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Post # 01 Sheep Dog

Posted on Thu May 5th, 2022 @ 1:53pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 4:09pm

Mission: Mission 5 The Wolf at the Door
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Stardate 77245.1


Ensign Sayvek manned his science console as well as any Vulcan officer would. Reviewing the routine scans Sayvek was first to find the peculiar readings.

" Commander Callaghan we are less than two weeks from the station at present speed." Sayvek reported

“Two weeks?” Shauna looked at Sayvek curiously. “I thought I heard different to that before?” She looked towards Covenant.

" A new intermix formula was created to correct ineffiencies in the warp drive." Sayvek replied

Lt Bob Covenant sat at Ops and configured the power allocations . Looking back to Science he called out.
" Ensign are you scanning any anomalies to port. The ship is being pulled off course by a gravimetric source "

" Scanning...there is definitely a gravimetric source off the port. Commander the source appears to be the size of the Corjii sphere. Confirmed a warp signature shows the sphere is no longer at the previous coordinates near the epicenter of the black hole.," Sayvek reported.

Shauna nodded. “Is the sphere purposely interfering with our course?”

" No Commander but the gravity from it's size has an effect on all objects in this sector. I recommend an altered course." Ensign Sayvek replied.

Shauna nodded. “Very well, alter course and get us back on track.”

Helm altered course but not fast enough to be undetected by two Corjii ships flanking the giant sphere.


Arising early Captain Deke Rivers visited the engine room to once again offer the engineer any assistance. He wanted the Lieutenant to fix the problem as he had great respect for the young officer. So far he was still impressed.

" No formalities just checking in Lieutenant," Deke said to Ejo.

"Hi Captain, as you can see my Engineering team is busy keeping the ship in top form. Adjusting and aligning the Navigation system." Nora said. "Is there anything that I can help you, Captain?" Nora asked.

" Yes actually. You and Ensign Sayvek did a great job with that new intermix formula for the warp drive. I want to thank you and also inform you that I am invoking Captain's prerogative. " Deke told Nora as he handed her a gold pip.
" I'm promoting you to full Lieutenant to go along with the job of chief engineer. Congratulations Nora "

"Thank you, Sir. I am honored. Ensign Sayvek was a great help in getting the engines to their high performance otherwise it would have taken months to complete it." Nora said. She felt happy about the promotion. She was still in disbelief but it was real. She took the golden pip that the Captain handed her and exchanged her black pip with the golden pip. "Again thank you, Sir. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"

" Just make sure you keep these engines purring. We need to get back to Starbase Mercury." Deke paused as the bridge hailed him.

Deke dashed out the door and headed to the bridge.


Emerging a few minutes later Deke joined Callaghan at the center seat.
" What do we know Commander?" the Captain asked as he was only made aware of the spheres arrival.

“It seems the Corgi sphere has moved from its original position, we’ve had to alter course as its mass is throwing everything off.”

" The Corjii? The sphere was the balance between the quasar. With it gone that quasar will get larger." Deke replied. " Have they detected us?"

" If they have sir they have not showed it " Lt Covenant replied

Shauna looked towards Deke. “Maybe they’re waiting to see what we do next”

" Let's steel clear of them. I want to get home not start a war with a giant alien sphere. Increase speed to war 7.' Deke ordered to helm.

" Awe sir" replied the navigation officer.
The Bohrs nacelles lit up and then streaked even faster as it veered away from the Corjii.


Heldon bowed to the new leader as it sat down on the great throne. Looking out among those assembled the High Born King was now mature enough to take the realm.

" High One the kingdom is again yours. We now have the ability to move the sphere anywhere in this realm. " said Heldon.

" Heldon, you have been a great Father to me. You have taught me much. Let us regain our realm and bring our wayward children home." said the King.

" Very well High One. General Heldon to the Operations Control. Prepare the stations light drive and take us to the the Triome system."



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