Post # 24 " A New Promise "
Posted on Thu Apr 14th, 2022 @ 11:55pm by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Character Development
Location: Savai
Timeline: Present Day
The station had been uprighted and properly orbited which meant things had to get back to normal. One such thing was the planned opening of the new station mission on the planet.
" Captain Sureth to New Promise ," Sureth said tapping his com badge. A new voice filled the speakers as the voice of Major Haden Mattox spoke.
[ Sir the station is Good to Go. The local authorities are on hand for security but I would prefer our own.]
" Understood Major I will contact Commander Taavis to assist you. Sureth out."
Sureth was not sure of Taavis location but he again tapped his badge. Taavis skills as a security officer were legendary.
" Sureth to First Officer please join me at Ops."
Taavis heard the summons as she sat in her XO's office. Responding in kind she stood and gathered her pocket PADD, sliding it into her thigh pocket on her Vulcan catsuit. Today she had chosen all black, with Starfleet insignia and pins where appropriate. Entering Ops from not to far away Taavis approached her CO and stopped when appropriate. "You called, Captain?"
" The New Promise colony has come on line down on Savai. The mission specialist from the Sea Bees Major Haden Mattox states he will need a security detachment . Please get with him and assist with that issue." Sureth directed .
Taavis gave a nod. "Of course, Captain. Always agreeable to breathe fresh air and put soles to turf. Do I leave immediately?"
" Finish up any assignments you are
currently on but do dispatch security to the site. I want to secure this station before I join you Commander Taavis. The Major is awaiting your arrival." Sureth replied.
Fesra , leader of the Furvian people and Kodos leader of the humanoids Legitimate peoples stood beside the Star Fleet Marine Major Maddox as the staff hustled for the opening ceremonies.
" Welcome to your new city." Maddox said smiling to both.
" We are thankful for you Major and Captain Sureth's contribution. 2 years ago this was a wilderness but today it is a New Promise to my colleague Fesra. Savai is united now and soon we will be a Federation world as well." Kodos replied .
Fesra was not as enthusiastic but did come to participate as her youth were very interested. One was an older male Furvian named Vurgo who excelled at all hunting games.
" Vurgo you are early." Fesra told him .
" Vurgo here has become my number one man ...I mean dude. A natural leader." Major Maddox added.
" Thank you Major. This means a lot to our people, both peoples . The legitimate and the Furs." Vurgo replied.
Maddox smiled as he had become very fond of the young cub since landing on the planet. His smiled paused as he received word from the station about the Draillians ship taking to warp before mooring.
" It would seem we have a flaw in the slaw, a hold up. Captain Sureth sends his apologies. But we can continue with the grand opening." Maddox communicated to Fesra and Kodos.
Vurgo ran out to the center of the festivities and roared and then was joined by a hundred warriors who also had arrived. Before anyone was aware the entire compound was surrounded by Furvian warriors.
Major Maddox looked to Fesra but found no comfort in her glare.
" Is this a trick Fesra? " Kodos asked.
" No this is our way." Fesra replied. " Brave warriors from all prides for centuries our ways prevailed on this world. Today we join our fellow inhabitants to make a New Promise of peace. "
The humanoids filed in and those who were part of the music section took their places and began playing their native instruments.The prides escorted each humanoid into the central park and watched over them as they found their seats.
Despite the calamity above on Starbase Mercury the planet was enjoying its first official joint holiday