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Post #2 Walkabout

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:25pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:45pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Today was the last day of shore leave before moving the Peel from Space Dock back out into space near the M-69. Any remaining Crew would be called back no later than twenty four hundred hours.

Since only a basic Bridge Crew was needed for the day, Jamie decided to excuse himself and do something he had wanted to do ever since he took command…..walk about the Ship and interact with some of the Crew he normally didn’t come in contact with. To Jamie it was paramount for the Crew not only know who their Captain was but more importantly be comfortable in his presence to some degree.

The first place O’Connell wanted to start was Deck Four at the Intelligence Department. He wanted to check in on Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen to see how see was getting along being the newest member of the Crew.


Captain O’Connell walked up to the Intelligence area noticing the door had a security lock; as it should. Tapping the door button “Lieutenant Jen this is the Captain, I’d like admittance so we can talk.”

Hearing the comm Yesrin went to the door with one hand on her holstered phaser; one can’t be too careful with an area with so much sensitive material. Opening the door she saw it was indeed the Captain as she relaxed her hand and stepped back “Captain O’Connell please come in. To what do I owe the pleasure” she stated as she could sense Jen “Uh oh, the brass is here; now what did you do.”

“Lieutenant I had some free time so I thought I would stop by for a few minutes and see how your getting along” Jamie replied with a smile.

“Captain that’s very considerate of you. Please come into my Office” she commented as she led the way. Once inside Yesrin turned “Please have a seat; can I get you something to drink?”

Jamie sat in the offered seat “No thank you; I’m good. So how are things going for you; hopefully your all settled in into a routine.”

“ Yes, I’ve settled into a routine and I pretty much have of my contact network setup” Yesrin replied with a smile “Now all I’m waiting for is an Op.”

Jamie grinned “That’s good to hear. As far as an Op you won’t have to wait much longer. I was on a call with Admiral Stone awhile ago and in our next Mission you’ll have a prominent part to play” he explained pleased to see that she wanted to get to work “I should have all the details soon.”

“That is welcome news Sir” then she paused “If I may request, I would like the particulars as soon possible so I can do what preparation I need to do beforehand Captain.”

“I can do one better; as soon as I have all the details I’ll be holding a Senior Staff meeting and I would like you to attend…..matter of fact I would like you to attend all Senior Staff meetings from now on since I do consider you part of that staff. I don’t have all that many and they tend to be brief” Jamie explained.

“It would be my honor to attend meetings as part of your Senior Staff” then Yesrin paused “If you wish Captain, I could provide Intelligence on whatever mission the Peel is assigned to; some of course may be more detailed than others” she explained with a smile as she sensed Jen “Kiss ass.”

“Excellent. That would give us a leg up, sort of speak, before we actually embark on a mission. There is no such thing as too much information” Jamie replied “I have one last question then I’ll let you get back to work. How are you finding getting to know various members of the Crew.”

“I’ve only met a few but the ones I have met seem to be very helpful and quite pleasant” she replied.

Hearing that started the wheels turning in the Captain’s head as he stood “I’m glad we had this time to get to know each other a little better and please have a great rest of your day” Jamie stated with a smile.

“Thank you Captain O’Connell and you as well; please stop by anytime”she replied returning his smile.

On that note Jamie turned and left the Intelligence area; there was one more stop Jamie wanted to make.

Yesrin sat back in her chair thinking “That went well and the Captain seems like a real down to earth type of C.O.” then Jen added his thoughts “Actually I kind of like the guy; maybe this place won’t be so bad after all.

[Deck 5]

The Captain strolled into Shuttle Bay 2 hoping to see a young pilot. Looking around Jamie saw who he wanted to see next. Walking up to a young female pilot working on one of the Shuttles Jamie addressed her “Ensign Samantha Barot, good afternoon.”

Samantha, or Sam was her preference, had her upper body down inside the port nacelle on her Type 6 Shuttle that she flew as her own. Dressed in coveralls, with the sleeves rolled to three quarter length, a baseball cap on backwards, work boots, and dirt on her face. Hearing a somewhat familiar voice she stood and turned to see who was talking to her. Seeing who it was, after almost crapping right then and there, she snapped to attention while dropping the spanner on the floor with a ‘clink’ “Captain O’Connell, Sir please excuse my appearance as I’m working on this Shuttle” a very nervous Ensign stated.

O’Connell grinned “Ensign as you were” he ordered as he walked over to the Shuttle “So what seems to be the problem with the nacelle? Then noticing the floor “You may want to pick up your spanner off the deck Ensign.

Realizing where the tool was Sam bent down picking up the item and setting it on the open cover “No problem Captain, I was just tweaking the nacelle for smoother acceleration” she answered being not quite as nervous now.

Jamie grinned “Can we sit for a few minutes, I have some information I want to share with you” as Sam grabbed two stools setting them so one faced the other. They both sat as Jamie began “First off I just wanted you to know how impressed I was with the way you flew the Shuttle severing the cable between that enemy ship and the Peel. I’ve flown that type of Shuttle myself so I know what a great pilot you have to be to get that thing to perform like that” he concluded.

“Thank you Sir, that means a lot coming from you” Sam replied feeling pretty good about herself to be getting a compliment like that from the Captain no less.

“Now for the news. Sometime tomorrow we will be receiving two of the latest Type 9 Shuttles one will have our insignias already on it and the second will be marked as a Diplomatic Shuttle for our upcoming mission” the Captain explained.

Sam couldn’t believe the news and could hardly contain herself “Holy shit!! That’s fantastic news” then Sam realized what she had just said “Begging you pardon Captain.”

Jamie couldn’t help but laugh “That’s fine Ensign, it’s nice to see such enthusiasm. The question is will you be able to fly a much bigger and faster Shuttle” he inquired with some concern.

With a smile “Absolutely Sir, I’ve been flying Shuttles of one type or another since I was in my teens. You see my father owned a Freighter company and I piloted for him when school was out of session” she explained “Give me ten minutes in the pilot’s seat and I’ll be good to go Sir.”

“Excellent! Also those two old 6’s in shuttle bay one will be taken at the time we get the new 9’s so there should be plenty of room between the two shuttle bays” O’Connell commented.

“That’s good to know Captain. Those old shuttles are so broken down they're not even good for parts so it’ll be good to have them gone” Sam replied.

O’Connell stood as did Ensign Barot “Ensign I’ve taken up enough of your time so I’ll let you get back at it. Oh yes I almost forgot, when we get the new shuttles I’d like to have an open comm channel when you take your first test flight so I can share the experience with you, if you wouldn’t mind.”

A big smile came across Sam’s face “Certainly, it would be my honor Captain to have you observing my first flight” she replied.

“I look forward to it Ensign, so we’ll be talking soon then” Jamie answered then turned to go back to the Bridge.


Captain Jamie O’Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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