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Post # 64 Extra Hands

Posted on Sun Sep 17th, 2023 @ 2:10pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 Ready Room}

Captain O'Connell had just finished a conversation with Admiral Stone asking the Peel to go to a nearby sector of Space to record the birth of a new Quasar. This would give them something to occupy their time until a new Mission came their way.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Albo please report to the Captain's Ready Room" Jamie ordered thinking Johan would be a good candidate to use the equipment in Stellar Cartography Area since Commander Devroe was on the Base taking care of some personal business.

A few minutes later the door chime sounded "Enter" Jamie stated as Johan walked into the Room and stood in front of Jamie's desk "You wanted to see me Captain" Johan inquired knowing he couldn't be in any sort of trouble; at least he hoped not.

"Yes please have a seat. We've been given a job to do and you're the perfect person since Commander Devroe is otherwise engaged for a few days" he explained "We will be going to a nearby Sector of space to observe and record the birth of a Quasar. I want you to work in Stellar Cartography and gather all the data that you can concerning this event. It should only take a couple of days to complete then hopefully by then we'll have new orders. Any questions Lieutenant."

Johan thought for a moment "No this sounds pretty cut and dried" as he paused briefly "But I do have a request. Since the Commander isn't here I could use another pair of hands to help out; it wouldn't be anything technical aside from manning one of the Computers" he requested.

"Did you have anyone in mind" Jamie asked.

Johan tried his best to hide the smile that was about to come across his face "Well yes actually I did. I thought maybe, with your permission of course, I would borrow Lieutenant Aloran to give me a hand" Johan commented "She does have quite a good knowledge of computers."

Jamie sat back in his chair thinking for a moment "That's fine but if anyone should need medical attention then the Lieutenant will have to drop what she's doing and attend to their needs" he explained just so Johan was clear on his expectations.

"Understood Captain" Johan responded "Was there anything else Sir."

"No that was all. We should arrive later this morning then you can start collecting data. You are dismissed" Jamie stated with a smile.

"Thank you Captain and we'll make you proud. I'll start getting things set up right away" Johan replied as he stood, turned and left the Ready Room.

Johan was on his way as he tapped his Comm " Lieutenant Aloran if your free please report to Stellar Cartography on Deck One" he stated being very excited about working with Sarissa.

Sarissa was just checking off a list of medical supplies when Johan’s voice came over the comms. “On my way Lieutenant.” She couldn’t help but wonder why she was being called to Stellar Cartography, she grabbed a medkit just incase and set off.

{Stellar Cartography}

Johan looked up just as Sarissa walked into the room when he sported a big smile and walked up to her "Hey beautiful, I suppose you're wondering why I called you here. We'll be arriving at the coordinates soon where a Quasar is about to be born and the Captain wants me to map it out and collect all the data that I can. I asked for your help since the Commander is off Ship for a couple of days and I could use the extra pair of hands" he concluded the explanation.

Sarissa smiled and put down her medkit. “In that case I’d love to help, plus it gives me more time to spend with you.”

Johan grinned at her comment "Yes it does. Here let me show you what I need you to do for me" as they walked over to a nearby Terminal "I have this all set up for you" as he pointed at the Screen "See this red line here, that's the base line and these numbers to the left numbered one though ten are percents of error. If the black line here goes above two let me know and I'll make the required adjustments on the main Cartography Computer. After a couple of hours the Computer will automatically make any required adjustments itself; any questions" he finished explaining with a grin.

“No questions” Sarissa smiled warmly. “You do realise us working together could be a distraction, though I’ll do my best not to mess up. I know this is important.”

Letting out a long sigh "I suppose you're right but I think we're both professional enough to set our personal feelings aside for the next couple of hours" Johan commented then paused for a moment as his smile returned "And as my way of saying thank you, I'd like to take you out for dinner tonight; that is if you'd like to."

Sarissa couldn’t help but smile at that. “You’re right we are both professionals, and yes I’d love to go to dinner with you tonight.”

"Good. Ok let's get this party started" he commented while bringing the Cartography Computer online. A few minutes later his Comm went off "Albo here, go ahead." "Lieutenant we're in position if you want to start collecting data" the Captain stated. "Already on it Sir. I keep you apprised of the progress" Johan replied. "Excellent, O'Connell out."

Johan watched as the Computer was collecting data so fast the Screen was just a flurry of information "Lieutenant how's it going on your end" he inquired while continuing to observe his Screen and being all business at the moment.

“So far so good here Lieutenant” Sarissa smiled warmly. “Hold on...the black line is rising, approaching two.”

Johan made the necessary adjustments to his Computer "There that should do it" he stated as he looked up to the View Port suddenly seeing crimson, blue, yellow, and white lights beginning to form in a swirling motion. Turning towards Sarissa "Are you seeing this....what a beautiful light show" he commented noticing his readings; then tapping his Comm "Captain O'Connell, Lieutenant Albo here. You may want to move the Peel two thousand kilometers further away from the event; it's forming fast and I don't want the Ship to take the brunt of a shockwave should this thing decide to pop" he explained.

"Understood Lieutenant" O'Connell replied "Helm move us away from the event by two thousand kilometers and hold steady" came the order. "Aye Captain moving away now." "Mr. Albo keep me informed of anymore potential problems" the Captain ordered. "Aye Captain" Johan replied feeling better about the new position of the Ship.

Sarissa was part watching the readouts as well as looking at the light show. “It’s absolutely beautiful...those colours are amazing!”

Johan just couldn't help himself "Yes, it's almost as beautiful as you are" he commented with a wide grin.

Sarissa couldn’t help but blush as she smiled at Johan. “Thank you Johan.”

The next few hours flew by as the two Lieutenants monitored the readings and made any necessary adjustments. Finally Johan was able to transfer Sarissa's Terminal to the Cartography Computer so everything could be handled without human intervention. Tapping his Comm "Captain the readings are now constant and haven't changed any so I've set the Computer to self regulate and I'll check back in on it in a few hours" he explained.

"Sounds good Lieutenant. Let me know when you're satisfied with the amount of data you have, then we can head back to M-69" Jamie ordered. "I will Sir; it should just be a couple more hours at the rate the Quasar has developed. Albo out."

Walking over to Sarissa "I think we're good here so unless you have something to take care of in the Medical area I thought we might go to dinner. I'll check back here later" he commented having worked up quite the appetite.

“There’s nothing I need to do right now” Sarissa smiled. “Let’s go and enjoy that dinner.”

{Deck 5}

The two Officers walked into the Lounge and grabbed a meal each along with a beverage as well as their cutlery. There was an empty table by the view port so they headed that way and sat; with Johan pulling out the chair for Sarissa before he sat.

~ Sometime later ~

Looking into her gorgeous dark green eyes Johan commented "Thank you so much for your help today; I couldn't have done it without you" then he paused for a moment "Not to mention it was nice spending some time with you while on duty."

“It was my pleasure” Sarissa smiled as she looked deeply into Johan’s eyes. “It was nice to work closely with you, it’s even nicer to be here with you now.”

"Thank you; the feeling is mutual" he replied with a smile "Sarissa you have somehow managed to capture my heart which I never thought any woman could do" as he paused for a moment "I so enjoy our time together that I couldn't even imagine my life without you in it."

Sarissa was shocked at that admission, they’d both come to mean a lot to each other in a very short space of time. She reached across the table and gently took hold of his hand. “The feeling is mutual, I’ve never met anyone like you. I never believed in love at first sight, but I do now.”

Johan smiled at her reply as a warm fuzzy feeling came over him enjoying her soft touch "A year ago if a women said that to me I would have turned tail and ran as fast as I could. Now, however, I couldn't be more content knowing how you feel about me." he commented then kissed the back of her hand. Knowing a couple of hours had passed "I should go and check on the Cartography Computer then let Command know when we're finished so we can head back to the Base."

“I’ll go with you” Sarissa smiled not willing to say goodbye to Johan just yet. “Any chance to spend more time with you.”

"I thought I would give you the option to tag along; after all I wouldn't want you to get bored with me" Johan replied half joking and half serious.

“Not a chance!” Sarissa grinned as she stood up ready to leave.

The two Officers left the Lounge and entered the nearest lift "Deck 1, Stellar Cartography" Johan requested as they were on their way moments later.

“Halt Turbolift” Sarissa didn’t waste time as she took the moment of being alone in the lift with Johan to give him a very romantic kiss. She let it linger before leaning back. “Sorry I couldn’t wait any longer.”

A very surprised Johan gave a light chuckle while savoring her kiss "No problem" before returning her kiss then grinning "Turbolift resume". Moments later they were at their destination.

{Deck 1}

They both exited the Lift with smiles on their faces as Johan walked over and looked over the data that had been collected during their dinner together. Seeing the data was the same as when they left he tapped his Comm "Bridge this is Lieutenant Albo, we have all the data we need so we can return to M-69 at your convenience" he explained. "Lieutenant Mercer here; great we'll be returning in a few minutes then" came the reply.

Johan looked at Sarissa "So can we go back to your place for a nightcap or something" he inquired with a smile. He received all the answer he needed with her gorgeous smile on display as she took his hand and off they went.




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