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Post # 23 Ahoy, Captain-Pt1

Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2024 @ 4:21pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 5:44pm

Location: Nazgul/Peel
Timeline: Current


[Nazgul Bridge]

Once they had come to full stop, Captain Bjorgo made sure his ship was set and ready to proceed. Number One confirmed that the ship and crew were ready. "Alright," Tore said, clapping his hands together and rubbing them together a moment as he stood right in front of his chair. "Lieutenant Qeritas, open a channel to the Peel and request visual communication."

"Aye, Sir." Qeritas said, sending the request to the USS Peel.

[Peel's Bridge]

The command team was still waiting on an answer from General Mathias when Comms announced "Captain, Captain Bjorgo from the Nazgul is requesting visual communications, Sir."

Pleased at hearing that some help had arrived O'Connell stood, straighten his tunic, and proceeded to walk up behind Helm "On screen" as the Comms Officer made the connection. Jamie smiled "Captain Bjorgo, it's nice to finally meet; although I wished it was under better circumstances."

Bjorgo gave a smile at that. "Good to meet you too, Captain O'Connell. And, please, call me Tore." He gave a nod at that, his smile fading to a slight grin here and there as he continued. "So, you got the duty of towing our unusual guest out this way. We are reading a power build-up within the creature..."

"Maybe it just has gas," the female voice said from the comm station. Qeritas glanced over at her Captain.

"We'll let Captain O'Connell tell us what he knows, Lieutenant Qeritas, before we make snap judgements." Bjorgo said, being instructive, friendly, yet commanding all at once. His eyes went back to O'Connell. "So, are there issues, Captain?"

O'Connell grinned "You might say that.....and please call me Jamie. We've been able to establish a rudimentary communications with the Gola and it's hellbent on being at this specific location....that and we're waiting on a General Mathias's permission on letting the Gola enter their sector....and yes the being is slowly building up power inside itself and we're not sure why" Jamie concluded.

"Captain, the General is hailing us" Communications informed command.

"Great" Jamie thought to himself "Patch it through to the Nazgul as well" came the order. "Aye Captain, patching it through now, Sir."

Looking at a split screen between the Nazgul and the Mathias "General thank you for getting back to us. So what's your Governments decision on the Gola."

"Captain O'Connell I'm afraid despite my best efforts the answer is still no; the being can not enter this Sector. My apologies but the being will have to go elsewhere" the General stated matter of factly.

Letting out a long sigh "Fair enough General.....thanks for trying; we'll have to come up with an alternative plan then, O'Connell out" as the screen now showed only the Nazgul's Captain "Well there you go Tore that's where we're at. I'm open to suggestions" Jamie commented not sure what his next move should be.

"Hmm," Bjorgo put forth, rubbing his chin a bit in thought before responding. "Jamie, since you were the first to speak with the General, perhaps a meeting can be arranged between Starfleet and the government to which he belongs. In my experience getting to know someone face-to-face is far more ingratiating than a mere message passed along. Thoughts?"

Qeritas watched from her station even as she pretended to be totally focused on her station. If these people only knew the implications of what could occur here. She gave an inward shrug to herself as she waited for the entertainment to take an upswing in regards to this whole situation.

O'Connell thought for a moment "That would seem like the next best step to take. I'll contact the General and arrange a meeting" he replied then had a thought "So maybe we should untether the Gola so It doesn't have an adverse effect on my ship."

" Sensors are showing a weakness on the tractor beam. Continued use could damage that system." Lt Sayvek warned.

Captain Bjorgo gave a nod at the response. "We can babysit the Gola, Captain. If you would send over all your data on how you have come to communicate with the being that would be most helpful."

"Of course Tore, we'll send over everything we have right away" Jamie replied then turned towards the Comms officer "On it Captain" as the Officer gathered whatever she had. "Lt. Sayvek cut the tractor beam, we don't need to damage our systems needlessly" came the order.

This Gola however had been very patient and relaxed but if it was sentient it certainly did not understand why they had not released it from the tractor beam. Unstunned now by the realization of time the Gola creature expanded itself in all direction hopeful to find its origin. It had been spawned by the Ceti Alpha sun's explosion and ventured out to the center of the galaxy. Now returning to the very place of its own birth.

Commander Billi had been listening, of course, being right there on the Bridge of the Nazgul, and decided to pipe in. "Captain," she said. "The Gola doesn't appear to want to hurt anyone, or cause an incident. Perhaps Lieutenant Ainkara could meld with it, try and get more permacrete answers to all of our questions."

Bjorgo had raised a hand, offering the casual one finger up to O'Connell to hold his response while he conferred with his XO. "Thanks for the reminder, Number One." He then half turned to look back the other way towards the Science station. "Miss Kara, can you do that?"

Ainkara, upon hearing her name spoken aloud by Commander Billi, had turned her chair enough to look at the rest of the Bridge. "Unknown, Captain. In regards to my own ability to meld with another mind I do have to physically come into contact with them. An EVA suit glove may prevent that type of contact. However, I am willing to try."

Bjorgo looked back to the forward viewport/screen, his mind now attuned to the recent variables provided by his officers. "The expansion and energy output may prove harmful." He said this while addressing his own Bridge, and Captain O'Connell. "But, with that in mind, we can always try. Jamie, if you could focus on contacting any diplomats from the General's people, we'll see what can be done to communicate better with the Gola itself."

"Certainly, I'll contact their diplomats right away and set up a meeting, O'Connell out" Jamie replied seeing the screen return to normal. Turning "Number One you have the Conn." "Aye Captain" as Angel stood and took the center seat while her Captain left for his Ready Room.

Shortly Captain O'Connell returned to command; seeing Jamie return Angel vacated his seat "So were you successful Sir" she inquired. "Yes, we're going to meet on the Peel" he commented "They should be here in two hours time."


The viewscreen overlay went dark and then disappeared as Captain O'Connell agreed to try and contact those worried about the Gola's presence. He then turned to look at his Science Chief, concern in his eyes. "Miss Kara, are you sure you're up to this? The Gola has been sending out energy waves and they may prove a hinderance to what you are going to try and do."

Kara knew the risks but she did not join Starfleet to sit on her laurels and watch others risk their life. "It is a logical choice, Captain. The benefit will far outweigh the danger to myself. If it will make you less anxious, Captain, then I will volunteer to do this. No order needs be given."

Tore gave her that crooked grin of his. "I'll order you to take every precaution, but I will not stop you from volunteering. Head for shuttle bay one and use the Delta Flier." He looked to his Tactical station. "Mister Resch, you will accompany her. Let's see if we can make headway with better relations between all of us humanoids and a Gola. Get going."

Resch gave a nod and stood, waiting for Kara to join him as her relief arrived. "Aye, Sir. On my way." With Ainkara next to him, she and Griffon stepped into the lift together.

Bjorgo kept standing, looking out the viewport at the Peel some distance away. After a few thoughts on the matter, and what was being done about it, he sat down in his chair.


-Two Hours Later-

The Command Team sat at conn discussing how to approach the upcoming meeting when O'Connell's comm went off "O'Connell here." "Captain, Ensign Hendricks in Transporter Room One, the Diplomats are ready to beam aboard Sir" he informed Jamie.

"Good, we're on our way" looking to Angel "You have the conn Commander" turning "Counselor you're with me" came the orders as Sarissa and himself made their way to the Lift "Deck 3."




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