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Station Post # 1 " Adieux "

Posted on Fri Feb 9th, 2024 @ 2:38pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Stardate : 77987



Sureth got up early and walked the entire station and then the exterior attached docking ports. Surprisingly noticing the Klingon Cruiser Chus'ugh firing up for a voyage.

" Lt Kahveq are you heading out?" he asked the Klingon.

" Yes Commodore. Is Captain Callaghan aboard the station? I want to say...good bye." replied Kahveq.

" Yes she is. She is probably at OPS by now." Sureth replied.


Shauna was busy in Ops, checking the stations comings and goings, as well as dealing with reports from the various departments onboard. She couldn’t help but notice that the Chus’ugh was listed as one of the scheduled departures.

Kahveq exited the lift and immediately recognized Shauna.

" Captain Callaghan we need to talk." Kahveq growled.

Shauna nodded and motioned Kahvek to her office. Once inside she stood by her desk. “What is it you need Kahvek? I have a station to run so I can’t be too long.”

" Only to tell you we are leaving the station." Kahveq replied as he began to walk away.

“I know, I saw the departure request on the list this morning.” Shauna wasn’t sure exactly how she was supposed to feel. “Will you be returning, or is this goodbye?”

" Waroq says we are leaving . I do not know the future but I did enjoy our time together." Kahveq replied as he continued to exit.


Deke Rivers entered sickbay with a small cut on his right hand, wrapped with his jacket.

" Doc are you available for a repair? I cut my hand with a diagnostic tool."

Williams had just finished with another Patient when he saw Deke walking into Sick Bay with his hand wrapped in his coat "Absolutely, have a seat on this Bio-bed and let me take a look at it" he instructed "So I take it the tool up and bit you" as he grinned.

" Yes I was assisted Lt Sayvek and I guess I wasn't holding my head right. Next thing I know blood is oozing out and my hand started hurting like a mo...mouse on cheese." Deke replied.

Williams had to grin at Deke's remark, or lack of, having a suspicion on what he really wanted to say but refrained "And that is why it is called an 'accident'." Activating a button on the side of the Bio-bed an arc came up over the bed "Place your hand under this sterilization field for a few minutes" he instructed his Patient then grabbed a hypo "This is a combination of pain reliever and antibiotic; your hand should start to feel better soon."

" You are a good old saw bones Ramvek. Are you a drinking man?" Deke replied.

"Thank you; I think" Ramvek answered with a snicker "Am I a drinking Man? I do have the occasional drink but I try not to drink to access; I want to be in control of my faculties" he commented as he grabbed his next instrument "I am going to repair your cut with this Transdermal Replicator; you will be as good as new" as Ramvek passed the device over the cut on Deke's hand a few times "There good as new" he stated then released the arc over the top of the bed.

" Let me treat you to drinks tonight Doc. It will leave you as good as new. If you have a girl bring her along too." Deke replied.

"Touche Deke. Thanks for the kind offer and yes I will be bring my Lady friend along; I am sure she would not mind a night out" Ramvek replied hoping Heidi would be fine with the arrangement.

Deke smiled and wiggled his fingers. Damn technology was good when it worked. Now it was time to get back to work.

== OPS==

Sureth returned from his stroll and seeing Shauna walked over.
" Did Waroq’s grandson find you?"

Shauna nodded. “Yes Sir, he did” she offered a polite smile that gave nothing away.

" He was determined to see you. It would seem the Chus'ugh is leaving the station." Sureth replied.

“So it would seem” Shauna nodded. “To be honest it’s probably better that way, as far as Kahvek and I are concerned.”

" Agreed. But having them out there worries me atleast here we could keep an eye on them." Sureth replied.

As they spoke the Chus'ugh broke away and moved out with no reported sector on the manifest.



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