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Station Post #8 " Let me Go Home "

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 3:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)
Edited on on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 10:34pm

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS Nazgul


On The Nazgul Daimon Shep was beside himself to get back to Starbase M-69. He had tried to make a prophet and lost big time and now his little ship was in shambles and he was being held captive on a star ship.

Captive in that the ships Captain had made him help with the ships refuge system in that he caused a lot of trouble so to pay back the good deed of saving his life he had to clean out the refuse bins on Delta Watch.

But Lt Odac Yova was enjoying his stay on the Nazgul despite that he wanted to get back home but helping in engineering was not horrible.

The gola issue was fascinating as they had to find a new configuration formula to expand the tractor beam.

Shep on the other hand hated this ship life and all of these Federation types and theor rules and regulations made him want to vomit and often.

If only the great exchange would have just accepted his entrance from this world. Spotting Odac Yova as he came into the lounge Shep smiled and waved him over.

" Hello Bajoran. Come join me for a drink."
" Can't you make any more friends? We've been here for weeks sure you have pissed off everyone." Yova joked.

" The others have no sense of humor. So when are we going home?" Shep begged.
" I kind of like it here myself. But I suppose we need to talk to the Captain about that." Yova replied.
" Yes you should Lieutenant. Tell them you need to get back to your little wifeypoo." Shep urged.

< Later >

Lt Yova later found the ships XO and took advantage of the opportunity.

" Commander might I ask a question?" Yova asked.

Billi, casually walking the corridors as she was heading for the main lounge, halted and faced the man. "Of course, Yova. What's on your mind?"

" Commander I am happy that you saved our lives, from Sheps ship, of course. But do you know if the ship will be going back towards M-69? I still have a wife there and am assigned to engineering on the base." Yova asked.

Showing she thought on that query a moment, Billi responded. "I can take it to Captain Bjorgo, Mister Yova. We're in no rush to get anywhere so getting you back home in good time should be no problem. I can head to the Bridge and discuss it with the Captain." She gave a pleasant grin.

" That would be nice. I would ask but the Captain scares me a little and I am Bajoran. The Ferengi Shep wanted me to ask. I think he hates being the ships janitor." Yova replied.

Just as Yova finished his last sentence Billi felt that ever-so-slight inertia of a ship dropping from warp. Out a viewport the white streaks of a wormhole was replaced by twinkling stars, which immediately began to swing around to show that the Nazgul was turning around. Once the stars straightened out again the USS Nazgul jumped back into warp. Billi reached up and tapped her badge. "Billi to Bridge. Report."

Qeritas, sitting on the Bridge at her comm console, hit her own badge to respond. "Qeritas, here. The Captain has decided to return to M-69, Number One. Maximum warp. It seems he has received a report from Starfleet Command and is in a hurry to get back and find out what is what."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Billi's shoulders visibly relaxed. Lately it seemed as if every time Nazgul had a minute to do her own thing and get back to her duties out here, they got pulled somewhere else. She did not mind since it showed that the Nazgul was needed, and counted on but, there was more than one ship out here. "Billi, out." She tapped her badge closed and looked to her companion. "There we are, Mister Yova. It seems you'll get home much quicker than anticipated. Last I saw, your ship was adrift near to M-69, so I'm sure it is still there and out of the way for normal traffic lanes."

" It belongs to Shep. I came along sort of with out knowing I was going. My wife is going to kill me." Yova replied.

"You're on a Starfleet vessel," Billi said with a smile. "It never occurred to you to call her?" The smile continued as she thought of something. "Just tell her you got seduced by an Orion and were forced to play three-dimensional chess for the past few weeks. I'll back it up." Billi gave a light laugh at that. "But, with the ship heading home at maximum warp I should be on the Bridge. In the future, when Nazgul is in port, I hope we run into each other. I would love to meet your family. But, until then," she gave a chipper wave and walked away.

Yova sulked as he should have called. The Damn Ferengi had gotten him into a major mess and had the Nazgul not have saved them they would be dead now.

" Commander one more question. Do you think I could transfer here? I am a good engineer and tinker."

That stopped Billi in her tracks and she spun on her heel to face him once more. There was a smile on her face. "That can be arranged, Mister Yova. Or, should I say, Odac. If that is your desire I will see to it personally. I'm sure the Captain would not disagree."

" I would love the opportunity to work as an engineer here."

"If it is within my power to grant that wish, then it will be so." Billi gave a smile and wink. "Don't worry about it, though. As Number One I do have the Captain's ear. When we get to 69, pack your bags. If you have a family, more than just a mate, we can place you in a VIP suite as quarters to accommodate for the extra person. Currently, there are no other children aboard but that can always change as we swap out transfers."

" Thank you Commander. I am going to go call Ellie now." Odac smiled.

Rushing back to his quarters Odac too the Commanders advice and made a long distance comm message to Ellie.

Billi smiled as she watched him bolt from the corridor like his hair was on fire. It made her feel good to be there for when the crew needed her. Spinning about she continued on her original course.

[ Eliie this is Yova....I am not dead.]

Ellie was sitting feet up resting, at six months pregnant with twins she was trying to get as much rest as she could. It’d been a while since Yova had contacted her, she was even starting to think he’d had enough of being married.

“So I see” she gave Yova an annoyed look. “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten us.”

[ I don't have long but the Nazgul picked us up. We are heading back to Starbase M-69. I so miss you Ellie. There is a lot I have to tell you. I hope you haven't decided to divorce wasn't my fault." Yova seemed to beg in his explanation.

“Of course not” Ellie offered a warmer smile. “Sorry I’m just tired that’s all. I’ve been worried about you!”

" I have been helping in engineering. I miss being on a ship. There might be a chance to serve here would you want to serve here in science?" Yova asked.

“On a ship?” Ellie paused. “I’m not sure Yova, the twins are due in the next few months and a starship isn’t the ideal place compared to the station.”

" Just something to think about. I lo...." Yova replied but the signal died.



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