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Something strange

Posted on Tue Apr 12th, 2022 @ 8:37pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers
Edited on on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 6:15pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Post Reception


Hobu lay before the lone craft that had once met the alien vessel. The long crawler of a shuttle hustled itself down to the surface parking itself on the medical complex .

The Engineer quickly ran the large box like containers inside as its delicacy was evidently fated if the mission was successful.

This dying race had long last found what they hoped would be their salvation.

Joined by the Executor and the silent one with him Engineer delivered and then watched as the professional scientists began the cloning process.

~ Sometime later ~

Shauna awoke, staring at the ceiling of a room she didn’t recognise. She turned her head side to side looking around, seeing Deke on a bed nearby she tried to get up from where she lay. It was only then she discovered what had happened as she ran her hand over her now swollen abdomen. She was pregnant? But who was the father? and how far along was she? Getting up she cautiously moved across to Deke.

“Captain ... Deke ... can you hear me?”

Deke Rivers slowly awaken as well bothered by the very dim light above them. That dim light proved to be sheathed sunlight as the very blue rays gave the innocence of LED illumination.

Their captivity was an out side cabana type environment but the clear glass of shielding prevented them from moving too far in any direction. Baskets of fruits and preciples filled bowls on a wooden like table and a flowing water stream was their hydration.

" Shauna? I hear your voice but my vision is blurry. Where are we?" Deke replied.

"It looks like we're on the surface of a planet, I'm not sure exactly what's going on but ..." Shauna paused. "I'm pregnant!"

Deke cleared his eye and could see that she was indeed pregnant.

" This has to be an illusion. Computer stop the program. Computer?" Deke replied

Shauna shook her head. “This isn’t an illusion Deke!” She took a seat to rest. “I don’t know what in the hell is going on but ... look at me! I don’t even know who the father of this baby is!”

“That would be the man you’re sat next to” Came a voice from the doorway, the door opened to reveal a woman who appeared to be medical staff. “Congratulations Captain you’re going to be a father!” She pulled out something similar to a tricorder, running it over Shauna. “Excellent, all seems to be proceeding within tolerance for your body. I’m afraid we know little of your species but from what we’ve learned from information you shared with us you are approximately six of your Earth months along.”

“Six months!?” Shauna looked at Deke gobsmacked.

" What the Hell? I never lay with this woman. I am her Commanding Officer. Who are you damn people?" Deke yelled.

“Now, now Captain, do not cause undue stress.” The woman remained calm. “You know who we are, we simply ... needed your help. Your child will be the first born here in a very long time, the first of a new Generation of our world that the two of you will provide us. As for your ... mating process, we had no need our technology allows us to take genetic material from you both and enhance the growth to a point. The child is yours, I suggest you get used to raising your family here you’ll be here for the rest of your lives.”

Shauna moved to sit down on a sofa in the room. “So you just ... implanted me and then sped up growth?” She ran her hand over her stomach. “This is our baby, I won’t let you take him or her from us!”

“She won’t be harmed” The woman smiled. “Your children will be the saviours of our civilisation.” With that she turned and headed out of the door leaving them alone.”

“She .. we’re having a girl” Shauna couldn’t help but smile even though the situation was so bizarre.

" This is not good Commander. We have to get back to the Bohr." Deke replied. He then walked over to the edge of the energy field. " Let us out of here."

Shauna sighed. “You can try and escape, bring back help. Look at me ... I’ll just slow you down.”

" No we both will escape. "

“Exactly how?” Shauna sighed, she was feeling totally out of her comfort zone. “Deke ... you didn’t say how you felt about this. About ... being a father.”

" I have a son and a daughter. My son Croesus is a Commander on a starbase. Having another kid would be weird." Deke replied.

Shauna was about to answer when the field around their area suddenly flickered along with the lights, suddenly the field dropped. “Look ...” She motioned to the gap in the field. “Let’s go!”

A smile formed on the faces watching from afar, they would be watching and listening. For now it would appear they had escaped when in reality they were on a world used for the very purpose they were here. It was one giant experiment, living in a very large ‘goldfish bowl’

Deke cautiously led the way as their cell became foliage and beautiful evening sunset views.

" This is odd. Either we are lucky or someone up there likes us." Deke told her.

“We can but hope” Shauna proceeded cautiously reaching out to hold onto Deke’s arm as they proceeded through the area around them. “We need to find somewhere we can set up a base, we have to find food and water.”

A path led down ward and Deke followed it as it appeared to head into a set of many trees.

" Let's hide here until night fall. Are you feeling ok? I will go and look for water." Deke replied.

Shauna offered a smile. “I’m okay, just tired. I’ll try and make us some shelter for now.”

Deke left the scene and soon found a source of water from of all places a well. He was unsure of its purity but beggers couldn't be choosers. Returning to Shauna he stood back and watched as she built their shelter.

" Excellent job Commander. You must have been a scout as a child? I found water from a well, an actual pump well. i couldn't have dreamed a better scenario." Deke replied.

Shauna sat down to rest. “That’s what’s bothering me, it’s all just too convenient. But maybe I’m just seeing things that aren’t there. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry, I could eat a horse as the Human saying goes.”

" Be careful they might make that happen and I love horses. I think we need to ..." Deke couldn't believe his nose as he smelled something from his past.
" I smell barbeque. Barbeque chicken."

“Are you kidding me!?” Shauna looked at Deke in amazement. “You go, take a look. I’ll wait here for you.”

Deke pursued the smell and soon found a pit with a rotisserie if some kind of fowl.

" Shauna it is real "

Shauna slowly followed on to where Deke was, fortunately it wasn’t far. “I don’t get this! Where did this come from? Meat doesn’t just cook itself out in the forest!” Her stomach rumbled. “Sorry I’m starving.”

" Me too." Deke said joining. After the meal both were full and both found a tree with low lying limbs and shade.
" Let's take a nap. I am so stuffed." Deke said.

“Agreed” Shauna nodded. “Though at least you don’t have a bowling ball for a stomach!” She offered a smile as she found herself staring into Deke’s eyes. She blushed as she looked away.

" Is my hair a mess? You know my hair is my life." Deke joked. " We will get out of here. I think we need to go back and relax until they mess up. They can read our thoughts so we have to keep them clear as we can. I dont think we are in anything less than a holodeck."

Shauna nodded. “I could do with some sleep, my energy levels are practically zero.”

" One thing I always enjoyed was massaging my ex wifes feet when she was pregnant. May I?" Deke offered.

Shauna smiled and nodded. “Please do, I’d like that.”

" Commander you are going to love my foot rubs." Deke replied with gusto.



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