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Station Post # 24 " Racing Day "

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 12:56pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo)

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< SbM69 Outer Docks >

Deke Rivers was stoked to be aboard the Wallace class ship the Athena. Part of his new job was to test the new equipment and there was nothing better than breaking in a new service vessel.

" NX Athena to Chief Engineer O'Neal. Where are you Commander? Today is racing day." Deke said speaking into his comms badge.

Jessica noticed her combadge chirruping as she was advising the new Ensgin in there duties aboard the station. “Sorry Sir, I got hang up in engineering. I will be right over. O’Neil out” she quickly finished up. Hurried over to the Athena. She was very exited to brake in this new ship.
Just a few moments later she aboard the ship joining Deke

The Wallace class NX Athena was assembly line ready as the teams and crews worked around the clock. Boarding her Dek remembered his first time aboard the Potemkin a long time ago.

" Captain on the bridge, " the helmsman called out.
" As you were. It's racing day fire her up. Engineering? Can we break dock?" Deke asked O'Neal.

"Everything is ready Captain. All station at 100%. We are good to go" O'Neil answered. She was waiting for this test flight since the ship came to the dock.

Deke Rivers was stoked as he gave the order to engage warp and the ship slipped into light speed and beyond passing the MESSIER 8 system into sector 9.

< Sector 9 >

Dropping out of warp to turn around Dek and the Small crew realized the immense power of the NX Athena's upgrades.

" How is she holding up O'Neal?" Deke asked.

"Sofar she is doing fine, I had only a few minor adjustment to do to keep her purring like a cat. I am falling in love with the ships core Sir." Jessica said jokingly

" I love hearing that Chief. Helm race us home." Deke ordered.

The Athena broke two records that round of shake down, fastest turn around in a turn and as they neared the Lagoon fastest Warrant class speed.

" What the hell is that?" Deke asked unaware of a giant worm hole.

" That wasn't there when we left . Hail the station."

Shauna’s face appeared onscreen. “Welcome home Captain” she smiled at Deke, she had to admit she’d missed him.

“Please explain to me why there is a giant vortex leading into the Lagoon Nebula?"

Shauna smiled a wry smile. “It’s something of a long story I’m afraid, why don’t you join us in Ops and we can fill you in.”

" Take us in slow and steady helm." Rivers replied.

The Athena had performed well and apparently at a good time as they assuredly had some major issues on the horizon.

Pressing his record button Captain Deke Rivers began to speak.
" Captains First Log Stardate....." his voice chimed. He then ended it with accolades for his crew and especially the stations Chief Engineer who had loaned her time and talent to restoring life from lifelessness.



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