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Station Post #29. Temporary Command

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2024 @ 8:09pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Salem & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Location: Ops

Arriving back in Ops Shauna tapped her comm badge. “Commander Wallace please meet me in Commodore Sureth’s Office as soon as possible.”

She looked towards Nic Covenant. “Lieutenant call me if there’s anything that requires my attention.” With that she headed into Sureth’s Office.

" Will do Captain," Nic replied.

" Something isn't right." Salem said to Nic

" The Commodore left here like a rabid dog." Nic replied.

" Yeah Vulcan's don't lose their cool."

“No they don’t gentlemen” Shauna had paused in the doorway hearing the chatter. “All will be explained shortly.”

Both guys straightened up in their seats, " Sorry Ma'am."

Shauna nodded and offered a smile before she stepped inside the office. Taking a seat she waited for David to arrive.

David had been on the lower levels of the station and had made his way up to the operations center, the events of earlier were still playing on his mind, he found Shauna in the office, "What's the word on everything?"

Shauna motioned for David to sit, leaning against the edge of Sureth’s desk. “It seems Commodore Sureth was under the control of powerful drugs, Doctor Ramvek found a disc attached to his neck. As such Sureth is in no state to command, so as of now I’m Commander of this station. My first piece of official business is to promote you to Second Officer of Starbase M69, and acting First Officer until such time as Commodore Sureth resumes his command. Congratulations Commander.”

David had to process what had just taken place, his mind was a slight swirl, "Thank you." was all that came out.

“I know it’s all happened at once, and I can’t say I like it” Shauna sighed. “But I’m not going to allow Starfleet to send anyone else to take over, if I’m in charge then as soon as Sureth is able he’ll can take his station back.”

David snapped back, "I doubt command would send someone right now, have they been able to figure out a timeline for the Commodore and a possible recovery?"

“Not that I know of yet, recovery is expected to take as long as it takes” Shauna offered a brief smile. “We’re running the show until then.”

David switched to autopilot "I'm going to take a forensics team and go over the runabout." he paused almost forgetting the obvious "Has Lt Varen-Dallas been evaluated?"

“Not that I’m aware of” Shauna shook her head, “I’ll mention it to Doctor Williams, besides Isabelle he’s the only other qualified person we have right now. Do you have cause for concern regarding her behaviour?”

"More of a concern about delayed effects incase we have to contend with a second case." David said

“Of course” Shauna nodded. “I’m sure Ramvek is way ahead of us, especially after what’s happened to Sureth.”

"Once the drug used has been identified hopefully there's a treatment." David started, "I don't want to plan for what might happen if nothing can be done."

“Likewise” Shauna nodded in agreement. “If anyone can find a cure it’s Doctor Williams, I have the upmost faith in him.”

"I'll put out a back channel message about the situation and see if I can keep us off of sector commands' radar until we have a handle on things." David said implying that he'd get help from his father on keeping things quiet.

“That would be appreciated Commander, thank you” Shauna offered a smile. “I’ll do my best to be as good a leader as Sureth.”

David paused in thought "I think all we can do is the best possible."

“That’s very true, and we will.” Shauna smiled warmly. “Anyway I’ll let you get on and get used to being First Officer for a while. I have a mountain of reports waiting to be read.”

"Aye Captain." was all that could be said as he had to go do the same now.

Watching David go Shauna settled down at Sureth’s desk, picking up the first of the PADDs she set about reading it’s contents.


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