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Station Post # 16 " Sister, Sister."

Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2023 @ 7:33pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Suban Silesh

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Future post


It had been a long road getting from there to here for Suban
Silesh following her run in on T'Kut and the hired pilot of the freighter Centurion.

That pilot name was Joe LaPierre, and like his ancestors, his reputation for trouble wasn't far from him.

The Centurion moored itself off M-69's last dock and Joe walked Suban to the single air lock.
" This is unnecessary . " Suban insisted.

" It is very necessary. If the Commandant here approve the Centurion I would have a regular gig of delivering people to and from this station. It would make me an honest privateer.: Joe replied.

" Rather than the pirate you are now?" Suban replied.

" You wound me Vulcan."

" Thank you for getting me here safe. Your services are no longer required." Suban then added as she entered the airlock.


Hiri was yelling at Sureth and everyone on the observation deck could hear it. Given Sureth's recent disregard for hydration Hiri called in the big guns.
" I have Isabella coming."

Isabelle had been off station when her father had been ill, having been updated by Hiri she was understandably worried about him. Arriving in Ops she stepped up alongside Hiri. “What’s happening Doctor?”

" Mister stubborn here has neglected his health. He got dehydrated and fainted last week. I have him on medications now and am assigning a yeoman to make sure he takes them." replied Hiri.

" A yeoman? Sounds like a nurse. Neither one is acceptable." Sureth replied.

“I beg to differ Sir” Isabelle gave her father a look that meant she meant it. “May I suggest we all talk further in private?”

Sureth led the way and headed for the outer ring leading to a set of unoccupied chair designed to allow visitors to stare outside.

" There is nothing to discuss. I am on the mend and quite fine. The events of the last few days was overwhelming. I have taken steps to relieve my burden some. Captain Taavis is back and will oversee our fleet operations. Captain Shauna Callaghan is back at her post and my daughter survived her first real engagement. So I am...fine." Sureth lectured.

“You Maybe fine right now Sir, but if you refuse to follow your doctor’s advice I will be forced to recommend some downtime for you.” Isabelle gave her father a stern look.

Sureth percent his lips together but then raised his eyebrow as a dark cloaked female entered Operations.

" Suban?" Sureth called out.

" It is agreeable to see you well Father." Suban Silesh greeted.

“Sudan..” Isabelle turned to look at her half sister, they had never actually met but she knew of Suban from Sureth. “What are you doing here?”

" I was summoned by my Father. Who are you?" Suban replied.

" This is also my daughter Suban and your half sister Isabella Veran." Sureth introduced.

" I was not aware that you were old enough to be away from your mother." Suban scoffed.

Isabelle gave Suban an a-typical raised eyebrow look. “I am more than old enough, thank you Suban. I am Chief Counsellor of this station.”

" Fascinating. I am a licensed Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor. Doctor Hiri if you will show us to sickbay I wish to conduct a full battery of testing on Sureth." Suban replied.

" Suban, while I appreciate the visit, Dr Hiri diagnosed my issue with dehydration. My replicator was off line and I had not had enough filtered water. I am fine now. Why don't you and Isabella visit and we can have an evening meal together?" Sureth added.

“That’s a nice idea father” Isabelle nodded. “I take it you will be able to stay and enjoy dinner without being called away?”

" As my duties permit." Sureth replied.

" I will meet you for dinner Isabella. I only eat a vegetarian meal and my provisional diet has been forwarded to the station chef." Suban replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Very well Suban, we can enjoy a meal together if father is kept busy. I would like us to get to know each other better.”

Sureth walked away with Hiri leaving the two sisters to talk to one another.

" We can discuss Father returning to Vulcan where he belongs. " Suban then added.

“I’m sorry Suban” Isabelle shook her head. “I believe that is our father’s decision, it has nothing to do with us.”

Suban continued to walk to the lift and only by chance the doors stayed open for Isabella to enter.

Standing alongside her half sister Isabelle looked at Suban curiously. “You really knew nothing about me Suban? I know I’m not fully Vulcan but I care for our father as much as you.”

" My Father has worked past his prime. He has fulfilled his obligations to this Star Fleet. It is time.he returns home and prepares for his retirement from active duty." Suban replied.

“As I said that is up to our father to decide Suban” Isabelle could see her half sister's point, but she wasn’t looking forward to losing Sureth to Vulcan. It wasn’t as though she and Sureth had really spent much time together over the years.

Suban paused as she listened to Isabella's words.
" We can debate this with Sureth at dinner. Until then I would like to go to my assigned quarters."

Behind Isabella Doctor Hiri returned.
" I see that she is going to be trouble. Want me to scratch up that pretty face of hers?"

Isabelle motioned to Hiri to give her a moment as she saw Suban to her Quarters. “These are your guest quarters, I’ll see you later for dinner sister.”

Turning back to Hiri Isabelle shook her head. “A kind offer Hiri, but I’m sure I can handle it.”

" She looks mean. I can not read her at all. Does she have a soul?" Hiri whispered.

" These quarters are sufficient. I will see you promptly for dinner Isabella." Suban replied as the door slid shut.



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