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Station Post #27. Much needed advice

Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2024 @ 5:03pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Location: Sickbay

With their return to the station Isabelle’s first priority had been to check in on her son at the station nursery. She knew he was safe but she needed a few minutes of contact before returning to the rest of her day. Having settled her fears she headed for Sickbay, she needed someone to talk to that wasn’t her father and Ramvek was the next best thing to a Counsellor being a medical professional himself.

Walking into Sickbay she headed for Ramvek’s Office peering around the open doorway. “Knock, Knock” she offered a slight smile. “Do you have a few minutes? I need to talk.”

Doctor Williams looked up from his work then stood with a smile recognizing the voice "Isabelle, what a pleasant surprise. Please come in, my door is always open to a colleague....have a seat and make yourself comfortable" he stated happy to help "Would you like the door closed for some privacy."

“Please” Isabelle nodded taking a seat.

Ramvek smiled then closed the door before returning to his seat ready to listen to Isabelle.

Once the door was closed she took a deep breath. “When we were...dead, in purgatory, or whatever the hell it was, I saw...or thought I saw...John.” She paused, the loss of her beloved husband was hard to accept. “He didn’t seem to even know I was there, I was hoping...” she paused. “I never had the chance to say goodbye!!”

Seeing the anguish coming from Isabelle, Ramvek's human side kicked in as he looked into her eyes "Let me start by saying while we were there, wherever there was, the entity sensed our biggest fears and exploited them" as he paused gathering his thoughts "I am very sorry for your will need to take time to try and make peace with John's death. Speak your 'good byes' into the air when your alone in your quarters; that may help to relieve some of what you are feeling."

Isabelle nodded. “I didn’t agree with John becoming a pilot and he knew it. I just wish...” she paused wiping away a few tears. “Our baby is never going to know his or her father!”

The Doctor sat listening looking for the right comforting words to say, if there were such words "Might I suggest.....if you have holo-photos of John I would start showing them to the him or her while still a baby and tell the baby that their Father was a hero; telling only the positive things in John's life. I realize it is no substitution for having him here with you but at least it will give the child an appreciation of its Father and in a sense the child will get to know him. I am afraid those are the best answers I can give you" Ramvek concluded wishing it was in his power to do more for Isabelle and her family.

Isabelle took a deep breath and nodded. “I will Ramvek, I won’t let John’s sacrifice be for nothing. I seem to be cursed to spend my life alone, to be a single mother to both my children.”

"I know you have had some bad things happen in your life but as far as being cursed to be alone I do not buy into that notion for a moment. If you don't mind my saying are an intelligent, beautiful woman. I am sure in time the right man will come along and would be honored to be with both you and your children; just give it time to heal from this" Ramvek stated with a smile trying to give Isabelle some hope for the future.

Isabelle gave Ramvek a warm smile. “Thank you Ramvek, I appreciate that. I’m wallowing in my grief and I know it, I will get past this I have to.”

"Yes you will Isabelle; you are a strong woman and I am always available to you day or night should you need someone to listen" Ramvek stated as he gently reached over and squeezed her hand "Just know you are not alone in this and time is the great healer" he concluded with a smile.

Isabelle smiled a brief smile and nodded. “Thank you Ramvek, I appreciate your help.” She moved to stand up. “I have to be getting back or I’ll have one very grouchy little boy on my hands.”

"You are welcome Isabelle....and no you certainly do not want a grouchy boy to deal with" Ramvek commented with a grin.


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