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Station Post #26. Mysterious happenings

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 1:59pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


From the moment Sureth exited the Ocoee runabout he could not help but feel bad. Not physically buy inwardly. Meeting Qweveth had not effected him as it had the others there in the purgatory. But now back on the station he found himself anxious and concerned that he no longer could maintain the weight of this command.

Tapping his com badge Sureth hailed his number one and acting first officer to meet him in his office at Ops.

Shauna was already in Ops so she was quick to get to Sureth’s Office, she smiled warmly as she entered the room. “Is everything alright Commodore?”

" Yes...have a seat, please. I am taking an emeritus status following this meeting. I want you to stay on as the stations new Commanding Officer. I understand Lieutenant Commander Wallace made a good acting XO for you? I think you should make him your second officer until you or Starfleet assigns a new Executive Officer." Sureth as a matter of factly stated.

“Sir!?” Shauna gave Sureth a worried look. “With all due respect I’m not ready to command this station full time, I’ve only just been made your First Officer. Did something happen while you were away?”

Slamming his fist down Sureth then composed himself.
" I have held Command for 50 years Captain. I know that I can not compete with you younger officers. It is time I accept the truth. It is time to move out of the way. Do you want this or should I offer it to another officer?" Sureth replied.

Shauna flinched at the sudden outburst from Sureth. “No, Sir! If that’s how you wish it then I accept. I think Commander Wallace will make an excellent replacement First Officer.” She made a mental note to speak with Ramvek and Isabelle later on.

" First Officer? Already had it planned did you. I leave for one mission and the sehlat gets in the house. Your station now Captain or do you want my rank too? Sureth raised his voice. He then prepared to leave the room as it was now no longer his.

“A slip of the tongue Sir! I meant...” she paused. “Never mind” Shauna moved to intercept Sureth. “Wait Sureth...this isn’t you! Since when do you, as a Vulcan show emotion? Especially anger!? Something has happened to you and I want to know what it is!”

" Get out of my way Woman." Sureth warned her.

David entered as he heard the commodore's outburst, "What's going on?"

“Commodore Sureth appears to be under the impression that I’m trying to take his command.” Shauna gave David a concerned look.

David wasn't a full Betazoid, but he could sense the emotions permeating from Sureth, a Vulcan, 'Emotions from a Vulcan?' David thought to himself, "Commodore you need to be evaluated by medical, something is wrong."

Shauna nodded in agreement. “Callaghan to Security, Report to Commodore Sureth’s Office immediately!”

David kept his focus on Sureth, he wasn't as well trained as his sister when it came to his mental abilities, he was actually only able to sense the basics but he'd never, sensed anything like this, 'Something isn't right here...where is this coming from..."

Two Security guards quickly took Sureth in arm and led him into the turbo lift.
" I have two grandchildren you know?" Sureth bragged aloud.



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