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Post # 25 Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2022 @ 9:46am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star base Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Captain Sureth quickly hustled back to OPS and prepared for the days events. The station was tilted slightly on its axis but soon, with thrusters and what humans called luck, the station would assume a slightly lower planetary orbit.

" Ensign Covenant transfer power to thrusters. Engineering are you ready down there?" Sureth ordered.


=^=Ready as I can be, Sir=^= O’Neil replied back via the comm.
=^=we can start=^=


Sureth pointed to Nic Covenant and one could feel the station move.
" Slowly moving sir 10,000 kph"

" Take us to standard orbit ." Sureth ordered.
" Aye aye sir " Nic responded

The process took some touch and go but eventually the base was again in orbit and maintaining it . All clapped when the station once again read nominal.

" Now we have work to do. Sensors begin scanning for the Draillian ships?"

" Scanning 2 Draillian vessels fifty thousand kilomenters out. " Nic told the Captain.

" Inform the Draillians we are once again open for business." Sureth replied .

" Message sent sir." Nic Covenant replied.


Hiri and Dr McGregor hustled about as patients mended and were released. Fortunately no deaths but several injuries followed the storm.

Isabelle was in her office, since the storm she’d had an influx of worried, afraid and generally upset people to help. She’d been busy reassuring people and now the station was finally up and running again her schedule was starting to return to more of a normal pace.


Most people in engineering were busy getting the station back in shape again. Some were working on damages and were close of finish the repairs others went back to their normal routine. O'Neil received the reports on the progress of the repair and was satisfied with the outcome. She thanked the Ensign who handed her the pad. She then sends the report to the Captain.


Two Draillian ships inched closer to the station and prepared to make their delivery for the Savai planet and the station.

" Draillian ships you are cleared for morings 1 and 3." Nic told the Captains of each ship.

Sureth was pleased to see the two ships and looked forward to the new agreement with the Draillians.

" Ensign invite the Commanding officers to join me for dinner. I look forward to meeting them.

" Aye sir."

Taavis had maintained her position near to the Captain, watching and listening to all that transpired around her. As events unfolded she would casually reach out and tap the feeds for Security and Tactical. As ships were docking teams were assigned for security reasons, and to be there as hosts should new arrivals need directions. All cargo would be scanned thoroughly before allowed to be housed.

"Security is in place, Captain. All team reports are positive, Sir."

" The Draillians arrived without escort. Either the threat was unreal or the threat is no longer a threat." Sureth replied .

Giving the infamous Vulcan arched eyebrow Taavis turned her face to look at her commanding officer. "Shall I inform the teams near the Draillians to be a little more attentive, Captain Sureth?" She did not want her people caught unawares.

" I think that would be prudent." Sureth replied.

Taavis relayed her concerns to the teams near to the Draillians, informing them to maintain a heightened alert status to anything strange or unusual. Even gut feelings should be taken into consideration.


The first Draillian ship moored and its crew took leave as the work bees unloaded the supplies onto the Savai ships.

But the second ship paused its mooring and backed away as it claimed umbilical attachments were damaged.


" Draillian freighter is there a problem?" Nic Covenant asked.

[ Starbase we are experiencing a warp core issue. We are reversing course . Please do not pursue us.]
Sureth focused on the main screen.

" Distance to the station?"
" 10563 kilometers sir." replied Nic

" Yellow Alert."

" Transporters lock onto that freighter. All life forms only" Sureth ordered.

" Sir the ship has just crossed safe transporter range. " Nic warned

The Draillian ship slowly turned and out of nowhere jumped to warp.

" Sir they were bluffing. They tricked us Captain." Nic declared.

Isabelle stepped into Ops wondering what all the fuss was about. “What’s happening?” She looked at her father curiously.

" One of the Draillian ships has apparently found another buyer." Sureth replied. " Unfortunately the USS Bohr is indisposed and they knew that "

Isabelle nodded. “Are there any other Starships in the area that could help us?”

" Non that can be here that fast. I will question the other cargo ships Captain. Isabella you have the con." Sureth said as he exited. Tapping his comm badge Sureth then called Commander Taavis.

" Commander meet me in hanger bay 1. We have a mystery to solve."

Isabelle was taken by surprise, Taavis was the Exec but her father had left her in command. “Aye ... Sir.”



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