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Post #1 Upgrade

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 7:41pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Deck 1
Timeline: Current



Captain Jamie O'Connell was looking over his command padd signing off on some recent reports from various departments aboard ship when Comms notified him "Captain, Admiral Stone is on the horn for you."

Placing the padd back in it's pocket on the side of the big chair Jamie stood looking towards his Officer "I'll take it in my Ready Room" then looking at Angel "Commander you have the Conn" as he departed to see what the Admiral had on his mind.

[Ready Room]

Jamie walked in and grabbed a water from the replicator taking a swig before sitting and activating his terminal "Admiral Stone, what a pleasant surprise" he commented with a smile.

"Captain O'Connell good to see you again, it's been awhile. So how are getting on with the new Fleet Captain" Aaron inquired with a smile.

"Good. Captain Taavis seems quite easy to work with; although I don't envy her the amount of paperwork she must have to do being Fleet Captain" he replied with a smirk.

"If you think that's pure boredom try being an Admiral. My desk is littered with pads ninety percent of the time" he stated with a chuckle then continued "Let me get to the real reason for my call. Some time ago you had requested a Shuttle upgrade, or more specifically a new Type 9 to replace an aging obsolete Type 6 if my intel is accurate."

"Yes I did. When they did the last major refit and various upgrades a year ago it would appear they forgot all about the Shuttles. The Peel, as you know, is a very fast capable Ship and I have recommended at least some of the Shuttles be the same to ensure the safety of those piloting them" Jamie concluded hoping for the best.

Stone grinned "Jamie you'll be pleased to know that after reading a few of your 'after action reports' from various missions, especially the one where the Peel was harpooned by an enemy vessel, we are sending you two of our latest Type 9 Shuttles to replace two of your oldest Type 6's. That should give you a compliment of six Shuttles total which is what a Saber Class should be equipped with" came the explanation.

"That certainly is good news and thank you Admiral I'm sure we'll put them to good use" Jamie replied being quite pleased at the news.

"Don't pile on the accolades just yet; I do have an ulterior motive for giving you those Shuttles at this time. One of the Type 9's will have your insignias in place while the second will appear as a Diplomatic Shuttle. After we get the particulars sorted out we'll have your next Mission all set to go. Spoiler alert; this one will be making use of your Infiltration Specialist" Stone concluded.

"Whatever your reasons are Admiral I'll just be happy to have two new Shuttles aboard and those two outdated ones gone for good" Jamie replied "So when do we make the switch; soon I hope."

"That was my next point Captain. Day after tomorrow the new craft arrive and my team will make the switch; soon after that if all goes well then I'll have your next Mission in place. I'll also be sending a detailed account of your Mission for the Fleet Captain to look over and have on file; I'm not looking to ruffle any feathers" the Admiral explained.

"Nor do I since I'm sure I'll be working closely with Taavis from time to time. Also I'll make sure the Peel is parked near the Base; right now she's docked" O'Connell stated.

"That would certainly make the switch a whole lot easier" Stone replied with a light chuckle "I've taken up enough of your time Captain so I'll talk to you soon. Stone out."

Sitting back in his chair while sipping his water, Jamie could hardly believe the good news. After a few moments Jamie tapped his comm "Commander Devroe please report to the Ready Room" came the order.

Moments later Angel came walking in "You wanted to see me Captain" Angel inquired anxious to know what was going on.

"Yes Number One, please have a seat" as she sat looking at Jamie "I just finished a comms meeting with Admiral Stone and wanted to bring you up to speed" he explained.

"I assume we have a new mission then" she commented eager to get to work.

"Yes we will have in a few days. But in the meantime I was informed we have two of the newest Type 9 Shuttles coming our way replacing two of our old worn out Type 6's. So we'll have to move away from the Dock and park somewhere around M-69 to get the new shipment" he concluded with a grin.

Angel smiled "That is good news and we can certainly use those new Shuttles."

"We can, and please keep this between us for the time being, but one of them will be coming looking as a Diplomatic Shuttle for our next mission. Also the Admiral informed me our Infiltration Specialist will also be involved" O'Connell commented.

"That's probably a good thing....I mean she's been aboard for awhile now and really hasn't had the chance to work in her area of expertise. If it were me I think I'd be going nuts by now out of sheer boredom" Angel replied with a grin.

Jamie grinned back "I know what you mean; although I have checked with her from time to time and she's been keeping herself busy between seeing to her equipment and getting a reliable information network together" he explained then paused "On a more personal note; if you don't mind my asking how did your evening of shore leave go."

Angel sighed "Well after the bartender almost escorted this annoying creep out of the place I met a tall, well proportioned women with long red hair, beautiful green eyes with a few freckles" she replied with a smile.

Even though Jamie was a little taken back by hearing 'a women' he tried not to show it "So does this goddess have a name" he inquired with a grin.

"Yes....her name is Erica Montgomery. She is the Commanding Officer on a Star Fleet registered Freighter making deliveries to places like M-69" Angel explained with a smile.

"Angel that is great news, I'm very pleased for you" Jamie replied in a sincere tone.

"Well, we'll see. Between my duties aboard ship and her traveling from installation to installation I'm wondering if we''ll even see each other again" then Angel paused a moment "Not to mention I'm not sure I even want any sort of relationship with another women, I guess I like the idea of men too much."

Jamie sat listening to her intently wanting to offer some sort of support to his dear friend "Unfortunately Angel that's a decision only you can make. Take your time and think it over before doing anything" then he paused "My doors are always open if you want someone to talk to; I am a good listener."

Angel smiled valuing Jamie's input "Yes I know that's a decision only I can make but don't be surprised if I come by your quarters for a chat" she replied "So will you be seeing Katlyn again when you can?"

"You can stop by my quarters anytime; but as far as Kat's concerned I think I'm in the same situation that you may find yourself in. Between me being Captain and her computer business I'm not sure we'll actually be able to connect, so I guess that remains to be seen" Jamie concluded "Anyway I guess we should get back on the Bridge and give Ms. Sanchez some relief."

"Ya, we probably should before Maria sends out a Security detail looking of us" Angel replied with a grin as the two Officers left the Ready Room.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Executive Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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