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Peel Post # 10 - Business & Pleasure

Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2023 @ 6:58pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Location: Various
Timeline: Current



{Deck 2}

Angel sat on her couch enjoying a nice glass of wine while listening to some of her favorite music from Earth's twentieth century when she had a thought "If Jamie's free we should go out to dinner; I did promise to treat him to dinner" as she tapped her Comm "Captain O'Connell, this is Devroe, I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me tonight; that is if you're free" she asked.

Answering his Comm "Yes I'd like that plus there are a couple of things I need to let you know about that has transpired since we've returned to the Base; but I promise I'll keep it brief; I hate talking Shop when off duty" Jamie commented "So where did you have in mind for dinner."

"It must be important or you wouldn't mention it off duty. I thought we might dress casual and have dinner at that cute little Pub you like so much" Angel replied "I'll swing by your place at seventeen hundred if that works for you."

"Yup that sounds good so I'll see you then, O'Connell out" he replied wondering what he was going to wear. Stepping to his closet Jamie started perusing his wardrobe. After several minutes he settled on a pair of blue jeans, tan shirt, and a brown vest; might as well be comfortable. Since he had showered a few hours ago, Jamie shaved, combed his hair, and splashed on his favorite aftershave. Going back out into the living area Jamie sat waiting for Angel to show up.

Meanwhile Angel dressed wanting to be comfortable knowing Jamie would most likely do the same; besides a Pub wasn't any place to dress fancy. She settled on a pair of lowrider jeans, with a navel necklace, and a rose colored midriff top with just enough cleavage showing to be tasteful. Some perfume and a pair of black flats completed her look.

Angel arrived at Jamie's quarters right on time as she palmed the door chime waiting for an answer.

Hearing the door Jamie walked over and opened it being greeted by a very beautiful women; of course he couldn't remember a time when Angel didn't look nice "Hi, you ready for dinner" she inquired with a smile noticing Jamie looked as handsome as ever.

"Yes I am" he replied then paused "And may I say how lovely you look this evening Angel" he answered trying to remain in the 'friend zone'.

She smiled "Thank you and you don't look so bad yourself. It's always a pleasure seeing you in something besides the uniform. We should be going; I'm famished" she commented as Jamie secured his quarters then the two Officers left for an evening off the Ship.


The two Officers walked onto the Promenade Deck and went straight to the Pub for dinner. Walking in they found a table for two sort of out of the way from the rest of the patrons. After sitting a waitress walked over "Good evening, what can I get for you" she inquired with a smile looking at Jamie first.

"I will have a Burger, but hold the onion, medium done, fries, and whatever beer you have on tap" he replied returning the smile. Then the waitress looked to Angel "I'll have the same except a red wine instead of beer" she replied smiling as well. "Good choices. I'll have your beverages to you momentarily and your orders should be up soon" as she turned and left for the Bar.

The two sat talking waiting for their food when Angel had to ask "I hope you didn't hold the onion on my account" she commented with a grin "Although I'm not a big fan myself."

"Actually I'm not a big fan of raw onion either and it tends to over power the Burger; I want to enjoy the meat flavor and not onion" he replied with a grin of his own. Shortly their food arrived then they dug in. Jamie sat for a moment savoring the meat flavor "That is an exceptional Burger; it's been ages since I've had one of these" he stated before sipping his beer.

After swallowing her food Angel replied "You're right, this is quite delicious" then paused for a moment "So Captain what is it you wanted to tell me about work."

Taking another sip of his beer, he set his glass down and began "It would appear we have a new C.O. sort of. Let me explain. Taavis, who used to Command the Nazgul, has been promoted to Fleet Captain. So she will be giving us our Missions except if Admiral Stone needs us elsewhere. In the meantime, with the Nazgul in mid Mission we will be patrolling the space around the Base; at least for now" he explained.

A surprised Angel looked at Jamie "I see.....that is certainly is some news for sure" she replied still processing the information.

"Oh yes, there is one other thing. Taavis asked me if we would consider working with Lieutenant Kehlani of the Klingon's Fose Bane in concert when needed. I told her we would but I would, or we would to be more precise, like to meet her prior to any collaboration" Jamie concluded "So what's your take on all of this."

Angel thought for a few moments before answering " If the Commodore has enough faith in Taavis to promote her to Fleet Captain then that's good enough for me. As far as working with this other Ship, I trust your judgement Jamie. I am sure you wouldn't knowingly put the Peel of her Crew in jeopardy" she replied having complete faith in her Captain and friend.

Jamie smiled "Thank you for the vote of confidence and you're right, I would never do anything to harm the Ship or anyone on her Crew" he replied then continued "If things don't work out with this other Ship, then I will terminate the collaboration; unless a direct order says otherwise of course" then there was a brief lull in the conversation "I don't mind telling you , you scared the crap out of me when you mentioned Lieutenant T'Den's offer."

Angel grinned "Sorry Jamie but I thought you should be aware of our conversation before you heard it from someone else" she replied "Since I have only been a First Officer, while under your Command, I feel I still have a lot to learn before advancing or changing jobs. I do apologize if I cause you any undue angst."

Jamie smiled "That's fine and I do admire your work ethic" he replied "Not that I want to stand in your way of advancement, but I am glad you feel that way and for the record you can remain my Number One for as long as you deem necessary. Ok enough shop talk; so what are your plans for the next few days, if I may be so bold."

"Nothing set in stone really, although I bought a book yesterday about some of the Jazz musicians from twentieth century Earth that I am dying to read. So tomorrow's plan is to sleep in, if I can, have a nice leisurely breakfast then curl up with my new book and enjoy some down time. And you" she commented.

"Not sure, although I do like the idea of sleeping in for awhile. Maybe I'll explore some more of the Promenade Deck and see what else is here" he replied with a smile "Then again who knows; at least it won't be work related, I hope."

The two friends sat, chatted, and laughed for the next few hours about anything and nothing while having a few more adult beverages. Suddenly Angel yawned "Excuse me Jamie, I guess the day has finally caught up to me" she stated with a grin.

Jamie grinned back "It is getting late; if you'd like to leave I will escort you back to your quarters. I think I'm ready to call it a day as well."

"Thank you, I would like that" Angel replied with a smile as the two stood and left the Pub. On the way back to the Peel they continued talking and enjoying each other's company.


{Deck 2}

When they arrived back to Angel's she inquired "Would you like to come in for a nightcap before going home" with a smile.

As much as Jamie would like to take her up on her offer, he thought better of it; he didn't want things to get out of hand as he replied with a smile "I think I'll pass, if you don't mind; it's been a long day. Thank you for dinner and some very nice conversation."

"It was my pleasure Jamie and I rather enjoyed our conversation as well, even with the Shop talk" as she grinned "Don't worry about the nightcap, some other time maybe" she commented.

"Some other time would be good. Sleep well Angel and enjoy your day tomorrow" he replied being quite sincere.

"You too Jamie" she commented with a grin then turned and entered her quarters. Jamie made his way down the Corridor to his own quarters ready for a good night's sleep.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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