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#6 Mission Discussion

Posted on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 10:49pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD}

Location: CO's Quarters
Timeline: current


Tore and Sheyla had spent all day and all night together. Rising early as was his way, Bjorgo moved to the bathroom since he was already bereft of clothing. He relieved his bladder and then started a steamy shower, stepping within and closing the glass door to begin cleansing.

Sheyla, her antennae informing her of the movement in the room, woke up just in time to see that fine body walking to the bathroom. Still nude herself she tossed the covers off and got up, going into the bathroom and doing the same thing Tore had done. Bladder relief before she too joined him in the shower. They engaged in further intimacy before getting down to the business of bathing, laughing and joking as they finished and toweled off. Sheyla went in and put her uniform through the refresher to make sure her clothing was as clean as she was, now. Tore, he gathered another uniform from his closet and got dressed as she did.

The two of them moved to the living area, with Tore restarting the cooking of his pan omelette that had stayed in stasis all day and all night yesterday. As it cooked he made a pot of coffee and they both gathered a cup for themselves.

"So, I need to ask," said Sheyla. "Is this a THING, or just a thing?"

Bjorogo scrunched his face in pseudo-confusion, a grin forming on his face. "You made an overture, I responded. Since it was done your way I only assumed this was a THING, not just a thing."

Sheyla smiled. "Good. My intentions were clear but most Humans wouldn't understand."

"Well, I'm not most Humans," he quipped. Leaning in he gave her a peck on the lips. "Matter of fact, there aren't many Humans like me left."

"I know, I've read your medical file."

"Of course you have," Tore responded teasingly. "Had to see what made me tick, eh?"

"Something like that, yeah." She giggled.

The door chime sounded. Tore looked to his door. "That's odd. I'm not expecting anyone while in dock." Shrugging he voiced, "Come in."

Captain Taavis walked in casually, a PADD in hand, seeing both Bjorgo and Doctor Sheyla sitting in his kitchen area. The smells of cooking foods, fresh coffee, and freshly scrubbed bodies filled the air. "Good morning, Captain Bjorgo. Doctor Sheyla. Is this a bad time?"

"For you, Captain Taavis," Tore answered. "Never."

"I appreciate that, Tore. Thank you." Taavis said.

Sheyla decided to interject. "Is this a captain thing? I can give you two some time, if so, Captain Taavis."

Taavis remembered when these were her quarters, and there were memories of Griffon Resch cooking her breakfast so they could catch up on ship's business every morning. "Not necessary, Sheyla. If you stay, however, I only ask that you let your Captain speak to the crew on the matter at hand. No careless whispers to others."

"Done," Sheyla said.

"Excellent," Taavis responded, her eyes going back to Bjorgo. "Is there enough for three?"

Bjorgo smiled. "That there is. Please, grab a beverage and have a seat. I'll dish it up and hand it out." As Taavis gathered herself a mint tea and found her own stool to sit on, Tore divided the omelette cakes evenly, placing a plate before each guest and the rolled up silverware. "Enjoy, ladies." Once they were seen to he gathered his own and went and found his seat next to Sheyla, on the short side of the L-shaped buddy bar. With that angle they could look at Taavis without getting in each other's way. "So, captain, what brings you to my doorstep?"

Taavis had taken a few bites of her breakfast, chewing diligently and swallowing, sipping tea in between. When the Query was asked she set her fork down and tapped on her PADD. A holographic screen popped up at an angle between the three of them, angled so that it was easily visible by all. "I'm sure you are familiar with this. The Unre Expanse."

"We were just there a few days ago," Bjorgo said. "We took sensor readings and looked at it from afar, but nothing further." The image was a bird's eye view of a star chart, showing the Expanse and the 20 light year sphere it encompassed with its roiling gases, ionic particle shifts and static discharges.

Taavis took another bite and finished it. "Yes, I read your logs. I don't know if you are aware of my new status out here."

Sheyla answered this time, seeing that Tore had a mouthful of food he was chewing. "We have heard, Captain. Congratulations on the posting."

"Thank you," Taavis said. "As the new Fleet coordinator it is my duty to assign the ships we have to their assignments. The Unre Expanse is a mystery, to every government who has ever been out this way. The Federation is concerned with the amount of vessels who have entered it and never been heard from again. It requires investigation, Captain, for various reasons. Occasionally, escape pods and lifeboats have made it out, but the people within are terrified to the point of losing their minds. Unable to form full sentences and jumping at shadows. One word, though, seems to break through all that, said repeatedly by those who were lucky enough to escape the Expanse." She tapped her PADD and the screen did an overlay of a word: Jal'Azak. "This is that word. We have no idea what it means. Is it a species, a planet, a star system? We have no idea because those who have returned can't be specific due to their condition."

Sheyla, being the CMO, arched an eyebrow. "Sounds like it's either a severe form of PTSD, or some kind of mental torture, whether intentional or not."

"Starfleet Medical came to the same conclusion," Taavis said. "We need to know what's in there, Captain. And, if possible, discover what has happened to the many Federation ships that went in and never returned. Merchants, Starfleet vessels, private craft; the lot."

Bjorgo had stopped eating, pushing his plate aside as the ladies had. He sipped his coffee before replying. "Nazgul is ready, Captain. If there are answers out there, we'll find them."

Taavis gave a nod. "I expected you to say nothing less, Tore. This is not some minor search and rescue, I need to be clear on that. It may take some time for you to ascertain any information, and in that time, we don't know whether you'll be able to contact the Federation. You'll be on your own if not."

"There is no reward without risk, Captain Taavis." Bjorgo said. "Risk is part of our profession. The Expanse needs to be explored, and as explorers we will answer the call."

In her talks with SFHQ, Taavis had heard all she could gather about the Unre Expanse. "Starfleet Command has their concerns. Be vigilant, Captain, and do not take this assignment lightly."

"I never do, Captain." Tore reassured her. "I've heard some of the rumors myself. Nazgul will not become another statistic."

Taavis gave a few nods, her face relaxing more now that the topic had been discussed. "Good. Now that that is out of the way, congratulations to you Sheyla for making CMO. Ito has a good successor."

"Thanks, Captain," said Sheyla. "The Captain's health is in good hands."

"I bet," quipped Taavis, giving her old crooked grin. "Anyway, Tore, there is a message for you in your inbox. Nothing too dramatic, just a notification. It came across my desk so I sent it to you to handle."

"I'll look into it, Taavis." Bjorgo got up and began to move the dishes to the counter, pouring another cup of coffee after they were stacked in the wash sink. He turned and leaned back on the counter. "I also wanted to extend a congrats on the posting, Taavis. If you know about Sheyla then you also know about Billi. She has earned her spot."

"She has indeed." Taavis said. She too stood up, tired of sitting. She took her empty tea mug to the counter and set it down. "Your crew is full of young, talented officers with bright futures ahead of them. Let's keep that light on, shall we?"

"That's the plan," he grinned. "No one aboard Nazgul is second rate, Taavis. We all have our place and know our duty. Nazgul is ready to respond whenever we get called."

"I have no doubts for either ship assigned to this sector," Taavis said. "I have yet to meet Captain O'Connell, but his record speaks volumes."

"I haven't met him, either," said Tore. "While Nazgul prepares to leave port over the next few days maybe I'll bump into him. We saw them pull in while we were..."

"Occupied?" Asked Taavis.

"Yes," Sheyla popped out, leaving her own stool to stand with the other two in a triangle. "Good word choice, Taavis." She gave a lascivious grin. But, with all she had heard being discussed the Doctor felt that she was needed elsewhere for the next few days. She gave Tore a quick kiss and rubbed his upper arm. "I'll see you later. With this type of mission coming up, I need to make sure Sickbay is stocked with all that we can't replicate." She shook hands with Taavis. "Good to see you again. Take care, Captain." With that said she sauntered out of the cabin.

Taavis watched her go and then brought her face back. "This isn't going to be a problem is it? The two of you?"

"If I thought it would be a problem, I wouldn't have allowed it myself." Bjorgo said. "We're professionals, Captain Taavis. Private time is done during private time. Every other minute is duty."

Taavis nodded in a friendly manner. "Just had to ask, Captain. And, on that note, good on you for finding someone to share your day with. Captains are rarely afforded that luxury in their careers. The old saying; it's lonely at the top. But, with all this covered and discussed you'll be receiving a coded data feed from Starfleet in regards to the Expanse. Everything they know will be included. Have a good day, Tore."

"You, too."

He watched as Taavis left his quarters. The Unre Expanse, he thought. We were just there, but this assignment must have been halted so that we could offload the cadets before venturing within. Shrugging to himself, Tore took up his Captain's PADD and went to his sitting area to read his messages and sit by the fire while he sipped some Pendleton whiskey. His body prevented him from getting drunk, but he drank whiskey for the flavors and aromas. Time to read, relax, and come up with an approach plan.



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