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Station Post #2. "The Wallace class Part Two

Posted on Tue Feb 13th, 2024 @ 6:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Lieutenant Myar
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:45pm

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: A few days later
Tags: Rivers, Myar

Jessica sat in her office reading of the progress of the repair of the Wallace class. She was impressed of the progress of the repairs in these few days. She has been down there several times monitoring the progression and handing a hand with the repairs. She tapped her comm. “Lt. Myra please come to my office” she said.

Myar quickly ran to the Chief Engineers office. Not only was she easy on the eyes and made him purr but she was a great Chief.

" I ran here as soon as you called Chief?" Myar purred.

“Take a seat” she motioned to the chair across her table. “The reason I requested you was about the Wallace class and the repairs. How far are we? Are there any major problems still to iron out?
And at last I liked your initiative on the repairs” Jessica said

" Commander boldly the hull is in tact. It's the ship itself. It comes with a story, it seems the vesselnwas brutally assaulted in the Dominion War. It and a Defiant class were assigned to the Breen system. The Breen used all sorts of arsenal and fired some kind of cryogenic weapon at the Wallace encasing it in pure ice. When it was found and unthawed its crew had been frozen perfectly. Unfortunately all died. She was labeled the Ice Ghost. Now we just have to repair all the internal systems." Myar replied.

=^= Lt Sayvek to Chief Engineer. I have begun a level one diagnostic of all bridge computer systems. Programming is now online. Engineering will need to realign the main Deflector however. =^=

Myar nodded " We will get to that Commander. It's on my list."

“This ship has quite a history behind her. This is great progress Lt. Myar. Are there any refits for that we could add?” She asked

Myar smiled " We're engineers Commander anything is on the table."

Joining the Chief in Engineering was Captain Rivers smiling.

" Commander you are kicking butt and taking names, I like that. I am assuming the Research and Development slot for a while. I would love to look under your hood, I mean that ships hood."

“Captain, I can show your around” Jessica said

Deke missed the big chair but atleast he had a role to play as head of research and development.

" Let me know when the engines come back on line. I want to drive that thing."

“I will let you know when the shake down cruise is happening” she said with a grin.

Deke exited engineering and a moment later found himself thrown across the bulk head as if a giant windless power had seized his body.

[RIVERS to engineering has something happened to the gravity?] he asked.

Alarms and klaxons sounded as well. Deke then returned to engineering.

~as soon as O‘Neil heard the Rivers over the comm and the sound of Alarm and klaxons she ordered her team to investigate what happened. ~

" Who shut off the gravity in the hall?" he asked.

„No one has Sir. My Team and I are already investigating the incident. So far as I can tell all systems are working 100% efficiently…“halfway through her reply an Ensign, which she forgot the name of and was trying to recall, approached her coming from the other side of the main Engineering. He was holding a Strangely designed device that She had never seen before. „Commander this device could have caused the short gravity distortion.“ the Ensign said. In the blink of an eye, she recalled the name of the Ensign.
"Thank you, Ens. Roth" Jessica said as he handed her the device.
„Captain what do you make of it“ she asked showing him the strange device and waving her assistant to her to take a look too.

" We will secure that in the Research and Development lab. " Rivers replied.

==A few hours later ==

Myar, Sayvek and Rivers returned each ready for the next step.

" The Wallace has met minimal repairs standards." Myar yowled.
" All integrity and interior systems have been rebooted and well within normal perimeters," Sayvek added.

" These are very good news. Is the ship ready to be booted up" Jessica inquired.

" Yes Ma'am. However I have been assigned to report to the Nazgul soon and will have to complete my duties." Sayvek replied.

Myar spoke up " I can run those test Commander."

“Thanks Myar, please keep me informed” Jessica said.

Deke looked at his hand which he had damaged with Sayvek and excused himself.
" Commander I will touch base with you when she is ready to launch. I have to go see our good old Doctor."

“Understood Captain.” Jessica replied



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