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Post # 001. The road to recovery

Posted on Wed Nov 3rd, 2021 @ 10:13am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Wed Nov 3rd, 2021 @ 3:32pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Several hours after arrival back at the station


Isabelle had awoken, the news that her son was gone had been extremely traumatic. Her body was still fighting the virus in her system, but at least she had lost the urge to feed. She lay on her biobed staring at the walls, tears running down her face, not wanting to communicate with anyone.

But Dallas was not just anyone to her nor she to him as he also was recovering.

" Could you use a friend?" Dallas asked lowly.

Isabelle wiped away a few tears as she motioned Dallas to a seat next to her bed. “Please, I...I’m sorry for what I...did to you.”

" You know girl you really suck. Dr Hiri says I'll live."

Isabelle offered a watery eyed brief smile at Dallas’ pun. “They...took my son.” She wiped away more tears. “Why did they take him? What use is my baby to them!?”

" The creature is in holding. We will break him. I will move the heavens to get your baby back Isabella." Dallas replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you John.”

Sureth stood at the door and heard their conversation unaware that the Master Sergeant even knew his daughter so privately. Stepping in he cleared his throat to make himself present.

" I wish to speak to my daughter...alone." Sureth stated.

" Of course sir." Dallas replied nodding to Isabella.

Isabelle watched as Dallas stepped out to let her father talk to her in private. “You didn’t have to do that” she looked at her father, her eyes red and swollen from all her crying. “Dallas could have stayed.”

" No he could not. He would distract us. I wish to mind meld with you again." Sureth replied.

Isabelle looked at her father curiously. “Why? What are you looking for?”

" Answers Daughter. You may know where they have taken the child. Do you agree to a mind meld?" Sureth asked.

Isabelle nodded. “Of course I do! If it brings my son back I’ll do anything.”

“Captain” A young nurse stood nearby gave a disapproving look. “The Counsellor is still recovering, I’m not sure the doctor would approve of a mind meld so soon.”

" Perhaps you are right. How do you feel?" Sureth replied.

Isabelle shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t have the compulsion to feed on anyone anymore, so I guess that’s something. Apart from that I...” She shook her head. “I need to know what happened to my son, if there’s any chance it’s locked away in my mind...” She gave him a pleading look.

Waiting on the nurse to move on Sureth took a seat and moved closer.
" Listen to my voice.... remember....." Sureth began as he slowly opened the mental portal.

Isabelle’s mind linked with her father’s as she recalled events, falling asleep aboard Jyeth’s ship only to awaken to find herself restrained, and surrounded by those who would take her son. ((( I...can’t...father help me! )))

((( We will stop here Isabella. We can pick this back up later)))

((( No! I... ))) her vision went as far as it could as she was sedated by those surrounding her bed. As she’d fallen asleep there was one detail that she hadn’t remembered that came to light, the name... Heldon.

The young nurse returned to see what was happening, Isabelle’s biobed readings were fluctuating wildly. “Captain, you need to stop! Now!”

Sureth slowly recoiled from the meld. He had already began doing this before the nurse stepped in

" She is asleep " Sureth replied .

Hiri motioned for Sureth to follow her to her office allowing Dallas to swoop in and kiss Isabella on the lips.

Isabelle wasn’t as asleep as her father thought, as Dallas kissed her lips she sleepily returned the gesture with a smile before finally falling asleep.



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