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#6 The Newest CO

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 5:10pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master}

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


As requested Captain Ro Green entered the foyer for the office of Captain Taavis. She stepped to the desk and looked to the ensign behind it. "Good day, Ensign. Captain Green here to see Captain Taavis."

The Ensign gave a smile and motioned. "Go right in, Captain. Both Captains Taavis and Bjorgo are expecting you."

"Thanks," Green responded as she turned and entered the office of the Fleet Captain, seeing the two captains standing together as they were looking out a viewport. Both half turned to look back, and both gave grins and pleasant expressions upon seeing her. Ro walked up to them, extending her hand to Tore since she already knew Taavis. "Captain Tore Bjorgo, I take it. Captain Ro Green. A pleasure."

"The pleasure is mine, Captain. I say we not stand on ceremony and speak common with each other?" Tore glanced back and forth at both, seeing they gave a nod of agreement. "Good. Easier than hearing captain three times for every time we speak." He chuckled.

"Tore," Green said with a smile. "You're my kind of captain." Her eyes had glanced out the viewport and they could plainly see the Nazgul at her berth along docking arm seven. Her starboard gangway was being attached as they all stood there. "There she is. Having second thoughts, Captain?"

Tore smiled back. "Not at all. I will miss that ship and the stellar crew she is lucky enough to have operating it. But, duties in other areas require my attention."

Taavis cut in. "Ever since the Gola showed up Starfleet has been worried. Now, it has two young it is raising and feeding in the Mutara sector. There have been numerous anomalies detected out there, at random intevals and then disappearing. However, the frequency of these anomalies has increased by 21%, and the Federation Council is worried it might develop into something malevolent. This is why Bjorgo is being called to HQ. There have been items left behind by antagonists. All data indicates these antagonists are from the Mirror Universe."

"Not something any captain wants to hear." Green said. "I figured I was here for command transfer but, now I see it is to inform me of a danger that the Nazgul will be sent to investigate."

Taavis pulled up a PADD, tapped on it, and then looked to Ro. "Captain Green, please shake hands with Captain Bjorgo and relieve him of command. Internal sensors will add this to the logs and Commodore Sureth, Captain Callaghan, and Commander Wallace will receive a message informing them of the change in commanding officer from Starfleet Command."

Green reached out and shook hands. "Tore Bjorgo. I am here to relieve you of your cammand and all responsibilities having to do with the USS Nazgul. As the new Commanding Officer of the USS Nazgul, the ship is in good hands."

"I am relieved," Tore responded with a grin. "I'm glad to see that Taavis chose someone with years of experience as an XO to take over the center seat. Number One is stellar, and she will get you acquainted with the Naz in no time."

Taavis turned off the PADD after adding what she needed to in text before sending the message off to the proper command staff. They needed to be kept apprised of any HQ changes that she was seeing to. "Congratulations, Captain Green. You are now the Commanding Officer of the USS Nazgul, effective immediately. Commander Billi is currently acting captain for the docking procedures but, she has also been sent a message so she can inform the crew of who you are and that you are on M-69."

"Excellent." Green said. "I know my transition will take a few days as the transfer gets finalized across the board, and I input my own changes to how I want the Nazgul to run." She grinned at Bjorgo. "But, I'm sure Tore and I are similar in our command style so I don't see that taking very long." Ro's eyes went back to the Fleet Captain. "I've met one of the new officers transferring in from the fleet. A medical officer. I'm sure there are more, as per usual for starships."

"There are about a dozen leaving for other assignments, and their replacements are waiting at the gangway. You have to be excited to get things moving, Ro. You go ahead now that the transfer is complete. Your ship will be in port for two days for the base maintenance, and then you will be sent back out to the Mutara sector."

"Got it," Ro said, shaking both of their hands and then departing quickly.

Tore watched her go as Taavis did, before he looked over at her. "I've read her record. Almost ten years as an XO. She is loyal, if nothing else."

"And then some," Taavis added. "Her idol is Kirk so her loyalty to the ideals of the Federation are deeply rooted. It was her turn to shine after serving under a commodore who didn't deserve the flag pip. But, that is neither here nor there. Let's get you a ride to Earth, shall we?"

The two of them moved over to her CIC area in her office and began to find him a quick ride back to Sol.



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