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#7 Meeting Number One

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 3:06pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Having placed tags on her bags, Captain Ro Green was set to beam over to the USS Nazgul. With Cosmo by her side she made her way to one of the transporter complexes for the station. Upon entering she ascended the step up to the pads and spun to face the controller. Again, Cosmo was just next to her right leg. "One to beam to the USS nazgul, Ready Room, site to site."

"Aye, Captain." The controller answered her and then tapepd keys quickly. "Ready when you are, Sir."



In the Ready Room, Billi had been removing the decorations and nick-nacks the crew had added to the chamber under Captain Bjorgo. However, as was common, the new CO would have to approve any deco within the confines of what would be their office. It was a Ready Room design from the Pike/Kirk era (SNW interior), so one end was specifically for the Captain's 'office', the rest a conference table and Command Information Center (CIC) for discussing sensitive topics that were need-to-know, and for command staff eyes and ears only. As she took a break Billi decided to put her tush in the chair behind the Captain's desk. As she settled and leaned back was when Billi realized just how comfortable the chair really was. It was extremely comfortable and auto-adjusted for her height and leg length to make sure her feet were on the deck adequately to allow for proper circulation and to not be dangling in any way. Sinking into a minute of internal thinking, Billi stared off into space as she thought on the coming changes, only to be interrupted by the sound of an incoming matter stream, then seeing it light up and deposit an officer in the Ready Room, in the most open spot. Next to the officer was a robot of some kind so, Billi got to her feet and came around the desk.

Having read what was allowed in the CO's personnel file, Billi came to stand at a polite distance from the new arrival. "Captain Ro Green, welcome to the USS Nazgul. I'm Lieutenant Commander Billi, the Executive Officer." She had not reached out yet, not sure if this Green was one who liked to shake hands.

Ro gave a smile in greeting, extending her hand and seeing the comely Orion respond. "Good to meet you, Commander Billi." She chinned down to her right side. "This is Cosmo, my personal pet, servant, and so much more. I think of him more as a son but that tends to creep some people out."

Billi gave a crooked grin as they shook hands and then let her hand drop once accomplished. "Well, Cosmo, you don't creep me out, yet." She went back to addressing her CO. "Good to meet you, Captain. The ship is on port lockdown with the starbase engineering teams going over all systems for maintenance. The crew who were aboard are now on a two day shore leave, and those waiting to board as new arrivals are at the starboard gangway."

It was nice to have a Number One who was on top of things, even when it was something as easy and casual as a port call. She now understood why Bjorgo had trusted the woman. "What is the normal routine for the crew while in port? Stay aboard in their own rooms or, acquire temporary quarters so as not to get disturbed while stuff?" She gave a smile that showed that she too had once been quite a the partier in her youthful officer days.

Billi matched the smile. "They prefer the base rooms for that sort of thing. Better to leave rumors on a massive base rather than a starship of only one-hundred-fifty. I, however, don't care about such things. As an Orion I have no shame."

Ro walked passed Billi, her head on a swivel as she took in the chamber. "Why we ever went away from this interior design is beyond me." Cracking another smile she whipped around to face her XO. "Sorry. As an engineer there are just some things that make me wonder. Anyway," she waved that off. "How are the crew holding up?"

"As good as can be," Billi answered. "We were on mission when Captain Bjorgo suddenly made for home. We all understood why, and I had a lot of explaining to do to the crew, but here we are. They are anxious, as you can guess, not knowing what to expect from you, Sir."

"Nothing too drastic, I assure you." Green said. "I'll have my own personal quirks added to the way things are run but I am not here to shake the entire foundation of what makes the Nazgul tick. I'll need your support, Number One. Changes, no matter how small, take time to adjust. Can I count on you to work with me, Billi?" Ro decided to go common, to see how the Orion would react.

"Of course, Captain." Billi responded. She did not miss the use of her name over a title or her rank. "If you have questions then I will do my best to answer them all."

The Captain and Number One continued to chat and get to know each other over the next few hours, with Billi taking Ro on a walking tour of the ship as they discussed the future and any changes that may come from the change of command.



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