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Station Post# 13 " Holy Trek "

Posted on Tue Nov 7th, 2023 @ 7:50pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Myar

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Arriving back to the base just before it went on alert the wacky trio of lower deckers were famished and excited about narrowly escaping the Essary ship.

" Sayvek when can we launch again?" Odac asked.

" 24 hours. I require some rest "

“You’re not the only one” Ellie nodded in agreement with Sayvek, her condition was energy sapping at the best of times.

Odac paused as he realized his adrenaline had gotten the better of his good judgement.

" We got a lot of good data. We can use the down time to analyze it. Except you my wife. Home and a shower for you." Odac replied.

Ellie gave Yova a smile. “Aye, Aye Sir. I’ll see you at home later.”

Ltjg Sayvek however had other plans as he went to the science lab and studied the readings from the shuttle. Impressed by a singular fact Sayvek contacted Lt Myar from engineering as he knew Odac would be with his spouse.

" Thank you for including me Lieutenant. From the reading you showed me the sector you entered uses a form of gravimetric shift. There is also an unknown component related to the pheromones you described. I can modulate the runabouts shields to constantly emit those pheromones which should avail us safe passage through that sector. It will take me a few hours." Myar replied.

" Very well. Please contact me when you have the runabout online and ready.

< The Yova's Quarters >
Aside from being tired Odac was still awake and talkative about their mission.

" To think we have stumbled on an alien sector...this is so exciting." Odac said aloud.

Ellie smiled at her husband’s enthusiasm as she changed out of her uniform and into something more comfortable for around their quarters. “This whole area of space is fascinating”

" The Prophets be praised. Being so far away from Bajor made me homesick, I still am, but yesterday's adventure was awesome." Odac replied and then kissed his wife.

Ellie smiled. “How’s about you take me to visit Bajor next Shoreleave? It’s the ancestral home of our twins and your home so I’d like to visit sometime.”

" Shoreleave now that is a word I haven't heard in a while. Great idea wife. " Odac replied. " We could always use the holodeck in the meantime. "

Ellie nodded and smiled. “We could indeed my love.”

A chime rang out as Odac prepared himself for some strategic love making.

" Who is it?" Odac asked.

"It is Lt Myar. Myself and Lt Sayvek have the runabout Clinch fired up and ready to return to the anomalies zone."

Odac huffed.
" We are settled in for the evening. Let's take off in the morning?"

Ellie was hoping to have the evening at home, either that or she would have to remain aboard the station instead of accompanying Yova.

" Very well at 0700 we leave " Myar replied.

" Good he is gone. Now make room for daddy." Odac smiled.


Harus tossed and turned and eventually yelled out as his bad dreams got the better of him.


Hearing her Patient cry out Heidi hustled over to his side as she tapped her Comm on the way "Doctor Williams Sick Bay stat!" Hearing Heidi's call Ramvek came flying out of his Office and over to Heidi "Nurse what seems to be the problem" he inquired.

"I'm not sure, he just cried out; all his vitals are good" she replied wondering if it was physical or mental.

"Harus what is wrong" Ramvek asked very concerned at the moment.

" The Assul are on my world . Hadah has been stolen and now the great mist will no longer avail us passage. My people are damned." Harus awoke crying.

Ramvek felt bad for his Patient, leaning into his human side, he walked up to Heidi and whispered "Give him a mild sedative to calm him while I try and talk to him" he stated.

"As you wish Doctor" came the response as Heidi grabbed a Hypo and administered the medication. Ramvek looked at his Patient "My Nurse just gave you a mild sedative to help calm you" he stated then continued "Is there anything I or we can do to help you."

" Help me find Hadah, the holy portal. I must return to my home in the Great myst." Harus replied.

Ramvek let out a long sigh, what had he just gotten himself into, not expecting to be taken up on his offer " I will have to speak to Command here on the Base and see what can be done to help you find Hadah.

Just then a visitor entered sickbay. It was Lt Myar arriving to look for Hiri.
" Forgive my intrusion I was looking for Hiri to inspect the medical supplies on the runabout. We are leaving early to the Nebula to scan the area Lt Yova and Sayvek have been scanning." Myar reported. He couldn't help but admire the alien being on the table.

"Doctor Hiri is off today but I would be more than happy to check the runabout for you" Ramvek replied then thought for a moment "Lt. Myar I was wondering, my Patient over there is looking for his Deity which was stolen and desperately wants to get back to what he calls "the Great Mist" which I assume is the Nebula. Would you be opposed to him coming along with you on your journey. He's almost back to normal so he can leave Sick Bay any time."

" That is very interesting. I will have to inform Lt Yova as he is running this mission. Funny that Hiri didn't tell me she was off today." Myar yowled.

Harus smiled at the sound of going home.

Ramvek noticed the smile on Harus's face hearing the possibility of returning home which was probably the best medicine for him now as he looked towards the Lieutenant "If you would be so kind as to inform Mr. Yova, I would greatly appreciate you doing so" then he paused for a moment before continuing "Actually the Doctor was not feeling quite herself today so I told her to take the day off and rest; she has been putting in some long hours of late."

Hearing her name called Hiri came around the corner along with Commodore Sureth.

" I heard my name mentioned. I wasn't aware we had guest?" Hiri meowed.

A surprised Ramvek turned around hearing Hiri's voice "Doctor, I thought you were going to take the day off and get some rest" he commented then he noticed Sureth standing close by "Commodore this is an unexpected surprise."

" I was but the Commodore here summoned me. It would seem he is dehydrated." Hiri scorned.

" I am on the mend Hiri. Doctor Roberts who is your friend? I am unaware of any visitors coming aboard." the Commodore replied.

Sureth was made aware if all that had occurred with Daimon Shep and finding this lost and injured person. Lt Myar then informed the Commodore of the plan to return to the same sector of the nebula.

Sureth raised his eyebrow and looked to Dr Williams for more insight.

" Could you avail yourself to accompany our visitor back to his planet? Lieutenants Yova and Sayvek will accompany you."

Even though Ramvek was a little surprised at Sureth's request, obviously he would do as his C.O. requested "As you wish Commodore" he answered "I am confident Doctor Hiri and Nurse Stone can attend to Sick Bay in my absence; it will give me the opportunity to see Harus' home Planet and maybe even get a glimpse of this Deity as well" he concluded. Then turning to Sayvek "Lieutenant let me know when you plan to depart and we will be ready."

" One hour Doctor. We are taking a runabout this time. Hopefully no surprises." Sayvek replied.

" I studied the shields used to help them escape . Lt Yova did a good job making the phermone connection. The new shield harmonics will be compatible.

Harus smiled as he was very fond of Doctor Williams as he knew him.

" Hadah be blessed, I am going home."

Turning to Heidi "Ok you and Hiri have the run of the place until I return, do not get into any trouble" Ramvek said jokingly then gave her a wink.

"Not to worry Doctor we've got this" Heidi replied with a grin then walked up closer to Ramvek "You come back safe you hear."

"Not to worry Nurse, I will be fine" then turning he packed a small Medical Bag, just in case, and walked over to Harus "You ready to return home my friend."

" I am with my friend Doctor Williams." Harus replied with his smile.



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