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Post # 26 " Parsecs"

Posted on Fri Apr 22nd, 2022 @ 3:48pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Mission: Character Development
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


Captains Star log: 77237.04
The USS Bohr was propelled 4 parsecs from our home base of Starbase Mercury. In this time we have resumed course home. Our ETA is rougly the six months we were to be deployed to convoy the Draailian cargo ships.

I am hopeful our Chief Engineer will be able to increase our speed and get us home quicker.

Log Concluded...

< Bridge >

The Bohr cruised at warp 5 which seemed like forever to get back. Captain Rivers seemed himself but some of the crew were not so happy with this situation.

Shauna offered Deke a supportive smile, they were stuck in a situation that unless something miraculous happened would see them take a long time to get home. It was a case of making do.

" First Officer you have the Con. I am going down to engineering." Deke said to Shauna.

“Aye Sir” Shauna smiled warmly as she looked at Deke. “I’ll keep your seat warm for when you come back.”

" You do that ." Deke smiled. He had been a pilot and engineer in his past and hoped his experience would help Lt Ejo.

Shauna watched Deke go, she could see he was looking forward to helping out in engineering.

< Engineering >

The problem with the warp drive was not as bad as Deke perceived. Ejo had maintained the warp drive very well it was the mere fact the solar storms power had propelled them so far that even max warp would be months away.

" Lt Ejo are you in need of some help?" Deke asked.

Busy working at her console she notice the some has approached her. She looked up and turned her head towards that person. “Captain, hello. Yes I would like that if you can lend me a hand, Sir. “ Nora replied. “ Our engines are working to 100%. With your help we could push our engines to warp 8 this would reduce our time 65days if can keep the warp bubble stable, in my simulation the engine failure happen after 7 days. The repairs would take 2days. I even run it with 9.9 it would take 22days here the the failure would happen after 3 days. You can see my dilemma,Sir.” Nora said.

" Yes I do. Have you consulted the science department for assistance with the computations? Sometimes a set of fresh eyes help." Deke replied.

„No I haven’t. It is a good idea. Thanks Sir.“ Nora replied.
„I will get in contact with them and see if can help.“

=^=Nora to the science department, I need help with a problem that I am facing. =^=

Young Sayvek was on the bridge at his post but quickly responded.
[ I will meet you in engineering, Sayvek out ]


Sayvek speed walked as he was very busy but always willing to help.

" How may I assist you Lieutenant?" he asked.

Ensign Sayvek and Lt Nora Ejo went on to find an intermix formula that would boost the engines to warp 9.6. after informing the Captain of this discovery the USS Bohr was once again on the trail back home.



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