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Post # 27 Unwelcome discoveries

Posted on Tue Nov 2nd, 2021 @ 4:29pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Captives
Location: Somewhere in space
Timeline: Concurrent


The search for Jyeth’s ship had gone on so long it seemed it would never be found. That was until, at long last there was a contact on the ship’s sensors. A small lone craft drifting aimlessly in space. On the bridge Shauna leapt from her seat, “Captain! We have a contact!”

" Are we sure? The last one was an alien satellite?" Sureth replied.

Shauna double checked the readings, and crossed referenced the scans. “It’s a small ship, sensors are registering two humanoid, and one other lifeform. Lifesigns....aren’t good.”

~ The ship ~

Aboard the ship lay Isabelle, in an unconscious, and life threatening condition Alongside her Lily lay barely conscious, the life support systems of the small ship were almost fully depleted.

Even Jyeth had lost his ability to assume the beauty it wore like a suit. With the females dying it no longer wished to hide itself.

After Jyeth had delivered both women to its master, it had been promised whatever it wanted in return. Instead Isabelle’s baby had been taken from her body and Isabelle left for dead. The Incubus was the one who was truly of interest, but she had been lucky to escape with her life if only just.

~ The Bohr ~

“Permission to bring the ship into the shuttle bay Sir?” Shauna looked at Sureth.

" Yes by all means. Number One you have the con." Sureth said rushing into the lift

Bringing the ship onboard Shauna had a medical team waiting along with Dallas and his security team.

Dallas was still weak but demanded to go and Hiri was also on hand.

" Open it up." Hiri ordered.

As the doors opened members of Hiri’s trauma team entered along with security, making their way through the ship they soon found Isabelle and Lily. “Doctor! In here!” A young woman stood at the side of Isabelle’s bed scanning her. “We need to get Lieutenant Veran straight into surgery! Whoever did this removed her baby. She’s also got the virus you detected coursing through her body, there’s not much of her own dna left.”

Dallas worried as well and scooped Isabella up from the floor.

" Make way." he yelled despite being weak.

Sickbay on the Bohr was very large and Hiri had already gotten it ready for this moment. Synthesized amino acids with anti viral derivative was the plan to reverse the damage to Veran.

Captain Sureth met them in sickbay and saw Lt Crawford being brought in.

Lily's eyes flickered; she couldn't keep them open, but she didn't want to keep them shut. "Captain.... I'm sorry." she whispered. "I resist. The call...too strong." she sighed.

" It is all right now Lieutenant you are safe now. We have the culprit in custody." Sureth replied

"Oh good." Lily was quiet for a long moment. "Thank you."

A second doctor joined in to assist with the triage of the patients. A youthful asian man looked down into Lily's eye and smiled .

" I am Doctor Ito and you are in good hands." he smiled.

"Doctor." Lily groaned. "Am I glad to see you."

" Let me see what I can do to fix you up." Ito promised.

"All my joints ache... and my head is foggy." Lily paused, trying to gauge how her body actually felt. "Isabelle. Is she alive?"

The young Medic who’d been with the boarding team looked across to Lily. “She’s no longer at death’s door but she’s got a long way to go before she’ll be back on her feet. It depends on if she can fight off the virus now.”

Lily gave a weary nod. "What's wrong with me?" she asked.

"It looks like something has chanced at the cellular structure. We need to know how best to treat you. The computer is already running possibilities based on what the tricorder turned up. In the meantime, I suggest you rest." Dr. Ito said with a smile.

"Very well." Lily replied. "Thank you, Doctor."

Ito nodded. "I'll let you know when we have something." With that, he turned and left. Lily let her eyes drift shut. In no time, she was asleep again.



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