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Station Post 34 " The Last Call "

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 1:01pm by Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Salem

Location: 9 Sagitarri/Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Life goes on even amongst drama on a starbase as operations would attest. Returning to his role as communications officer it was a normal work day until Lt Salem received that signal again.

The well known 9 Sagitarri had for a long time sent out its pips and squuels but today Salem began reading a pronounced mathematical signal to anyone able to receive it.

" Nic I am receiving that set of signals again. " Salem told the yound Lieutenant.

Nic switched the main viewer to tactical and reverse tracked the signal back to the 9 Sagitarri sector.
" It's just that binary again."

" No it ain't. Those signal are predictable this is something new." Salem insisted.

But that would have to wait as a much closer situation was unfolding just out side the station as once again the newly formed worm hole was opening.

Salem quickly jumped over to tactical and raised the shields as a larger than life bolt of energy ascended toward the station.

" Operations to Command Staff please report to Ops. Repeat please report to Ops.

Moments later David emerged from the lift, "Report!"

" Sir the worm hole opened and a large energy force emerged and is heading straight for the station. Hails have been directed but no response has been detected," Lt Salem reported.

" Sir I raised shields and placed us on tactical alert." Nic Covenant then added.

David looked at the alert board, "Move fighters to alert one status, deploy marine and security units to assigned areas, have emergency shelters ready for civilians, alert sickbay." he circled the command station, "What's the ship count?"

" The only ship in dry dock is the Athena Sir. A Wallace class. Fighters were reassigned to the Breen front and have yet to return. Should I activate station defenses?" Nic asked.

Knowing the writing on the wall, "Put all defenses on standby, get starfleet on subspace and get anyone they can spare here."

Salem acknowledged and turned to his subspace radio. As he worked the energy force got brighter and closer and then suddenly vanished as the brightness on the screen and in the room then became the form of a averaged size female looking being.

" Where is the Dragon Witch?" the being asked to anyone listening.

Nic was too overtaken by the woman's beauty to answer and Salem continued his hails leaving the acting first officer to be the point of contact.

Entering Ops Shauna looked around. “Sorry I was delayed. What’s happening?” She noticed Nic Covenant in an apparent daydream at the sight of the woman she’d just noticed. “Lieutenant...snap out of it!”

The pixie some knew as Jira appeared before them and seemed genuinely concerned with something.

" You there where is Ramvek or Sureth? A great evil has been released from purgatory."

“Commodore Sureth is currently on medical leave. I’m Captain Shauna Callaghan, and this is Commander Wallace, we can call Doctor Ramvek if you require his presence?”

A sweet aroma and dearness exuded from Jira as she looked at both Shauna and Wallace.
" You are so beautiful and strong. These people admire you Cavalier. One here is in deep love with you. And you are very stoic and disciplined. BUT You are afraid no one will give you the respect you want. Your father was cruel to you. You are also a brave Cavalier. But the Dragon Witch is she here? You will know because sickness and strife will follow her until she has consumed all hope." Jira commented.

David couldn't process what he was seeing, he could barely get a sense of what was going on at that exacting second, "How do we stop them?"

Jira then transformed a chair into a recliner and put David into it stroking his face ever so gently.
" Sweet David you are in no danger. We are here now to retrieve the evil Dragon Witch. The Overwatch have brought their deep space vessel with them to secure her and her dragons for the return back to purgatory." Jira replied.

Shauna stood watching Jira fussing over David. “If you don’t mind Commander Wallace has a job to do...”

Jira smiled and reformed the chair to a standard issue stool.
" The Dragon Witch is here. Take me to her and I will remove her and her vileness from this place."

Shauna nodded. “Commander would you please escort our guest to Doctor Williams, he’s currently dealing with the Dragon Witch.”

David started to get a sense of something, "Gladly captain."

Jira smiled and wrapped her arms around David.
" On my world you would be a mighty Cavalier and slayer of Dragons"

David started to feel some disdain for the hug, he pulled away, "I'm good thanks..." stepping back.

Shauna looked towards Jira. “I think you’ll find that you’ll reach the Dragon witch sooner if you don’t interfere with Commander Wallace.” She gave David a nod. “The sooner we get our dragon guests off the station the better.”

Jira frowned and then turned around . Her emerald necklace then turned to black as she disappeared in a glow of white light.



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