Station Post#12 " Rescue part 1"
Posted on Thu Nov 2nd, 2023 @ 9:52am by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Location: Starbase M-69/ Lagoon Nebula
Timeline: Concurrent
Properly stabilized with meds Commodore Sureth returned to Ops. Lt Commander David Wallace team would be in position soon and the back door assist by Commander Waroq would be needed.
[ Sureth to Number One, report.]
Shauna’s face appeared onscreen. “We’re approaching our destination now Commodore, we’ll be ready should we be needed. Commander Waroq is only too happy to keep reminding me that today is a good day to die.
[ No it is not I need you back safe and sound. Sureth out.]
He then switched to a different channel and hailed Wallace.
[ Commander Wallace report.]
"We're keeping back, our ghost is holding course as well." David started commenting about the mystery federation ship that had been following them since this whole affair began. "I'll hold off on any action until reinforcements arrive."
[ Commander Waroq has deployed and may be your ghost. Are you reading a second vessel heading your way? An observation team reported an Essary supply ship also heading your way.] Sureth replied.
"Negitive, I have Waroq coming from the opposite direction of our ghost." David said "Some of the course corrections have been almost robotic." for lacking of a better term David reported.
[ I will inform the Chus'ugh to stay back and cover your port. They may want us to instigate an attack. Scan the ship and if younare reasonably sure Deke Rivers is aboard then engage.]
David looked too his left Aya gave him the thumbs up, "We're still relatively certain he's aboard the target ship. when we make our run, we will make every effort to disable the ship only."
[ I trust your judgement Commander Wallace.] Sureth replied.
Biggs awaited the arrival of his peer ship the JIM DAVIS and planned to attack the approaching Federation ship
" This is our Swan song darling. I will return to the bridge and see where we are." Deke told Lisa.
" Biggs means to start a war here Captain." Lisa warned.
" Not because of me he ain't. All I need is a communicator."
David looked over the flight plan, the tactical display, everything he could think of, "Plot an intercept course, maximum warp."
The Huron lurched forward increasing speed to first catch up with their adversary then close in, David looked at the count down on the display, the mystery federation ship accelerated to match their speed, "Our shadow is keeping pace, again the course changes are very mechanical, that ship might be on autopilot." Aya observed.
"Autopilot?" David was confused "then why isn't it attempting to catch up with us or get too the station?"
"After we deal with this let's hail them, maybe they'll come and play." Aya joked.
Tag Sureth, all
Waroq grew impatient as his Klingon blood boiled for battle with the enemy.
" First Officer I offer you two orders. Either call for the correct time to decloak or form a boarding party of yourself and Kahvek and take no prisoners?"
Shauna gave Waroq a glance. “I choose to call the decloak, I am a Starfleet Officer I do not beam aboard a ship with plans to take no prisoners.”
" Very well as I suspected. You're only here to Nurse maid me. Commander you have the ship and I will lead the raiding party." Waroq replied.
David rubbed his hands, second felt like hours. the gap between the two ships began to shrink, he saw the course plot. "Torpedoes to stand by, phasers lock on the reactor, be ready to drop out of warp." David shifted "Soon as the shields are down let's board them, all weapons on stun."
Aya swung her seat around, "Phaser lock...FIRING!"
The smaller craft flew over top of the aged ship, it's phasers lancing out like hot knives ripping across the hull of the aged ship, the sparks of the shields failing, the two ships dropped out of warp simultaneously, Huron circled around delivering another violent series of shots.
"Marines your up!" David called out as he stood, "Aya your with me, Isabelle you have the bridge!"
John Dallas signalled his marines and prepared to board as they locked and loaded their rifles.
Suddenly a small hail could be heard as it had pops and squelching.
[ This is Captain Deke Rivers. I am in the center of this vessel. If you can lock onto my signal beam me the HELL out of here.]
But on the bridge Biggs was not going down without a fight as he returned fire on the Huron with its defensive canons.
Isabelle was surprised to be left in command, she’d never commanded before. Hearing Deke’s voice she made a decision.
“Lock onto Captain Rivers! Get him the hell out of there!”
Deke looked to Lisa and smiled.
" If I got through we will know in a minute," and before he exhaled the transporter locked onto himself and the lady beside him.
The fighting had begun and Waroq looked to Kahvek.
" Stay with the Commander. Don't let her blow up my ship. QAPLA."
" QAPLA My lord."
“Good hunting Waroq” Shauna took Command hoping she would do Waroq justice as his First Officer.
The party of three beamed off the moment the shields went down.
" Commander shall we decloak?" Kahvek asked.
“No, not yet Kahvek. Let’s keep our existence a secret for a little longer.”
But on the Essary ship Biggs was not about to give up, unaware if Rivers rescue. Commanding his ship to enter the nebula as shields and sensors were useless in there.
Suddenly boarded by three rogue Klingon warriors the crew fought hard. Biggs, grabbing his phaser Rifle, fires but then tried to use the weapon against the warriors battle the.
" Do not kill that one. He is to return to the starbase for trial. " Waroq yelled.
" Trial? I would rather die." said Biggs.
" After a trial you do." Waroq replied.
Deke and Lisa materialised and were taken to the small medical sickbay.
" I am perfectly fine Damit. Who is commanding this little skiff? Lisa you could have been killed jumping into my arms."
" I could have died there too. It was a Kobayashi maru , no win either way." Lisa replied.
=^="Away team do you have him?"=^= David called out
" This is John Dallas, Affirmative sir. They are aboard."
With the Essary ship sluggishly trying to escape the vessel came to an all stop. Commander Waroq and his men had managed to take the bridge.
[ This is Waroq. I have taken hostages and await your orders. My bat'leth is very sharp.]
Shauna smiled as she heard Waroq’s voice. “Decloak us now Kahvek.”
Kahvek complied and the hulking old D-7 materialized. The transporter then beamed Waroq and the two warriors along with the architect of all this trouble Biggs.
" You see Commander I kept my word. I didn't kill them. The other crew are still there and no doubt wetting their uniforms in fear I will return.
The second Essary ship slowly arrived but did not show any hostile intentions toward the Huron.
[ We are just a cargo vessel. We have nothing against you people. Infact one of yours pulled us out of a booby trap inside that nebula] a scared voice said to Lt Commander Wallace.
David looked at the display, his first instinct was to call 'bull...', "Then go about your business, this ship had one of our officers hostage."
Aya, nodded negative then paused "That NX signal has changed course, they're headed our way." keying in some commands, "They've accelerated to warp six."
The Chus'ugh joined their side and instinctly cloaked out of view.
Shauna kept a wary eye on the readouts regarding the NX. “Move us to cover the Huron’s back, they probably saw us before we cloaked so they’ll know our current position. We need to be where they won’t expect us to be.”
Waroq remained with his prisoner and was allowing Commander Callaghan a great honor to command the Chus'ugh.
" Unless they have a tachyon field discriminator they will not know how to track us. I recommend we move to behind the enemy's port." Kahvek recommended.
Shauna nodded. “Excellent idea, bring us in behind the enemy but not too close.”