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Peel Post #9 - Finally

Posted on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 11:04pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 11:05pm

Location: Various
Timeline: Current



{Deck 1}

O'Connell sat in the Center Seat as he started writing up a report to send to Admiral Stone on his PADD concerning the now ending Mission with only Angel remaining since Sarissa was currently seeing another Patient. Seeing the Captain deep in thought while writing, Angel rose from her seat and was walking about the Bridge taking this opportunity to chat with some of the Bridge Crew; it was a good morale booster having the First Officer speaking to each person individually.

As Jamie was putting the finishing touches on his report, as he was not concerned about the length but rather the content, Helm informed him "Captain we're approaching M-69 Sir." "Good, drop us out of warp, one half impulse and set a high orbit around the Base while I contact them." "Aye Captain, dropping out of warp now going to one half impulse and setting high orbit" Helm replied while her hands were dancing over the controls.

"Comms open a channel to M-69 if you would please" he ordered as Angel was taking her seat. "All set Captain" Comms replied. "Traffic Control, this is Captain Jamie O'Connell commanding the USS Peel. We've taken some damage to the aft hull section and need it repaired. We have a Bay on Deck 58; number 2 if we could have permission to use it" Jamie concluded.

"Welcome home Captain....just a moment and let me check for you" Traffic Control replied "Yes your Bay is open so feel free to bring the Peel to that location."

"Thank you Traffic Control, we're on our way, Peel out" Jamie answered then looking at Helm "It's all yours Helm, one quarter impulse if you please."

"Aye Captain, starting my approach now" as Helm brought her about while dropping their speed and minutes later eased her into the Bay #2 then powering down the engines "Docking clamps engaged....umbilicals set Captain...engines powered down" she replied being quite pleased with her flawless endeavor.

"Excellent job Helm" Jamie stated then turned to Angel "I think it's time to give the Crew a much deserved break from routine, don't you Number One" he stated "Unless Admiral Stone has other ideas with another mission that is."

Angel thought for a moment "Well it's going to be at least a couple of days to get the aft section of the Hull fixed anyway before she is space worthy again. So yes I agree the Crew could most definitely use the break" she replied looking forward to getting off the Ship if only for a little while.

Jamie smiled then tapped his chair Comm "Attention Crew, this is the Captain, we'll be docked for a couple of days for repairs so please take this opportunity for some shore leave at the Base; standard rotation applies. Have fun, enjoy, and stay safe. Captain out" Jamie concluded as he turned to Angel "I'll be in my Ready Room informing the Admiral of what transpired on our return home; you have the Conn" then he left the Bridge.

{Ready Room}

Jamie walked into his Office and grabbing a water sat at his desk while taking a long sip "Comms get me Admiral Stone on the horn and patch it through to my Ready Room" he ordered. "Right away Sir" Comms replied. A few minutes later "You're all set Sir."

Stone's face appeared on the Screen "Hello Captain, I take it the Mission went well" he queried.

"Well not exactly" then Jamie proceeded to explain what happened on the return trip back to M-69 "I included more details in my report which I sent you a few minutes ago."

The Admiral sat thinking for a moment "I'm just glad you and your Crew thought quick enough to thwart that idiots attempt. Needless today the Federation can't afford to loose a Ship, let alone an entire Crew" Stone concluded being very pleased with the outcome of the situation.

"I couldn't agree more Admiral and thank you for your concern. There was some aft hull damage so the Peel is docked awaiting repairs so I gave the Crew a few days shore leave on the Base until the repairs have been effected" Jamie replied.

"Excellent Captain but I think you and your Crew need a week's break in routine, especially what you just went through. There's nothing pressing at the moment, so we won't be needing your services for at least that long. Take the time to relax and unwind Jamie; you all deserve it" Stone stated with a smile.

"Thank you Sir, I'll inform the Crew. Have a pleasant day, O'Connell out" then Jamie sat back in his chair for a moment just to relax his body for a few moments.


The Captain returned to his seat as Angle asked "So how did it go with the Admiral. "Good, he was quite understanding and told us to take a weeks shore leave to relax and unwind before we have to be concerned with another mission" he replied.

Angel smiled "That is good news" then she paused for a moment "Perhaps I could take you out to dinner some night soon and get us both off the Ship."

"I like the sound of that and after a good nights sleep I'll be ready for something different for a change" Jamie replied returning her smile.


Captain O'Connell left the Ship hoping to see someone concerning the impending repairs to the Peel. As he walked down the enclosed gangway he was met by a middle aged Officer "Excuse me Captain, I'm Commander Davies, head of Ship Restoration Services. I understand from Traffic Control your Ship needs some repairs" he stated extending his hand with a smile.

Jamie returned the smile as he shook the officer's hand "Yes, we were harpooned by a hostile who attached a tow cable to the Aft part of the hull trying to pull us into his Vessel to take it over and sell the Crew into slavery. Long story short we were able to sever the cable so here we are. Can you get that hunk of metal off my hull" he commented.

The Commander look at Jamie "Let me have a look and see where it's located exactly then I can give an estimation of how long the repair will take" he replied then walked over to the wall, grabbing a hand controller, and suddenly a large arm swung away from the wall and over the top of the Peel. After getting the arm into position the Commander grabbed his PADD and checked the screen "Looks like you got lucky Captain, the end of the cable is contained to one hull plate so we can remove that particular one and replace it with a new one. We should have the repairs effected in a couple of days" Davies concluded with certainty.

"Now that's great news but if it happens to take longer that's fine as well. The Crew have a few days of shore leave here on the Base" Jamie replied "If you could notify when the repairs are finished I would greatly appreciate it Commander."

"Absolutely Captain, I will notify you when finished" Davies answered "And don't worry your Ship is in good hands."

Jamie smiled and nodded then returned to the Peel for a nice shower, a meal, and more importantly a good nights sleep.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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