specifications he then made sure to input a virus and destroy all data in regards to Red from the manufacturer's mainframe. Red was the only one. Ever. The AI that was Red had a heuristic processor and a learning computer. She had a holo-body of a sultry redhead. She piloted the ship independently while Silk prepped for his adventures.

Buckling on his gunrig and equipment belt, Silk then buckled the tactical holster down on the thigh, low-slung for quickdraw. His Klingon disruptor pistol had undergone a facelift. The internals were a disruptor but the externals now made the pistol look like a Desert Eagle .50cal pistol. One thing about Sean Silk, he loved to tinker. And, over the centuries he had lived he had become quite prolific at designing and creating personal devices that were next-level in their applications. Walking from his quarters and up into the cockpit, the large panoramic window providing a breathtaking view of space and the cluster of asteroids. As Redeemer maneuvered through, around and between the asteroids Sean would catch glimpses of the lights from the installations. Eventually, as they entered the 'cleared' space directly around the main complex asteroid, Red angled towards a docking bay.

Sean sat down casually in his pilot's seat. "Our timing couldn't be better," said Silk, referring to getting a bay right up front, instead of waiting for one to clear.

Red gave a chuckle through the speakers. "Do we chalk that up to your pure awesomness, boss?"

The cheekiness wasn't missed. "Heard any chatter, Red? Anyone we might want to chat with while here?"

"Not that I can confirm, boss. However, the Migrants and the Black hand are vying for territory at this time."

"Cabal," asked Silk.

"Several members are currently on Blackstone. Mid-level players trying to make their mark."

"Good," said Sean, grinning to himself as he stroked his chin. It was high time The Cabal had a slice of the Balckstone pie. "Get us landed, love. I'll gather some nanos." He got up and went into the back to load one of his equipment pouches with his 'nanos'.



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