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Station Post # 28 " Dementia "

Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2024 @ 5:49pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Escorted by security to sickbay Sureth was placed in the confinement room and monitored. Two security officers stood outside the door.

Doctor Williams walked into sickbay and soon discovered the Commodore was in a confinement room. After just spending the last few days, or at least that's what had seemed like, with Sureth he seemed fine. Walking up to the monitor on the exterior of the room somewhat perplexed as to the reason Sureth was even here. Studying the screen for a few minutes Ramvek turned to one of the Security detail "Lieutenant what in the world is the Commodore doing in a confinement room" he queried hoping for some sort of information.

"We're just following orders Doctor" he responded then paused a moment "If I may.....he did seem a should I put this.....sort of confused while on the way here."

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas, please report to sick bay" Ramvek stated hoping maybe she had some insight to the situation "Thank you Lieutenant for your honesty.

Sureth eye balled the Doctor from his bed.

" Are you in on this too Ramvek?" Sureth slurred.

"With respect Sir, the only thing that I am in on is finding out what happened to you between the time we left the Runabout and now. Clearly by the sounds of your speech there is a definite problem and I plan on finding what it is and hopefully fix it" Ramvek replied very concerned at the moment for his CO and his friend.

Isabelle arrived at Sickbay just in time to witness her father’s odd behaviour. “Father?” She gave Sureth a worried look as she sensed the emotion pouring off of him. “Ramvek, what’s happening?”

Taking a deep breathe "I am not quite sure but it would appear Sureth's mental state may be a result of us being in that place. While each of us saw and experienced different things, your father seemed to be the only one holding it together....that is until now. I will run some tests to determine if this is from something physical. If not we may have to engage another Counselor from the base since you are personally involved with Sureth being your father" Ramvek explained.

Isabelle nodded. “Of course, I don’t want any conflict of interest.” She looked at her father. “’s me Isabelle, talk to me..”

Sureth smiled " Deanna? I have missed you."

The Doctor could see the hurt in Isabelle's eyes after Sureth's remarks as he whispered to her "I will get started on the tests right away and let you know what I find."

Isabelle nodded. The fact that her father thought she was her mother was alarming to say the least. “I’m not my mother father, I am your daughter.”

" Deanna they are all against me. Help me get out of here."

Isabelle sighed. Out of sheer desperation she took a deep breath and opened her mind, gently entering her father’s mind to try and find some answers.

Fear filled her mind. But this was not a normal fear and seemed to be feeding off of a simple thought of losing himself. Losing his command to Callaghan..the Dragon Witch....Wallace.

Withdrawing from her father’s mind Isabelle turned to Ramvek, “He’s terrified, he thinks that Commanders Callaghan and Wallace are trying to take over his command of the station!” She sighed. “I have to help my father reassert his Vulcan Logic.”

Ramvek thought for a few moments "I know you want to help Sureth but I am not so sure it is a good idea given his present state of mind" then he paused "Please let me finish my tests first; I would hate to see you get lost in his mind or worse have what is causing this to transfer onto you" he explained hoping she would listen to his advice.

“Of course” Isabelle nodded before giving Ramvek a worried look. “But I...just came out of my father’s mind. I thought I could help...” she cursed herself for being so stupid, she hadn’t thought about the possibility of a possible contagion.

"Good, I should hopefully have some answers soon" he commented just before going straight to work on the mystery of Sureth's condition.

The Doctor grabbed a hypo and walked into the confinement room "Sureth, my friend, I am going to give you something to help quiet your mind" Ramvek commented which also included something to help him relax so he could examine him.

" No you are not ....." Sureth said but the force field prevented his movement.

Doctor Williams hated to give him the hypo but he had no other choice at the moment if he was going to do his job.

After Sureth quieted down, Ramvek stepped to the end of his bed and accessed the computer to bring up both Sureth's medical history as well as his physiology on the screen at the head of the bed. Looking at the Commodore "What happened to you in that place" he said out loud not expecting any kind of answer. Taking the scanner out of his pocket Ramvek set to trying to figure out what was causing all of Sureth's problems. Spending the better part of an hour running different tests the only thing Ramvek found was his dopamine levels were off the charts. This was frustrating because this made no sense whatsoever....he seemed fine when they all exited the Runabout. Trying to think what could possibly be causing this Ramvek noticed something towards the back of Sureth's neck. Going to the medical cabinet he grabbed a petri dish and a small pair of tweezers. Walking back over he rolled his patient over on his side and saw a small round disk.....taking the tweezers Ramvek removed it and placed in the petri dish then placed the cover over it.

Holding the dish up to the light Ramvek was surprised at what he saw; this disc had to be giving Sureth some sort of medication that was causing his erratic behavior. Tapping his Comm "Captain Callaghan, please come to Sick Bay at your earliest convenience" he requested wanting the Captain to know what he found and the severity of Sureth's condition; also Ramvek needed to do something that he had never done before and given his patient's condition he would require the next highest ranking Officer to be present as a witness.

Sureth then began tossing and shivering as the connection to the patch had been severed.

Williams looked up from studying Sureth's test results when he noticed the Commodore shivering and tossing; classic withdrawal symptoms from relieving him of whatever drug had been given to him via the patch. Grabbing a hypo Ramvek loaded it up with trianoline and administered the drug; minutes later Sureth's symptoms subsided as the Doctor went back to the task at hand.

Shauna entered Sickbay making her way straight across to Ramvek. “You called Doctor?”

"Yes Captain Callaghan, I want you to be aware of the Commodore's condition. During the process of scanning him I discovered a very small patch attached to the side of his neck. This contained some kind of drug especially designed to attack the Vulcan mind" Williams explained "I was able to remove it and he immediately went into withdrawal. I have administered a drug to combat the withdrawal while helping to calm Sureth while I figure out how to reverse the effects of the drug.. That being said, and since you are the next senior most Officer, he has a long road ahead before he cam assume command again" then he paused "The next logical course of action is for you to assume command of M-69."

Shauna could only nod as she listened. “I’m happy to assume temporary command Doctor, I’ll be keeping Commodore Sureth’s command ready for his return.”

"Good, I am sure you are more than up for task" Ramvek stated "Captain there's only one thing left to do and I really hate doing this but as CMO I'm duty bound to do so" taking a deep breath "Computer....Williams, Ramvek, Lieutenant Commander, Chief medical Officer, security clearance seven zulu alpha. Commodore Sureth under Star Fleet Regulation seven zero one point four you are hereby relieved of command until such time you are deemed fit for duty. Computer transfer all command codes to Callaghan, Shauna, Captain from this day forward" he concluded feeling bad for his friend.

"Commodore Sureth has been relieved of command and Captain Shauna Callaghan is now in command" the Computer verified.

Under sedation Sureth overheard Williams words and even with the hallucinations subsided Sureth began to cry as he realized his career was over.



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