#15 STATION POST: Meeting Another captain
Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2023 @ 11:40am by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Jamie O'Connell
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: current
Having taken a nap, and then meditated for a few hours, Captain Taavis took a shower, completed her hygiene and then turned to get dressed, deciding on the black leather catsuit with the zip-up front. The outfit fit like a kidskin glove but it was one of many catsuits she was allowed to wear while on duty. Placing all the Starfleet paraphernalia where appropriate, and clicking her belt with box pouches around her waist, she looked in the mirror. Appropriate, she thought. One of her friends, years ago, told her that this particular catsuit did remind him of Cat Woman from the Batman comics and films. It was very similar to the outfit the villain wore in Dark Knight Rises, which she found amusing. Plus, after duty was done, it was high time she visited Club Bliss and her manager, Manny.
With a casual gait the Captain made her way through the station to the Promenade. Her mind was on the USS Peel, which according to her inbox, had recently made it back to their home docking bay with minor damage due to a grappler incident. Should make for an interesting story, she thought. Changing direction midstride, Taavis angled her way towards the main lift lobby, stepping into one of them and ordering it to the Peel's docking level. Upon arrival, Taavis made her way to the gangway, letting the security sentries scan her badge.
"Welcome, Captain Taavis. How can we assist?"
"Is Captain O'Connell aboard? And, if so, where is he located?" Asked Taavis.
One security officer held a hand up a moment, tapping keys on their podium. "He is aboard, Ma'am, and in his quarters. Should we let him know you're coming?"
"That won't be necessary but thank you. Am I cleared to board, Ensign?"
"You are, Captain. Have a good day."
Taavis gave them a nod of thanks and walked on. Internally, she grinned to herself. You gotta work on your timing girl, she thought to herself. You keep catching CO's in their cabins. Since Peel was not as large as the Nazgul it took her no time to arrive at the CO's quarters. Standing casually she reached up and tapped the chime.
Jamie had recently come off duty and had been back at his Quarters just long enough to be holding a glass of Irish Whiskey neat. Hearing the chime, he sat his glass on the table and made his way to the door even though he wasn't expecting any company. Opening the door he saw a rather good looking Vulcan women standing when he noticed the Captain's pips on her uniform "Captain?" then he paused a moment "Please come in" as he stepped back to let his guest in not knowing who this person was; or better yet what see wanted to see him about.
Taavis nodded in thanks and stepped inside. She noted his eyes glancing over her rather unorthodox choice of catsuit. "Apologies for the attire, Captain. I have another engagement I will be attending after this." The door closed behind her as he stepped away from the sensor. "Captain Jamie O'Connell, I am Captain Taavis. I've been newly assigned as the Fleet Captain for the region. Having met with Captain Bjorgo, I felt you deserved the same personal touch." She extended her arm for a handshake.
A smile came across Jamie's face as he shook hands with the Fleet Captain "Very nice to meet you Captain and your attire is fine" he replied then paused "The last I knew you were the C.O. of the Nazgul so congratulations on your promotion. Sorry where are my manners, please have a seat and make your self comfortable. Can I get you a beverage" he commented.
Taavis followed him further into his quarters, making sure that her eyes stayed mainly on him and not looking around his private sanctum. She chinned towards the glass she saw on an end table. "If that is brandy, or whiskey, I'll take two fingers if you don't mind." Her face became lighthearted. "As for the Nazgul, yes. I was CO for a minute but I was called away to help deal with diplomacy between the Star Empire and the Romulan Republic. Upon my return, Commodore Sureth offered this posting since we are out here to build up the region. Being a half breed has its advantages, at times." She did sit down in a chair that faced the one where his drink was, leaning back comfortably.
"One Irish Whiskey coming right up" he stated then walked to the Replicator and returned handing Taavis her drink before sitting across from her grabbing his own. "I couldn't imagine any diplomatic overture between those two factions, kudos to you. After taking a sip of his drink "So then am I to assume you will be, or are, my new C.O. The only reason I'm asking, since we have been assigned to M-69 our Missions have been coming from Admiral Stone."
Taavis had taken the drink, sipping as Jamie spoke. "I am your CO for the operations in this region. If Admiral Aaron Stone has other concerns he needs the ships to see to, it is his prerogative to assign them. At that point I become the liaison. All ship reports and logs will come across my desk, always, but it is on me to keep our superiors in the know. Commodore Sureth has already voiced his directives on that, and I will be making weekly reports to him in regards to the Peel and the Nazgul."
Jamie sat listening to everything Taavis had to say carefully before commenting "As far as the reports are concerned I always send them in to the Admiral so I'll shoot a copy to your Office; as well as Ship's logs" then he paused for a moment "Concerning who assigns us missions, it doesn't matter to me as long as the Peel remains useful and not just parked in orbit around the Base." he concluded hoping he wasn't being too arrogant; just truthful.
Meeting his gaze evenly, but showing no challenge to his words with her expression, Taavis took a moment before answering. "I assure you, Jamie, I am not one to allow our assets to remain idle. Had it been my choice I would have preferred a Reliant-class light cruiser, rather than a cruiser like the Nazgul. Peel is perfect for all mission variables, whereas Nazgul could have limitations due to size. Fast attack is a must out here, and why I am glad the Klingons are about. If I can arrange it, would you be willing to work in concert with Lieutenant Commander Kehlani and the Bird of Prey Foes Bane?"
"The Peel is fast since she did have a major refit a few months ago just before I was given command; everything state of the art plus I was given a new Crew; who incidentally are nothing short of amazing" he stated, maybe bragging just a touch; then he paused a moment thinking before continuing "Sure I would be willing to give it a go, but I would like to meet this Lieutenant Commander Kehlani beforehand, if possible. I do like to know whom I'm bunking with, sort of speak."
"I think that can be arranged," Taavis said. "For a Klingon she is unique in most aspects. As an envoy to the Empire out here, and serving Starfleet, her loyalties lie with what is right, not political targ shit, as she puts it." Finishing her drink, Taavis set the glass on the table. "I Don't expect to have a need for her to be with you always. Only when numbers could make a difference. Having read some of the reports from you and your gallant crew I have no doubts that the Peel can handle most situations."
"I'm sure the Lieutenant Commander and I will work brilliantly together when you require us to do so; I look forward to meeting her. Thank you for your vote of confidence in the Peel and her Crew; it means a lot. Not to sound cocky but I would like to think we can handle most any situation that comes our way" then he paused "I think our return trip home solidifies that fact in my mind" Jamie replied with a grin.
"It speaks volumes, Jamie." Taavis stood as she said that. "The Nazgul will be going out to the Unre Expanse, so she will not be readily available. With all that I've read about the Expanse, we may never see them again. But, I have my marching orders. USS Peel will be our sentinel while they are away. With all our small craft and runabouts you won't be without backup when, and if, it is needed."
Jamie stood as well "Just tell us when and where you need us and the Peel will be ready" he replied with a smile "And thank you for stopping by, it was a pleasure to meet you Taavis; this conversation was most enlightening."
"Peace and long life, Captain. And, the pleasure was mine. I will let Commander Kehlani know that you would like to confer with her when it can be arranged. Have a good day." Taavis spun on her heel and vacated the Captain's quarters as she headed to the gangway.
After Taavis left Jamie grabbed another drink and sat on the couch mulling over in his mind their conversation "Nice women and very down to earth; she should be good to work for and with" as he sipped his drink "I'll have to let Angel know what's going on as soon as possible."